Sentences with phrase «know obscure facts»

Like many get - to - know - you games, this game offers you a way to get to know obscure facts about friends or coworkers.

Not exact matches

Here the thriving community of Judaism was sufficiently vigorous to attract proselytes; and in this century the Greek - speaking community of Judaism began the translation of its sacred writings from Hebrew (by some forgotten and by others never known).28 The details are obscure, but the central fact is not in question.
We know plenty already about this historic team but here are some facts about Manchester United that may just be a little more obscure. For each game there's not only the match details, but also information about the history of the club we played (no matter how obscure) and through this we have once again come up with some unexpected facts (and a few half - proven suppositions too!)
I appreciated the fact that emerging actors starred in the film, together with well known ones like The Rock or Jack Black, however, I must also say that the well known actors have not obscured the emerging ones, which is great!
However, I don't think we can allow our sentiments to obscure the fact that we can no longer afford to continue providing our children with schools that run on little more than blind faith and good intentions.
Today, a new 500 - word entry about Celestina, who is sometimes known as the «singing sorceress,» provides never - before - known facts about this obscure character whom readers never «meet» in the Harry Potter series although she is mentioned several times and is Molly Weasley's favourite singer.
I am still amazed at the fact that no matter how obscure the product may be that I am searching for, Amazon has it.
The 500 - word entry about Celestina, who is sometimes known as the «singing sorceress,» provides never - before - known facts about this obscure character whom readers never «meet» in the Harry Potter series although she is mentioned several times and is Molly Weasley's favourite singer.
Marth, Lucina, Robin and Ike - Used for Codename Steam which led to people buying them like crazy plus the fact that they are still obscure to the general public means that they won't be in production as much as characters that are actually known.
It's a well known fact that American and European box art for games have differed quite significantly over the years, with American box art having a more masculine edge to them, with action being the focus of the art, whereas European art tends to reflect a more creative aspect, focusing on a more obscure and contemplative angle of the design.
Steve Reynolds, The fact that the sign is not known for clouds may indicate a variety of things: 1) lack of data, 2) the net effect may be near zero, 3) the mechanism may be obscure or there may be competing mechanisms that make it difficult to determine how to include the effects in the model.
Goodness knows there are enough obscure quangos for that to be plausible, but the fact such a body is named, but it isn't listed, is suspicious.
Anyone obscuring that fundamental tool — obscures the science we know explains that the CO2 increase is in fact from fossil carbon.
Why ought «hide the decline» do this now, starting with those events of 15 months ago, when the term «hide the decline», and the facts of the use of the technique, where known from the start, and relatively obscure nothings compared to the wider issues at question?
When you hold positive illusions, your view of your partner is also more positive than your partner's own view of her - or himself (e.g., You: «my partner is tremendously smart, a regular Jeopardy champion»; Your Partner: «I happen to know a few obscure facts»).
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