Sentences with phrase «knew scores of»

I have known scores of AA's that are sober, but the real difference is seen and felt in someone who has recovered.
Within my own experience I know scores of people to whom God has become a reality through their intelligent acceptance of the Christian Faith, and who know experimentally that the resources of God are available to sustain and invigorate human spiritual life.
You all know the score of the game.
Students love to hear compliments on their hair or shoes, but they also love it when you know the score of their game last night and that you heard they played well.

Not exact matches

She chooses to eat certain things for breakfast just because she knows a photo of it will get her a high score.
Talking with SCORE mentors who've been in your business, scouring the state department of transportation website, and talking with officials at the city / town and state level should provide you with everything you need to know.
While progressive farmers like Willemse have been dabbling in «precision ag» (also known as agri - tech) for nearly a decade, the past few years have seen scores of companies, old and new, blitz the sector.
Canadian politicians know there are points to be scored with voters by threatening trade wars, but things could quickly spiral out of control
Return Path offers a free online service,, where you can plug in your IP address, see your score and find out the underlying causes of a bad one so you know what to fix.
Some 45 percent of entrepreneurs surveyed didn't even know they had a business credit score.
Some 80 percent of those in the know about their scores, moreover, considered their funding process to have been smooth, and half of those owners indicated that they were less likely to turn to personal savings to grow their companies.
She develops the habit of memorizing sports scores off the Bloomberg ticker first thing in the morning, knowing that her bosses will ask her about them later in the day.
The study found that nearly 40 percent of small business owners who didn't know their business credit score anticipated growth of less than 5 percent, while nearly three quarters who did, envisioned growth of up to 20 percent.
That means, the more achieved the identity, the more the participants knew who they were, the lower their scores on the measures of procrastination,» Pychyl explains.
For traders at a little - known Denver hedge fund who saw it coming, it was the score of a lifetime — a $ 17.5 million payday on a $ 200,000 bet.
Once you know what you are looking for, a mystery shopping company will design an evaluation for the correct wording, objectivity, and the appropriate weighting of scores.
Reitmans, purveyor of moderately priced officewear in malls nationwide, scored the endorsement coup of the year when the brand ambassador it hired early in 2016, moderately famous Suits actress Meghan Markle, started dating Prince Harry (you know, of Wales) in the summer.
LANSING, Mich. (AP)-- Sports doctor Larry Nassar is on his way to prison for the rest of his life for molesting scores of young female athletes, but the scandal is far from over at Michigan State University as victims, lawmakers and a judge demand to know why he wasn't stopped years ago.
Anyone in lending knows traditional credit scores are going the way of the dinosaur.
Once you make these qualities into a cornerstone of your hiring, you can smile at the fads and fancy scoring systems, knowing that your business is being built on the one foundation that never changes — human nature.
We've found no better barometer of client interaction than front - line team members; they know the score.
But banks no longer trust the scores as an indicator of a borrower's ability to repay.
«I knew we were really onto something when... he took a Snapchat, a little picture of the screen that said, «This was my score
Know your numbers, from your credit score down to the interest rate on your student loans, and take advantage of the bevy of financial tools on the Web.
After all, many of us know someone — a former neighbour or second cousin once removed — who scored big on the lottery.
The point of the meeting isn't to solve problems, rather just to make sure everybody knows the score.
An anonymous bitcoin investor known only as «Pine» has donated $ 56 million to a variety of charities, including the Sustainable Ocean Alliance and the Open Medicine Foundation, The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported this week after scoring an exclusive interview.
«The idea of the «Delight Score» is to help consumers discover restaurants [in the area] that they may not know otherwise,» DoorDash co-founder and CEO Tony Xu told Fortune in a phone interview.
«I'd rather buy something online because I'll know instantly if I've gotten it or not,» says Cohen of NPD, who notes that scoring a Black Friday deal online makes it unnecessary to wait until Cyber Monday.
«There are fans who could care less whether we win or lose or even know what the score is at the end of the game,» says Fanning.
«Regardless of your credit score, one of the keys to improving or maintaining your credit health is simply knowing your score and what the factors are that go into the score,» Manfred says.
It found that children of American homeowners scored no better on math and reading tests than renters» kids, nor did they have lower high - school dropout rates.
In other words, know what's on your credit reports and your credit scores, said Lili Vasileff, a CFP and president of Divorce and Money Matters, a firm specializing in divorce planning.
Only 60 percent of respondents selected the correct answer of «Income,» meaning two - fifths of people might not know all the factors that can impact their credit score.
It was a clever way to score recurring revenue by sending subscribers a container of curated stuff they didn't even know they wanted.
If you're paying your bills on time, utilizing not too much of your credit limit, and only opening new credit accounts when you need to, you'll be able to maintain a good scoreno matter which bureau is reporting it and no matter which version of the algorithm they use.
Brookings Institute researchers found that more than 20 % of Americans have a material error on their credit report that could affect their credit score — and many don't even know.
While Cassin's GRE score was competitive enough to secure her admission to two top business programs — just shy of 700 — she said one thing she wished she had known was how much your standardized test scores follow you, even after the admissions process.
Although we refer to our credit score as one number out of 850 points, you may or may not know that you actually have different credit scores — three credit scores, actually.
Disregarding traffic tickets can be negatively affect your credit score - and not a lot of people know this.
Issuers can give smaller increases without any additional steps, but for larger ones, your lender likely will request a copy of your credit file — also known as «a hard credit pull» — a move that will ding your credit score modestly — typically by 5 points or less.
Knowing what your credit score is and monitoring it on a regular basis should be part of your financial routine.
But you need to know which of the credit score ranges you fall into so you know which credit cards to apply for.
Yet, 45 % of small business owners don't know they have a business credit score and 82 % don't know how to interpret their score.
Whenever I have a chance to meet with small business owners, I often ask how many of them know they have a business credit profile as well as their personal credit score?
In the face of higher interest, knowing how to improve your credit score is more important than ever.
If you don't know what a credit score is, your lender might question if you're prepared for the responsibility of a mortgage loan.
Just so you know, I file single and I have an excellent credit score of 825.
Yet, almost half of business owners don't know they have a business credit score and 82 % don't know how to interpret it.
When you meet with a lender, you should know your credit score and if there are any errors on your credit report, said Kevin Quinn, senior vice president of retail lending at First Internet Bank.
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