Sentences with phrase «knew if the places»

She asked a bunch of us if we knew if the places she was going would have a spot for women to breastfeed.
This study puts it at.8 / 1000 for otherwise healthy white women, but I don't know if place of birth was part of the criteria or if home birth transfers were included or not.
Our friends wanted to know if this place has 5 star grading, to which I said no, but their service is definitely better than 5 star.

Not exact matches

The body adapts quickly, and if the demands being placed on the body are no longer challenging, no change can occur.
If any good could come out of all of this, she told me, it would be to spread the word and making sure people know one simple thing: Pets should never be placed in an overhead bin on an airplane.
I use it almost like a check list and if some things are more important than other, they are placed earlier in the day so I know I'll get them done.»
He has a simple explanation for the positive impact of buddying up at work: «If you wake up knowing you're driving to a place where you enjoy the company of the people you work with, your satisfaction is going to be much higher.»
Our brains are very good at remembering spacial information, so if you can imagine yourself walking through a place you know well, you can deposit the images of cards you are memorizing along the way.
Let's talk about all the ways in which you can fail at customer service because if you know where you could fail maybe you'll avoid failing in those places.
If admiring world - class art and indulging in gourmet food are your ideal travel activities, there's arguably no better place in Europe than this Tuscan capital.
You won't actually know if a one - hit winner was smart or just lucky to be in the right place at the right time.
If there's one thing I know, it's that where you place your online forms can have a big impact on how many people will fill them out.
If you're thinking about expanding to a new location or demographic, make sure you've thoroughly studied that market and know that you have the customer base in place before proceeding.
If he had placed his identity 100 percent on the success of his business then, he wouldn't have lasted to become the success we know him as today.
President Trump isn't known to be the most avid reader, if you read and placed your faith in the account of Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury.
«It's important to have software that ensures you have high integrity financial data — a place where your accountant and banker can go look at information and if possible a direct - bank feed, so that the investors know that the information is reliable and from a secure source,» she says.
But Benko knows that in tough economic climates like this one, he can't count on that kind of positive cash - flow balance to just fall into place — especially if sales also come under pressure.
No matter how great a salesperson's work, if he or she is battling demons, Vegas should not be the place for that fight.
If you want to write a book, setting a Challenge that says you'll write for 2 hours a day will automatically trigger some progress and mental momentum, because you know that if you just do that over and over again, for six months, chances are very good you'll have at least a rough draft in place when you're donIf you want to write a book, setting a Challenge that says you'll write for 2 hours a day will automatically trigger some progress and mental momentum, because you know that if you just do that over and over again, for six months, chances are very good you'll have at least a rough draft in place when you're donif you just do that over and over again, for six months, chances are very good you'll have at least a rough draft in place when you're done.
«If you're a beginner and you don't know anything about this stuff, it's actually an excellent place to be because a lot of the stuff that you wouldn't understand how to do on your own, like I didn't, I could just get help from a lot of other people.»
This bestseller from PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel examines how entrepreneurs can shape the future by having the right team in place, knowing whether or not your business will be in business 20 years from now, or if you offer something unique.
If we knew exactly what we needed, we might not have sought an expert in the first place, right?
A coffee shop in close proximity to a university or college is usually a great place to work from, especially if it advertises a strict no - phone calls policy.
Seventy percent of respondents said they believe the world would be a better place if children were no longer exposed to gender stereotypes in the media and in marketing.
For all of that, however, judging TARP is easier said than done — for the simple reason that no one really knows where the U.S. economy would be today if the program wasn't put in place.
If there are like - minded people at a company or a place where you know you will fit in, your decisions will get easier.
«If an employer knows a particular person's abusive conduct places employees at unreasonable risk of sexual harassment,» the judges wrote, «the employer can not escape responsibility to protect a likely future employee victim merely because the person has not previously abused that particular employee.»
So, if you can create a place in your home that is 100 percent for work, your brain will know this when you sit down and you will be far more productive.
They also have to know how to take next steps to working with you, so they are going to be frustrated if you don't place your contact information in some strategic places.
If you want to know more about how the big guys work out problems, check out Justice on the Job, by David W. Ewing (Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1989), a lively chronicle of the creative complaint systems in place at corporations such as Federal Express, IBM, and Northrop.
It's the kind of place you should know about if you are an inventor or have a small company with good ideas but no way to get distribution.
She must have known that if I perform my highest ability, everything else will fall into place.
If you already know you're willing to take the neckband plunge, here are some recommended places to start.
If you have a garage, and it's not filled with, you know, cars and storage boxes full of Christmas decorations, it seems just the most logical place to spread out and tinker.
When you don't know which people are selling your stuff, you don't know if they're selling to the wrong places.
A first - time visitor won't necessarily feel enticed to provide their name and email addresses if they don't know why they're providing them in the first place or what they can expect to get out of it.
You aren't going to have 1,000's of followers after doing a few videos — unless if you have a massive Twitter audience already in place and are a well - known celebrity.
I would never accept a job if I knew that policy was in place.
If you've never been in a specific place before, how else do you expect to know where you're going?
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know neither victory nor defeat.
While Diller doesn't know if Snap can grab the third place spot in the race for online ad dollars (behind Facebook and Google), he said it's still among the top companies out there.
If you don't know what you're looking for and just want the thrill of discovery, tap the magnifying glass and you'll find new people to follow, places to add to your virtual or IRL itinerary, trending tags and posts Instagram thinks you'll enjoy.
For those who have the means but still have doubts, Kevin O'Leary, «Shark Tank» celebrity investor and founder of O'Leary Financial Group, known for his blunt opinions on television, provided a blunt assessment of why more people — celebrities or not — should give: «If you make money, you've got ta give some back, or you go to a bad place after you die.»
«Some cities and towns have geography that is more accommodating for some people than for others... if you know you're introverted, then you may be rejuvenated by being in a secluded place, while an extrovert may be rejuvenated more in an open space,» Oishi commented.
But opting out of superficial chat isn't really an option if you're ever planning on going to a conference, or a cocktail party, or really any place where there are other human beings you don't know that well.
Whenever you're communicating at work, you're wasting time and energy if you don't know the reason the communication is taking place.
You'll want to give your host plenty of heads up and make sure they know they have a place to stay if they're ever in your city.
I do nt know if any other place does this already but i havent seen any that also rent out what they sell.
If you purchase directly from the government, you must place bids for the bonds you want — these are noncompetitive bids because you know and agree to the price you will be paying.
Nonetheless, if things continue to look like they will turn out in that fashion, there will come a time when the exceptional monetary stimulus in place at present will no longer be needed.
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