Sentences with phrase «knowledge of scripture»

Adults who lack knowledge of Scripture and prayer can hardly be expected to communicate faith to children at home.
He was determined that we should have the detailed knowledge of scripture because he claimed this book showed how the church was to appear in action.
Making disciples means way more than filling people's heads with expert knowledge of Scripture.
And if you focused on learning about God, theology, or increasing in knowledge of scripture, you were frequently and often rebuked (knowledge puffs up, love edifies), and instead of «selfishly» learning theology, you should be out converting people (increasing numbers).
Their «preaching» was not educational, seeking to impart an ever - growing knowledge of the Scriptures upon the hearers, but was closer to the task of a herald who travelled throughout the land, declaring that changes were coming from the king, and what these changes meant for the people of the kingdom.
It's interesting to me Dennis how someone's confidence in their own knowledge of scripture can replace personality in an exchange.
Usually Jesus says this to the Pharisees, whose power rested on a superior knowledge of Scripture.
At a recent conference, I sat stone still as David Kinnaman, Barna Group president and author of You Lost Me, quoted one statistic after another about young people leaving the church and their low knowledge of Scripture.
While the Small Catechism is well suited for the purpose for which it was written, it is not well suited to our modal Evangelical seeker, who already has a passing knowledge of the Scriptures and is looking for deeper answers.
Christ was the vision and gave the vision with full knowledge of scripture.
In the face of the Sadducee's and Pharisees unsurpassed knowledge of scripture the Baptist rips apart their theology in one sentence...
Whatever experiences led to his impressive knowledge of Scripture and human nature are no doubt interesting, but Thomas comes to us as one with a message infinitely more important than his own story.
And if those fundies are as stupid as you are (rederick — what a laugh), then their interpretations are not likely to be based on actual knowledge of Scripture.
If such a project were possible, I wonder what would emerge if someone could find a group of twelve intelligent Buddhists or Hindus who had no previous knowledge of the Scripture and no contact whatsoever with any Christian, who would be given only the Scripture and unlimited time to study it and come up with a «theology».
You misrepresent the Bible, and individuals who have no personal knowledge of scripture may be taken in by your obsfucations.
Anyone with any in - depth knowledge of the Scriptures at all knows that the first chapter of Genesis is a summary of what God did in the first seven days.
I am ever grateful I came upon this article today... thank you Jennifer Wright Knust for sharing your unbiased knowledge of the scriptures.
Let Logos 7 help you lead the people under your care into a deeper knowledge of the Scriptures and a better understanding of how to follow Jesus.
As someone with limited knowledge of scripture, Aronofsky had a significant amount of breathing room with this and he didn't let an inch of it go to waste.
Your Christian Counselor has a working knowledge of the scriptures, principles and directives of God as recorded in the Scriptures.
People who are certain that the King James Bible is the only true Bible, for example, are kept from a growing knowledge of scripture.
I think knowing that he was a long time and very trusted confidante of Pope John Paul II, knowing he had experience as disciplinarian of the clergy, and knowing he had a clear (as any human can) understanding, and knowledge of scripture is why he was picked to be Pope.
Your knowledge of scripture speaks for itself, and that is truly refreshing and wonderful to read.
the other curious thing is when theists go after the atheists over our knowledge of scripture, most atheists were once theists so we would have some idea of scripture like you all however with the onslaught of attacks from religious folks in the real world when they discover we're not «one of them» has the same effect as the villian in the comics unwittingly creating the superhero.
I will forever be grateful for all the beautiful gifts evangelicalism gave me — a high esteem for and knowledge of Scripture, a heart for activism, and a deeply personal experience and expression of faith.
The religious leaders — who of all people should have known because they prided themselves in their knowledge of the Scriptures — told Jesus to tell the multitudes to keep silent.
Based on my knowledge of the scripture this means that everyone born in the world today is born without «GOD».
His knowledge of scripture, along with the tradition of Christian faith through literature, makes his work an invaluable preaching resource.
Moreover, the new cycle of readings enhances one's knowledge of the Scriptures.
Today, we evangelicals place «revelation» in a knowledge category, so that all talk about revelation is talk about the ideas / knowledge of scripture / Jesus.
Tom, don't concern yourself with my knowledge of scriptures, figure out your connection to the scriptures I post.
The more conspicuous one's knowledge of the scriptures, the greater one's claim to spiritual status.
Are we so captivated by our knowledge of scripture and our theology that we can not see the forest for the trees?
Mary once again shows her knowledge of Scripture by quoting one of the promises of God to Abraham from the Old Testament (Gen. 12:1 - 3; 17:19; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14).
In this Wycliff stated clearly the later reformation principle of the supreme authority of scripture and as a consequence of this, he sought to make the knowledge of the scripture more general.
I do not have the knowledge of Scripture and Biblical history that my evangelical colleagues have.
And every one has increased my knowledge of scripture, my understanding of scripture and my desire for increased knowledge and understanding of God and His Word.
Five years later, the legislators issued a corrective in the form of the Old Deluder Satan Law: «It being one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures,» the law intoned, «it is therefore ordered... that everie Township [of 100 households or more] in this Jurisdiction» be required to provide a trained teacher and a grammar school, at taxpayer expense.
I use my knowledge of Scripture to help clients grow and heal in their relationship with Christ and in their discernment of the Lord's guidance; to rely on His strength, not their own, in pain and crisis.
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