Sentences with phrase «know other»

As long as the group is small and intimate enough for each member to know the other — a condition that rarely survives the early stages — great intensity of feeling, great solidarity, and great activity will characterize the members.
Friends know each other and should be patient with each other.
that we sit in a building for two hours and many congregants never know each other on a venerable and honest level, but instead we keep the show going like the priests did in the old covenant temple after the veil was torn.
Will we be united and know each other?
In the constant sociability of our age people shudder at solitude to such a degree that they know no other use to put it to but (oh, admirable epigram!)
However, I have, and I know other pastors who have, let their concerns about «teh bottom line» get completely in the way of being able to be truly present to people.
I love my bandmates and we know each other so well.
No pressure to answer me here (or at all since we really don't know each other)-- just some food for thought...
Since you lack specifics about such claim, and you have not visited me personally, therefore I do not know the other people also I am going to dismiss your claim as false.
@Dear God — you obviously know no other languages.
We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise (each other).
Violence on TV, unlike real life violence, rarely occurs between people who know each other well, and most of it does not result from rage, hate, despair, or panic, but from the businesslike pursuit of personal gain, power, or duty.
That's what I was raised to believe and it's one of my core beliefs as a Christian (although I know some other Christians feel differently about that, of course).
There are MANY consistent UFO stories, even by people who don't even know each other, but you don't accept that those people were abducted by aliens do you?
Did they KNOW each other through synagog?
I know other religions aren't your strength but heck, it is just a cartoon.
Without one, we could not know the other.
These are kids who know no other country, who were brought here by their parents and don't know another home.
A couple in their late sixties likened their current stage to their courtship days, but with the added joys of having learned to know each other fully through forty years of shared experiences.
There is a cusrom in many countries, Italy, Greece and Turky come to mind, that when two men who know each other, meet, they kiss each other on the cheek, as a sign of respect.
We must seek to create conditions that will help prevent haughtiness or false expectations, and should work to create relations wherein white and black pupils will know each other and have respect.
Things such as the Zimmerman verdict reflect that «we don't know each other as well as we think we do,» he says.
Its much easier when its folk who know each other face to face — they can guage the body language and views of the other more easily.
You and I don't know each other, nor will we ever, so I can not speak to your intelligence.
You guys must know each other!
I know other Muslims who have left behind the ritual to just pray heart prayers.
Ideas beg to be shared, and by sharing them, you come to know the other person far more intimately than through adventure or sport.
But everyone else seemed to know each other.
Because, Joshua, you and others mention him continuously despite the fact you know some other people don't care or want to hear about it.
Like many other leaders, I was told «We know each other by the Spirit, and that's the most important way to know someone.»
Hey everyone, people that go to church know the other people that go to church better than the people that do not go to church.
A new language was audible among people who otherwise did not know each other, who had discovered a strange friendship in communion with Christ.
But I'll tell you it's great to know other people understand.
Not only do we all know each other, we regularly run into each other on the street during the week.
@KEV: «what would be the solution but to try it out for yourself, because your not going to know any other way.»
Entertaining is a form of fellowship, and is a great way to get to know other people.
In the next two posts in this series we will discuss getting to know other people by spending time and sharing space with them, and getting to know them by hearing and knowing their stories.
While I can not vouch for this group, I do recommend activites that men feel comfortable getting to know each other in.
Fascinating, that the idea of sharing a meal between people of different faiths, getting to know each other, values, reasons for beliefs, the history, the personal stories of why their faith matters... and seeing the conversation of T.V. (which sounds very interesting to me) should provoke such unattractive comments is sad.
I'm more of an agnostic than an atheist, but I know other atheists and none of them are as hateful and deplorable as this Perce fellow appears to be from the article.
People have gotten to know each other.
I do nt know any other religion that has made itself fat with wealth throughout the centuries from others sufferings.
We do this so we can get to know our neighbors better, and so they can get to know each other better.
We're helping build community, a community where people know each other and care about each other, a community where people talk about inconsequential things as well as about really important things, including Jesus.
That too will work if both parties agree on the system, trust each other, have a common sense of direction and know each other well.
- Read the Bible - Pray to God - Attend A Bible teaching church - Get to know other Christians - Share your faith - Write to us!
When you invite a person to believe in Jesus for eternal life, it is unlikely they will do so unless they know some other gospel truths as well.
But in this story, we were just chatting quietly in the back of a room, getting to know each other.
I am all for the truth being exposed and people sharing their views, I think you and I know each other well enough that you know I am not interested in shutting anyone out or down.
In short, we'll know God the way husbands and wives know each other after long years of marriage.
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