Sentences with phrase «knew was pregnant»

I fell in love with this diy crib before I even knew I was pregnant.
Anyway suffice to say, this girl worked with him (knew I was pregnant, what sort of person could she be to do that to another women during what is suppost to be the most precious time of her life?).
For an example, I point to the scene where Beatrix explains why she stopped being an assassin after she knew she was pregnant.
Even before I knew I was pregnant, I knew this summer was the one I wanted to finally embrace the one piece.
I knew I was pregnant for a week this time, having taken a pregnancy test and glimpsed the coveted two lines — there was hCG in my urine!
«Early in my first pregnancy, I remember going out to dinner with my husband [before I knew I was pregnant] and not being able to taste or feel the effects of the alcohol in my drink.
The very next morning I woke up and I knew I was pregnant.
I knew I was pregnant at less than ten weeks, but by the time I took the test, made an appt with an OB and started prenatal care I was just about out of the first trimester of pregnancy.
This time symptoms showed before I even knew I was pregnant.
Fell in love with this buggy before I even knew I was pregnant.
The question here is whether the bosses knew she was pregnant, and if so, whether she was still in a trial period when they found out.
Once we knew I was pregnant, he had our house tested three times for radon — and we don't even have a basement.
It made my subsequent pregnancy after my losses challenging, as everyone around the table for that Thanksgiving knew I was pregnant (and fairly newly so).
Two days later when the phone rang, only my husband and my friend knew I was pregnant.
«I just knew I was pregnant
Of course I knew I was pregnant, and of course I knew that Baby would likely be around seven - ish pounds and twenty - something inches.
I knew she was pregnant before she did.
I was asked why I hadn't called as soon as I knew I was pregnant?
We had already planned a trip for September before I knew I was pregnant.
One time he knew I was pregnant before I ever took the test.
«The first time I knew she was pregnant was when I heard the kids saying, «Travis is on lockdown, he won't be going out anymore,»» Mallory says.
Someone I knew was pregnant because I worked with her.
In spite of her work ethic, one investor blurted out he wouldn't have invested in her had he known she was pregnant.
Among women who know they are pregnant, the miscarriage rate is about 15 - 20 %.
«Around half of all fertilized eggs die and are lost (aborted) spontaneously, usually before the woman knows she is pregnant.
Critics argue that the bill could effectively keep a woman from seeking an abortion before she even knows she's pregnant.
Then God really IS the biggest abortionist in the universe, because MOST pregnancies end in miscarriage, nearly all before the woman even knows she's pregnant.
TLC exploits midgets and «I didn» y know I was pregnant?»!!!
People always talk about it like Jon Jones ran into a woman he knows was pregnant lol.
Before you even know you're pregnant, you think of names for your future children.
You may be surprised to learn that some women who have a chemical pregnancy never even knew they were pregnant, as the bleeding from the pregnancy loss often occurs around the same time as a woman's period.
Most women experience some pregnancy symptoms with many even experiencing such early pregnancy symptoms that they know they are pregnant long before it is confirmed by their doctor!
I know was a pregnant elementary school teacher, I could hardly find time to pee as often as I needed to, so I don't know how you are able to get away to pump.
Most hospitals perform a pregnancy tests on all women of childbearing age immediately prior to surgery to prevent the patient who does not know they are pregnant from having surgery.
Just remember women decades ago didn't have the early pregnancy test and they would never have known they were pregnant until after the missed period — this is why the rate of miscarriage is technically higher these days.
That means it would be about a week after your period ends when an egg is released so you can become pregnant during sex, but you may not know you are pregnant for another 2 weeks after that (at the time of a missed period and positive pregnancy test).
or if you have been identified as a high risk pregnancy, you should consider weaning your child once you know you are pregnant.
Pregnancy books in general They are all very heavy, and difficult to read in bed (I remember being squashed several times under a copy of What to Expect last time, probably while watching a marathon showing of «I didn't know I was pregnant»).
Discovery Health produced the American television series I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant between 2009 - 2011.
Women are encouraged to begin attending meetings as soon as they know they are pregnant or before, if they are interested!
Now that you know you're pregnant, you'll definitely be interested in finding out what is happening to your body through these stages of pregnancy.
My first week of knowing I was pregnant flew by and by week 5 I started getting tired and having pregnancy symptoms.
Every woman is different, so share your story of how your knew you were pregnant at Pregnancy Stories.
I had that glass of wine and I didn't know I was pregnant
For women who know they are pregnant, miscarriage symptoms can be challenging to interpret, as signs of vaginal bleeding or cramping may not always be present right away.
Since fewer than 50 % of pregnancies are planned, it is common for many women to engage in activities that they otherwise wouldn't have had they known they were pregnant.
I didn't know I was pregnant until my mom old me I was.
«One challenge is making sure that they know you're pregnant, particularly in winter when you're wearing a bulky coat,» she says.
You know you're pregnant, but when exactly will your baby make his big entrance?
I recently took a job closer to home, even knowing I was pregnant, that cut my take home pay by a full third.
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