Sentences with phrase «knee into»

Dr. Backstein's opinion was that the force of the accident converted Mr. Shaw's asymptomatic arthritis in his left knee into symptomatic arthritis causing Mr. Shaw's left knee pain and two left knee surgeries.
For example, if you shove your knee into your Labrador's chest when it joyfully jumps on guests entering your home, the dog might learn not to jump.
As for the car seat, sit on it or shove your knee into it while you're tightening the belt.
Similarly, since previous studies have found that knee flexion leads to increased gluteus maximus EMG amplitude through active insufficiency of the hamstrings, placing the knee into flexion during back extensions might also be expected to increase gluteus maximus EMG amplitude during back extensions.
Inhale and lift the right leg up, keeping the hip square, and exhale bring the right knee into the chest and round the back.
Bring your right knee into your chest and guide it across your body until you are in a spinal twist.
Either hug the right knee into your chest as you twist or hook the back of your left triceps on the outside of your right knee.
Keep your left knee into your chest and release your right leg down to the floor.
Fold one knee into your chest then let it open to the side, placing the sole of the foot on the inner thigh of the opposite leg.
Exhale and bring your shoulders forward; push the floor away from you with your hands, and bring the knee into the chest, attempting to eliminate the distance between the knee and the forehead.
About 15 minutes after eating, lie on your back and hug your right knee into your belly, with your left leg extended to the floor.
On an exhalation, lift the right knee into your torso, then inhale and extend the leg perpendicular to the floor.
Proceed to slowly raise your left leg up to the sky and then lower the left leg back down as you bend your left knee into the chest and aim to land your left foot beside your right hand.
Make sure that you do not force your knee into the final position and be patient as you move toward achieving this full expression.
-- Now use your planted foot to turn your body 90 degrees to the right and then drive your left knee into the floor while keeping the kettlebell pointing straight up.
Start in plank; tuck right knee into chest.
Begin by drawing the right knee into the chest and roll it over to the left.
Return your hips back down to plank position and then do a reptile crunch to each side, sliding your right knee in towards your right triceps and then left knee into left triceps.
From here, crunch your right knee into the right elbow, making physical contact with it if possible (if not just pull it in as close as you can).
Drive your back knee into the ball as if performing a Muay Thai knee strike, pulling the ball down to meet your knee at impact.
Bend your left knee into a square, keeping the knee aligned over the lower leg so that it doesn't roll either in or out.
Switch sides after 5 - 7 deep breaths bring the left knee into your chest.
Bring the right knee into the chest first and length the left leg all the way to the front of the mat.
Loop a strap around your inner groin, and as you bend the front knee into the pose, your partner can pull firmly on the strap while you resist the back - leg inner groin away from that movement.
Twist Lie on your back and pull your right knee into your chest, keeping your left leg extended.
Beginners often have two problems with this pose: they can't keep their back heel anchored to the floor as they bend their front knee into the pose, and then they can't easily touch the fingertips of their lower hand to the floor once they're in the pose.
Supine (Passive): Have an individual lay on his or her's back and bring knee into hip flexion.
Brace your abdominals, tuck your tailbone under to eliminate any low back curvature, and drive your knee into your chest.
The impact of slamming your knee into the ground can be painful and could risk internal injury.
To release the pose unlock your fingers and as you inhale, lift your torso, step the right foot back and bend the left knee into the High Lunge Pose.
Hold the pose for five to 10 breaths before rolling onto your back and drawing your right knee into your chest.
You perform this stretch by assuming the position, and then driving your knee into the ground and leaning forward into a deep stretch, and then releasing.
Avoid slamming your knee into the ground on the descent.
Do not slam your knee into the ground.
Then shift forward and bring your knee into the forehead.
To add some extra challenge to this movement, lift your standing foot onto your toes when you bring your knee into the crunch.
Bend your right knee into your chest.
Back in your starting plank position, crunch your right knee into your left elbow then your left knee into your right elbow (like a crossbody mountain climber).
When you are ready, bend one knee and draw it into the chest, then draw the second knee into the chest.
Bring left knee into your chest and hold in place the entire time.
Bring right knee into your chest and keep it in place.
Draw in left leg and hug knee into your chest.
Draw one knee into your chest, keeping your spine straight, then return to starting position.
To proceed, draw the second knee into the chest, then send both soles of the feet to the wall above the head.
Place one knee into the band.
Draw your knee into your chest as you exhale, contracting the abdominals and return the leg to its starting position.
Tuck your knee into your armpit, and start to slowly draw circles around your knee with your armpit.
Step ups with knee drive: From standing, step onto a bench on your right foot, bringing your left knee into your chest.
Extend your RIGHT leg completely so that is 45 degrees from the floor and bring your LEFT knee into your chest.
Lift your right knee into your chest, and grab hold of your foot with your right hand.
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