Sentences with phrase «know about carbs»

I have more about it here (bottom of this post): All You Need to Know About Carbs on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet In general, meals high in fat are not recommended to be eaten post workout, as they may impair nutrient absorption.
I have more about the difference between pre and post-workout carbs here: All You Need to Know About Carbs on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet I'm also very active and used to do TKD.
I knew about protein post-workout, but I didn't know about the carbs!
We all know about carbs.
I've written something about it here: All You Need to Know About Carbs on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet I know how it is to have hormone issues - moody, emotional, cold feet,... My ultimate aim is to get off meds, so I'm still in the process of learning which foods and how many carbs are good for my thyroid but I don't go below 30 grams of net carbs on most days.
Here is more about carbs: All You Need to Know About Carbs on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet
I have more information about carbs here: All You Need to Know About Carbs on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet and here: How Many Carbs per Day on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet?
Here's more about carbs: All You Need to Know About Carbs on a Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet and also total vs net carbs: Total Carbs or Net Carbs: What Really Counts?
Although my initial plan was to include this post in All You Need to Know About Carbs on Low - Carb Ketogenic Diet, I decided it deserves to be discussed separately.
Another thing you'll want to know about carbs before factoring them into your weight loss diet is that, similar to fat, there are certain types you want to eat, and certain types you want to avoid.
Find out what you need to know about carbs, fiber, resistant starch.
Terri Freeman knows all about the carb cravings.
Most of you know about Carb Back - loading at this point, or have at least heard a few things here or there. «Top 5 facts you should know about carb cycling and fat loss!»

Not exact matches

A carb - free diet isn't something I know too much about.
If you've seen my Instagram, you know that I am a fan of carbs, so let's talk about my favorite carbs in the pantry.
These days I feel okay not knowing them and don't worry about a day of more carbs or fat because I rationally understand it'll all balance out in the big picture.
But I know you talk a lot about the lesser carb, carb ups, like maybe 50 to 100 grams of carbs from sweet potatoes and stuff.
Ten months since making the first low carb batter recipe, I know a thing or two about working with coconut flour.
With #SundaySupper talking about easy picnic recipes, I know it was time to share these tasty low carb ham pinwheels with the world!
I don't know about your kids, but my kids like to eat sugar... and carbs and lots of things that aren't good for them, especially for breakfast.
I made them with my kids and they lived them!so glad to have a sweet treat to give them that i do nt feel guilty about I was wondering if you knew the calories, fat, carb and protein amounts, thanks!
The important thing to know about vegetables is that they are all carbohydrate containing foods, but some are much higher in carb count that others.
I know it's gluten free, but what about the net carbs?
I know all about craving carbs and what overindulging can do once you get past a certain age!
I have some friends at church who are struggling to eat low carb, so will be sure they all know about this angel who makes eating fun again!
Healthy Low - Carb BLT Recipe We all know BLTs are all about the bacon, so why not scrap the bread?
I don't know a thing about low - carb baking and don't mention low - carb anywhere in my post.
No idea what the benefits are of living high - fat, if you don't know what ketosis is, or you're curious about low - carb living?
Everybody knows there are a ton of carbs in candy, grains and delicious baked good — but what about carbs in milk?
Continuity of care midwife, great relationship with knowledgeable midwife, lots of interaction and talking with children about birth and baby, stand ing strong in the face of medical opposition, eating vegies and staying away from sugar and carbs, empowered by Blessingway ceremony, contractions started and stopped, sleep in between, wanting pool but clear about at what temperature, different kind of pushing, more power required and more lucidity, her body knew how to give birth and her baby knew how to be born
If you're venturing to obtain weight, the diet must comprise about 40 % carbs; there could be no more reliable source of this nutrient than potatoes.
If the little hole (known as carb hole) inside the idle needle (usually about 1 mm in size) doesn't close fully, you are set.
Also, you should know that people in the low - carb group ate about the same amount of calories from fat as they did before they entered the study, and this means the same amount of saturated fat as well.
But even for these people, I wouldn't recommend long - term NO - carb diets (again I go into detail about the «why's» in THIS blog post — check it out).
Maria Emmerich talks to Wendy this week about her new book Keto - Adapted and the benefits of ketogenic diets, also known as low carb / high fat.
I know we talk a lot about the macronutrients - the carbs, protein and healthy fats you need - but you also need the MICROnutrients from greens and plants for essential body, brain and hormone functions.
This will help assist your metabolism, but you should know that while your intake of carbs should be high, it should also be very low on fat and about the same on protein.
I've made it super easy for you to do what I do with my 4 - week program — just packed with helpful insight about how to know what foods to eat every day, what the right amount of protein is for you, what the right kind of carbs are, how to order when you're eating out — all the practical knowledge you need to know without having to go to school for nutrition.
Beginners who are not that knowledgeable about nutrition and training would usually reduce their fat consumption even eliminate it altogether, but those who've been in the game longer and took the time to do some research know that it's the amount of carbs you consume daily that will prevent you from losing weight, not the fat.
I know we talk a lot about the macronutrients and the carbs, protein and healthy fats you need, but you also need the MICROnutrients from greens and plants for essential body, brain and hormone functions.
So cutting carbs drastically is a no - no, rather cut about 500 calories, see how your body reacts and fine tune from there.
All of those negative things you've heard about carbs always refer to the «bad» kind (simple carbs), which you now know you should avoid.
And then, in the evening, I uhm — I have to finish eating by 6:30 uhm — and I, generally, will have some kind of uhm — complex carb like — you know — I'll have cauliflower, broccoli or I'll have some Kale or uhm — uh — little salad in about four or five ounces of protein.
I know it's gluten free, but what about the net carbs?
And for anyone listening to this, and — you know — when you hear the word Paleo, what we're trying to talk about is kind of ancestral way of eating, typically, cutting out inflammatory foods, cutting out foods that are high in toxins and try to really increase nutrient density, so, typically, healthy meats, lots of good veggies — you know — the — the — the right amount of fruits and starch and carbs for you and — You know — I — I tend to use the term Paleo template because we can really adjust in the macronutrients.
Have seen friends carb cycle for comps & become pretty cranky / tired, and I know myself too well to do it personally — I'd become too obsessive about it.
I know that for a regular sedentary person, carbs aren't necessary at all, but what about for a highly functioning strength / power athlete?
I have some pretty bad eczema, fatigue bloating, etc... I feel like my only option is to do the candida diet cleanse because when I eat any amount of carbs i get really bloated and my skin flares up, but I've read about and try to follow the plant based diet because of how animal products are no good for us.
I weigh 145 lbs I train 6 days a week... lifting weights about 90 mins per day... would love to know the exact amount of carbs..
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