Sentences with phrase «knowledge measures»

The science knowledge measure has been pretty stable for a long time.
This is an impartial testing method that measures how your abilities, skills and knowledge measure up to the standards for workers in your chosen career.
TSG teachers also significantly outperformed control teachers on the teacher knowledge measure of vocabulary instruction.
Kansas should ensure that its selected test of professional knowledge measures the knowledge and skills the state expects new teachers to have.
General knowledge measured at kindergarten entrance may reflect early comprehension skills that are necessary when reading changes from a more procedural task in early grades (learning to read) to incorporating more comprehension around third through fifth grades (reading to learn).»
Construct validity of the emotion matching task: Preliminary evidence for convergent and criterion validity of a new emotion knowledge measure for young children
Alabama should ensure that its selected test of professional knowledge measures the knowledge and skills the state expects new teachers to have.
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