Sentences with phrase «know about the curriculum»

Victor Pereira instructed me in a three - semester sequence of Science Methods and so much of what I know about curriculum design and inquiry - based instruction comes from him.
«When I'm in the grocery store, parents come up to me and say they don't know about the curriculum we're using, but that their son or daughter's vocabulary and their knowledge about the world is so much better than it was.»
How much do your parents know about the curriculum?
He's devoted himself to learning everything there is to know about the curriculum and North Shore Animal League America, so he can tie it all together for people who may not know what we are all about.

Not exact matches

Unless we carefully integrate biblical education throughout the entire curriculum, across every subject and grade, it would be very easy for our graduates to know more about Achilles and Dante than Abraham and David.
Do you know there are no courses about financial literacy in our k - 12 school curriculum?
As you may know from reading here about my experiences as a volunteer with that organization, Recipe for Success offers school kids a wonderful «seed to plate» curriculum that changes the way they understand, appreciate and eat their food.
No, it was not about curriculum.
If you are concerned about knowing which math level to place your child in using a certain curriculum (for example, Singapore Math), there are many homeschool curriculum publishers that offer placement tests.
If your child wants to know about a particular country, or subject, then you can follow the interest together rather than being limited to a specific curriculum at a specific time.
My doubts about ACE have been because I know it's workbook - based, not very creative, and rather formal, and up to now I've avoided anything resembling a curriculum.
A Waldorf curriculum writer is not going to know about my tiny location in the Southeast, our particular ethinic and cultural background as a family, our particular interests, our health challenges, and what is around me regarding places of geographic, cultural, and historical interst!
Designed to teach young children about the importance of building healthy bodies and saying «no» to substances that can hurt them, the curriculum helps children develop positive feelings about themselves, and gives them practice in making appropriate decisions in the face of peer pressure.
Want to know more about the curriculum?
We need examples of curriculum materials that are informed by practice and research and by what we know about how students learn, and the core concepts that we've agreed all students should learn,» said Malcom, an advocate of a more diverse and inclusive educational approach for students, including those from backgrounds underrepresented in the sciences.
«As a scientist, I don't know enough about curricula, or about how it is to be in the classroom.
With regards to the training skills and confidence of healthcare providers, currently, FGM is not included in the curricula of most medical, nurse, midwifery and public health training and recommendations about clinical management, refibulation and legislation on FGM are not well known, states the paper.
To know more details about the course content, dates and curriculum please feel free to contact us!
Interestingly, the committee's conclusion with respect to exit exams does not pick up on the full report's emphasis on the importance of the design features of incentive systems, which include warnings that tests aimed at ensuring minimum competency may lower expectations, and concerns about both the potential narrowing of the curriculum and the tendency for score inflation on a known test.
Kids who know how to ask good questions are better at answering them, and in order to ask good questions about a curriculum topic, the kids have to understand it first.
I was trying to break out of the chronological textbook curriculum that would have had us, I don't know, making a Venn diagram about the differences and similarities between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution — or something equally forgettable.
Principals, curriculum leaders and teachers, please let us know what you're doing and thinking about assessment by filling in our online survey.»
Palmer has created a Web site to support her campaign to improve the quality of British primary education by returning decisions about curriculum to the professionals — the teachers — who know best!
Classroom Instruction — It's About the Journey, Not Racing to the Finish The No Child Left Behind Act and achievement tests that test the entire wide curriculum require teachers like Max Fischer to get control of the curriculum; to examine how best to create learning experiences that make important concepts memorable.
This 27 page pack has been designed by a sculptor with 20 years of teaching experience for teachers who want to know more about sculpture and how to teach it as part of a broad Art and Design curriculum for Secondary / High School students.
The school board was not in a position to know right or wrong about any matter of policy — we were then arguing about whether the board should have a curriculum committee — because the board didn't have the facts, which it didn't have because it was the superintendent's job to have them (and keep them).
A group of leading researchers will present a consensus statement summarzing what is known about pre-K costs and benefits, curriculum, financing, and more.
Though academic debate about mathematics curricula will no doubt continue, the field of argument is increasingly muddied by politics.
«We know a lot about effective curriculum but almost none of that is out there when you look in the field,» he said.
When the curriculum was completed, I felt confident about the lessons we had created, but knew this meant nothing if they did not resonate with the students.
Previous to this study, relatively little was known about the impact of teacher quality in higher education because common postsecondary curricula and standardized assessments are rare.
Given what we know about learning, why don't schools look more like California's High Tech High, with its emphasis on project - based team problem solving and the relevance of curricula that cross traditional content domains?
In short, the way we organise the school curriculum (and the way most of the world organises the school curriculum) is not consistent with what we know about the conditions for successful learning.
«It's about knowing the curriculum and what you want to focus on, knowing your students really well, and thinking through a logic train of how to progress to those really rich, deep ideas that you want to get to.
The curriculum is a hybrid of knowledge from business schools and the military on the subject of leading and managing complex organizations and of what the best educators here and abroad know about instructional leadership.
«Australia is investing record funding in education that will continue to grow, all targeted based on need, and the Turnbull Government is focused on improving student outcomes through measures we know are effective — teacher quality, a better curriculum, greater parental engagement and support for principals to make local decisions about their local school,» he said.
«While those five factors are not representative of all schools it's helpful for teachers to know that these are the different ways students think about responsibility so that in their engagement with students and the way they structure their curriculum, develop policies in schools, this is part of the knowledge base that can inform their decision making.»
«I needed to know a lot more about how to pace myself through curriculum and deal with dicey parental issues in my school,» she says.
It covers the following National Curriculum learning objectives: - develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and understanding by: listening to, discussing and expressing views about a wide range of contemporary and classic poetry, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that at which they can read independently - becoming increasingly familiar with and retelling a wider range of stories, fairy stories and traditional tales - drawing on what they already know or on background information and vocabulary provided by the teacher - making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done - answering and asking questions - predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far - using dictionaries to check the meaning of words that they have read - checking that the text makes sense to them, discussing their understanding, and explaining the meaning of words in context
Here's what we know so far about the quality of the curriculum.
I would also want to know the level of commitment to integrating technology into the curriculum and about the district and PTA commitments to making resources available to that end, added Haws, who is principal at Oakridge Elementary School in Arlington, Virginia.
Knowing that Finland does not use standardized testing, I am curious to learn more about how Finnish teachers build and connect assessments to their curriculums.
After four days of non-stop conversation with Finnish and US educators about teacher preparation, student voice, curriculum development, special education and parent engagement, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed that I know so little about the habits of leadership that have grown out of Finland's self - named education «miracle.»
The latest draft of proposed common academic standards offers more - detailed expectations of what students should know and be able to do by the end of high school in math and language arts, but also notes that some decisions about curricula should be left to individual states and schools.
I knew that museum education could be an exciting platform for the kind of work I wanted to do with young people, but I knew I first needed to learn more about the public school system, educational policy, and curriculum design.
Whoever these individuals are, they should be alarmed by how little we know about the efficacy of various sets of materials, and all the more so given the handful of studies — including the one we describe here — showing great potential for more effective curriculum materials to improve student achievement.
Students also spoke about the power of «knowing you are progressing;» the schools curriculum is flexible enough that even if students are not on pace to complete a course in a single trimester, they are still making real progress toward graduation for every competency that they master.
Daniel's teacher is enthusiastic and creative in her teaching, but she knows nothing about how to adapt a curriculum to the learning style of a child with disabilities.
This resource is an excellent way for students to get to know the Tudor period and learn about all of the key themes and topics within this key part of the curriculum.
In tandem, UbD and DI help educators meet that goal by providing structures, tools, and guidance for developing curriculum and instruction that bring to students the best of what we know about effective teaching and learning.
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