Sentences with phrase «knee valgus during»

However, the contribution of gluteus maximus force production and neuromuscular activity to knee valgus during normal movement remains unclear.
For example, tests are used for identifying the presence of knee valgus during drop landings (Nyman & Armstrong, 2015), knee valgus during the barbell back squat (Kushner et al. 2015; Snarr & McGinn, 2015), or lumbar rounding during the barbell back squat (Kushner et al. 2015; Snarr & McGinn, 2015).
There are some reports that increased adductor muscle activity may be related to the display of knee valgus during certain movements, including bilateral squats (Padua et al. 2012) and unilateral squats (Mauntel et al. 2013).

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Is the client better able to prevent their knee from collapsing inward (valgus) during a lunge (assessing knee stability)?
In addition, there does not appear to be any relationship between gluteus medius muscle activity and knee valgus) during single - leg exercises (Hollman et al. 2009; Nguyen et al. 2011).
Moreover, Lloyd and Buchanan (2001) noted that the gracilis does possess a muscle moment arm that is supportive of knee valgus moments during knee extension movements.
However, there are some commonly - used movement tests using categorical measurements that are much less well - defined, such as for knee valgus or lumbar rounding during the back squat.
Of particular note is the trial by Lubahn et al. (2011), which reported that adding a lateromedial (outward) force during the single - leg squat directed to increase knee valgus actually decreases the muscle activity of the gluteus medius.
Because the glutes contract during hip movement to prevent the knees from caving in (valgus collapse), weak glutes can lead to knee pain caused by excessive stress in the patellofemoral region if this repetitive dysfunctional pattern occurs.
Tighten Your Buns: Glute Bridges or Hip Thrusts One of the most common issues people have with squatting is known as valgus collapse, or the knees collapsing inwards during the «up» phase of the exercise.
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