Sentences with phrase «knocking on»

Thank you Jeremy, because instead of knocking on our doors, you've opened your own door and asked us in for a chat.
Is he knocking on your hearts door, today?
They actually have the police guarding his house right now, keeping reporters from knocking on his door.
Sort of like your post is knocking on the door but Jesse's question is the threshold?
Jeff Goins argues that if you do a few simple things like he did, the editors and publishers will come knocking on your door, and you will not ever have to go begging them to get your ideas into print.
Where is Christ standing, in this 4 walls and roof (a particular church) or outside knocking on the door asking us to come out and be what He wants us to be.
There is the same affection for outsiders, whether they be radicals knocking on the doors of Jewish federations or poor Jews in Roxbury and Dorchester.
Folks shouldn't be knocking on doors to preach nor should people that do not believe be doing that.
I like that the drawing itself could be interpreted as the parable - speaking «you need to metaphorically die and be born again (but not literally)» Jesus knocking on a literal evangelical church or it could be the «I am the way, the only way or you are going to literally burn in Hell» Jesus knocking on a progressive church.
I hate it when they come knocking on my door trying to convert me or ask me for money, all the while telling me about a god that they have not one shred of proof about, but who is apparently going to send people to hell forever, because he is soooo loving this god of theirs.
Believers complaining about these sorts of atheist openness while they themselves are open with what they believe (like the people knocking on your door).
When churches engage in door - to - door evangelism, they walk around a neighborhood, knocking on doors to tell others about Jesus.
Answer: Someone who goes around knocking on doors with nothing particular in mind.
no one is knocking on your door.
Preachy?!? Until athiests start knocking on doors to tell people the good news that «you don't have to be a slave to Iron Age beliefs» you can't really call us preachy.
Between phone calls, mailings, and knocking on doors, Reed estimated his pro-family, pro-free market group had 58.8 million voter contacts aimed at the conservative faith community.
For today's culture, painting a verse on your face and praying over touchdowns is about as effective as knocking on a stranger's door handing out tracks.
Serving in Paris, France, she is among the 52,000 Mormon missionaries - most of them young adults; the others retired couples - who are knocking on doors and speaking 107 different languages in 180 countries, according to Lyman Kirkland, a church spokesman.
as far as «your» views on Christ - my advice to you - stick with television - AND STOP KNOCKING ON MY DOOR!
He is knocking on your door and he wants to come in.
Stop knocking on my door!!!!!!!!!!!
Open your eyes when you drive down the street and look for all the church signs that imply atheists are stupid and are going to burn, how many people come knocking on your door to do the same, how many christian messages are on commercials and how many tv channels are committed to religion.
Whether its informal witnessesing, knocking on doors, calling on the telephone, having a discussion with someone at a bus stop or just someone in a coffee shop.
This is at the core of why he believes the message of Jesus Christ is so important right now: Humanity is (metaphorically), knocking on a brothel door, in that they are looking for fulfillment in things that will only leave them empty.
Other methods, such as a TV commercial (23 %), postcard (23 %), church member knocking on the door (21 %), or Facebook ad (18 %) are less effective.
Later I won't remember much of what we do except the coloring: every day we color pictures of Jesus knocking on doors, turning water into wine, helping the lame to walk; the pictures have (unreadable, to us) Bible verses printed under them.
Knocking on Bright's door at Campus Crusade headquarters in Arrowhead Springs, California, was producer John Heyman.
Notice that when we understand an evangelist in this way, the work of evangelist is not accomplish by preaching in a street corner, knocking on doors, or handing out gospel tracts.
well in my city, I count about 8 christian radio stations, I have 5 churches within a mile of my house, a mormon temple, a bunch of christian bill boards, and every weekend I have people knocking on my door..
Nobody likes these last two categories of people knocking on our doors, so why do we want to present Jesus to people in a way that is inherently negative?
I believe that Jesus loves us so much that He will pursue us with His love, knocking on our hearts until our dying breathe.
It's a fundamental problem with Christianity... as they're the only ones knocking on my front door, trying to convert me and my money.
We often bemoan the fact that we don't know the families in our neighborhoods better, but Halloween is one night of the year where most of the neighborhood families will be knocking on your door.
Todd — Jesus was knocking on your door?
You think I don't get people knocking on my door telling me I will go to hell if I don't not change my faith?
Sorry, but scientists don't come knocking on my door every Saturday morning with Alive magazines filled with mis - truths.
Mark Oppenheimer's book Knocking on Heavens Door: American Religion and Counterculture in the Nixon Years will be published in 2003 by Yale University Press.
Because in this one, just this Sunday I had people knocking on my door that would dearly beg to differ.
The Dominicans had no need to go knocking on doors before the next sermon.
It's no different than a Mormon missionary knocking on your door.
Carolers knocking on your door, and wishing to sing songs of mythology, most stores playing songs about round yon virgins.
You won't find them knocking on your door, or demanding the congress enact laws based on their «spiritualism», and so on.
But I'm beginning to think that by listening to squirrels chew holes in my house, God is telling me He doesn't want me to go through any of those doors I've been knocking on.
A: Somebody who goes around knocking on doors with nothing particular in mind.
Needless to say, I'm throwing a block party very soon — and am knocking on each of our neighbor's doors to invite them over for a bonfire, food, drinks, and conversation.
I don't know anyone knocking on Canada's door to receive healthcare.
Would we allow them to go preaching in the nude and come knocking on your door in their birthday suits?
There were people knocking on door, calling me relentlessly, putting little tracts in my mailbox... you name it, they did it.
She's offended by having to wear a Santa hat but I'm supposed to be cool with her knocking on my door at 10 am on a weekend?????
I have had people knocking on my door and have been accosted at public events by people who want to share the «good news» of Jesus with me.
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