Sentences with phrase «know the substance of»

-LSB-...] he got to know the substance of the lives of rich people after studying them for five years.
But it's also a fair gauge of how much weight each party gives to the importance of lawmakers knowing the substance of the issues they are legislating on.

Not exact matches

What had brought federal investigators to the doors of its Colorado distribution center were questions about the company's processes around a small and highly regulated subset of those pharmaceuticals known as controlled substances.
«I edit the substance of the interview to clean up any background noise, remove filler words like «um» and «you know,» and generally tighten things up a bit,» O'Shea Gorgone says.
Plus, distributors don't have full visibility of a pharmacy's orders of controlled substances; they only know what they deliver.
Dr. Louis Baxter, executive medical director of the Professional Assistance Program of New Jersey and an alcohol and substance abuse consultant with the NBA and NFL, told me that it's one thing for CC Sabathia to voluntarily announce that he is going to rehab, «but the public doesn't have a right to know this information, and Sabathia wasn't obligated to disclose it.»
The dangers of addiction are numerous, no matter what the focal point of the addiction is — though of course, some substances are more dangerous than others.
The main contender for the substance is a type of hypothetical particle known as a «weakly interacting massive particle» (WIMP).
It comes to us from a U.S. Army general we know who got so sick of updates without substance that he banned gerunds from his subordinates» reports.
Did you know that 65 percent of on - the - job accidents are related to substance abuse?
Peskov, commenting on the U.S. intelligence report, said: «You know, that version of the report that was made public added no substance whatsoever that we can comment on.»
I believed I had special powers, the report noted; I knew «when the end of the world was coming due to toxic substances» and felt that I was the only one who could stop it.
He has indefinitely delayed the issuance of regulations on the use of, among other lethal substances, trichloroethylene, which has been known for more than half a century to turn drinking water into poison.
They meant his creativity in sourcing pre-crisis loans and then selling them based on unconventional appraisal methodologies; the loans went bad, the investors are suing Credit Suisse, and I don't really know or care that much about the substance but it is always harder to argue about the good faith of your loans when you have e-mails from your own bankers calling them naughty words.
I would have to say, taking into account the number of injuries you could have worked on personally and the likelyhood of them being Atheists and the likelyhood of you knowing this ahead of time that the person was an ACTUAL Atheist or God Hater (have not met one of them) I sort of think you are embellishing just a bit get your some point across that has little substance to begin with.
They say then that it is more simple to believe at once in the eternal pre-existence of the world, as it is now going on, and may for ever go on by the principle of reproduction which we see and witness, than to believe in the eternal pre-existence of an ulterior cause, or Creator of the world, a being whom we see not, and know not, of whose form substance and mode or place of existence, or of action no sense informs us, no power of the mind enables us to delineate or comprehend.
I believe she's sincere, and in that regard she's no different than any other Republican who is full of hyperbole and empty on substance.
For Pete's sake read the Bible and note how clearly God is not of substance known to man.
You could spend all day correlating causation in a classical quantum state with the form and substance of the Holy Spirit yet never publish an accepted study simply because «my god did it» is not a reasonable explanation for things that are not known.
Another kind of faith, you may call it that if you want, is the substance of things that have substance and the evidence of things we know and of things that have worked for us in the past.
Naturally, all serious students of Whitehead know that societies rather than actual entities are the true counterparts to the Aristotelian notion of substance.
They can not exist in the substance of bread since the bread is no longer present and they can not have their existence in the substance of Christ's body because the substance of a human body is not the proper substance for the accidents of bread: human bodies simply do not have the texture, colour, and so on, of bread.
The logical model in terms of which the mind with its ideas, and substance with its attributes were conceived as unified wholes was that of the subject with predicates, which also had become something quite other than what it had been for Aristotle, since universals were no longer thought of as «forms.»
Later Jesus shows Jared's brother his whole body, which, it turns out, is a pre-mortal spirit body, comprised of a finer material substance than anything known on earth.
Finally, in the justly famous, but very obscure section of «Force and the Understanding» known as the «Inverted World,» the metaphysical distinction inherent in all designations such as inner - outer, intelligible - sensible, noumenal - phenomenal collapses, and with it the attempt of substance or «essence» metaphysics to evade contradiction by locating «contradictories» (or contraries) in ontologically disparate realms.
I know it's right to say that Jesus was truly human, of one substance with us in his humanity, but surely that's only a part of the message.
We have here an updated version of Kant's criticism of the Leibnizian monad in the «Amphiboly» in the Critique of Pure Reason: the spatially situated existent is indeed made up of relations rather than being a substance containing its «inhering» attributes internally as predicates which are part of its concept; only the relations are no longer those of the synthetically connected manifold, but the relational connections between the particulars of modern functional or mathematical logic, expanded to include within itself the spatial and temporal relations which Kant could only account for by means of the synthetic a priori.
Once I finally recognized that the bible was a signpost pointing to The Truth, and not the truth itself, I could no longer be content in a religion that draws all of its substance from this imperfect work of men.
How can you possibly know every person on the planet, what the substance of their enlightenment might be, or who they are and where they came from?
There remained now no canon, except again personal opinion, by which to redefine the very nature of inspiration, let alone to distinguish between the substance of doctrine and its mode of presentation — a distinction they had never been willing to admit before in any case.
The complex substance is a unity of being because a «thing» is what God knows it to be -LSB-... T] he Being of God -LSB-...] as Pure Act is the only sufficient reason for the unity and entity of every form of being, and the overall unity... of Nature.»
As a matter of theology, the word asserts that «whatever is divine» in Jesus, his deity, is as truly and fully divine as very God himself; but as a matter of religious conviction and experience, it is the assertion that very God, in all his mystery and in all his glory, is of «one substance with,» is the same reality as, that which in Jesus Christ we have been given to see and know and touch and feel.
His point is that we only know the real essence of some substance when we know the operations of that substance and the diverse causes that concur in the accomplishment of such operations.
Zod's apologia, «every action I take, no matter how violent or how cruel, is for the greater good of my people,» would be out of place in a Trump speech as a matter of style, but not of substance.
I know a lot of people who were addicted to substances that ended up finding solace in religion — it's another addiction but at least it's not killing them.
You'll find a wealth of information and newer, more enlightened ideas about treating substance abuse problems than you can imagine — just because they're not as widely known and universally accepted as AA doesn't mean they don't contain better, more effective ideas.
Of course, water is no different than most other substances — they all CAN exist in three states, but the problem is that they exist in only one state at a time under particular conditions of pressure and temperaturOf course, water is no different than most other substances — they all CAN exist in three states, but the problem is that they exist in only one state at a time under particular conditions of pressure and temperaturof pressure and temperature.
You know, this author wrote a thoughtful, balanced article, but many of the «comments» I have read so far are short on substance and heavy on cynicism.
There can be no doubt that in the case of sensation for Aristotle one substance is in another just as much and virtually in the same way as it is for Whitehead, despite the latter's claim to the contrary (cf., e.g., PR 79).1
The Thou whom I thus meet is no longer a sum of conceptions, nor object of knowledge, but a substance experienced in giving and receiving.
Now explain how, in one instance, the «hallucinating» Muhammad knew that a fetus is formed from substances such as semen, blood, etc. in the womb of the mother?
There are differences, thirdly, as to the nature of the object — whether it is material reality, thought in the mind of God or man, pantheistic spiritual substance, absolute and eternal mystical Being, or simply something which we can not know in itself but upon which we project our ordered thought categories of space, time, and causation.
Both Sartre and Merleau - Ponty build on Bergsonian along with Husserlian foundations and succeed in answering, to a significant degree the questions surrounding this first concern.77 The second aspect is the metaphysical issue of the concrete relation of the vital and the inert (or being and non-being, if you prefer a traditional vocabulary), including the role of consciousness treated as «a substance spread out through the universe,» to use Merleau - Ponty's description of Bergson.78 In the first aspect we ask what consciousness does and what it experiences or «knows» as a result, while in the second we ask about the relationship between what consciousness is (in relationship to everything else that is) and what that has to do with what it does.79
His doctrine of two separate substances, extended matter and thinking mind, each sort of substance requiring, with God bracketed out of the picture, nothing other than itself in order to exist, rather unceremoniously threw mind, that is, distinctively human being, out of nature and left philosophy with the hopeless task of trying to figure out how a mind outside of nature, a mind not of nature, could ever really come to know nature.
If this is sum and substance of political speech, then it seems nobody knows what the hell they are talking about.
«We speak on this subject very cautiously and diffidently,» he writes, «rather by way of discussion than coming to definite conclusions... We suppose that the goodness of God will restore the whole creation to unity in the end... If anyone thinks that matter will be utterly destroyed, it passes my comprehension how all these substances can live and exist without material bodies, since to live without material substance is the privilege of God alone... Another perhaps may say that in the consummation all matter will be so purified that it may be thought of as a kind of ethereal substance... But only God knows
But so that we, the readers, will know that this is a dream of substance, the story continues with the famous illustration of the King's wisdom in the disposition of the case of the disputed baby.
One of their believes is that an idol that they made by either mud or metal or any substances and decorate them nicely and they go to this piece of objects and asks as they are asking God Almighty and they know that this piece of metal has no power to even move itself or to same itself if someone attempts to break it... how would this piece of metal respond to one prayer?
Christ is «of one substance with the Father»; but the utmost, and inmost, it is given us to know of God's «substance» is that he is love — as such he is revealed in Christ — and love is not a metaphysical essence but personal moral will and action.
If trust in revelation can thus liberate our desire to know, then we may conclude that it is a truthful posture for human consciousness to assume, and that the substance of revelation which evokes such trust may be called true also.
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