Sentences with phrase «knowledge of self»

Self - acceptance in the act of knowledge of self is indeed a loving of who and what I am.
They wanted care staff with more knowledge of self - harm who would continue to offer helpful support even after they had refused it.
So knowledge of self and self - confidence are connected as well, aren't they I believe.
Genuine knowledge of self and other persons grows through thoughtful, attentive communication on a daily basis over a long period of time.
They're collaborating together, looking at themselves and their communities critically, building knowledge of self, and telling their own stories.
She demonstrated a thorough and extensive knowledge of self - publishing and the digital world was exceptional.
To do this, the therapist actively directs and supports a series of relational experiences, with the general goal of greater knowledge of self and other.
The new knowledge of God and the new knowledge of the self are, he insists, «co-original.»
Some 80 to 90 % of them got HIV, due to their extremely weak, low status and little knowledge of self protection in brothels.
Knowledge of Christ and knowledge of self gives way to love of Christ and love of self.
Love, knowledge of self existance, language and everything else that defines personhood is founded first in truth and therefore truth itself must have personhood to give it.
Knowledge of the self deluded atheists lack of credibility puts all their statements in proper perspective.
Well, in fact, Calvin, etc., would say that the two grow together: knowledge of self without the «Other» would be false and misleading; as knowledge of the «Other» without self would be just as misleading.
The underlying philosophy of the ELPS program is that educational leaders possess knowledge of self, others, organizations, learning and society necessary to perform creatively and effectively in diverse environments.
By giving children the tools that help them tap into their creativity, harness a sense of personal agency, and in effect, personalize their own experience, we are teaching resilience, critical thinking, and helping them to develop a conscious knowledge of self that will carry them far.
Her expert knowledge of the self - publishing process, layout, pagination, type styles, photography, cover design and all the other technical and legal requirements needed to carry it forward into production took a book - full of worries off my mind.
Where Knowledge of the Self (Gnan) prevails and where dispassion for worldly life (vairaag) reaches its pinnacle, that is when the state of absolute detachment (vitaraagata) arises.
* Solid knowledge of self - assessment software including Choices and Career Cruising AWARDS / RECOGNITION, ACTIVI...
Therapy can increase knowledge of self, challenges one's old beliefs, help to establish appropriate boundaries in relationships with others, assist the release of old pain.»
I would be the first to put our proven sales and brokerage systems against the largest teams, brokerages or brands in the world but unless a true knowledge of the self is investigated, productivity in business or at home will eventually suffer.
Read our ebooks and whitepapers to gain fundemental knowledge of self - directed IRA real estate investing.
Knowing he wasn't cut out for a nine - to - five job, Oey started a music label and publishing company, Knowledge of Self Records, when he was just 18 - years - old, after emigrating to Canada when he was four.
I would think heaven is a series of levels, that are attained by gaining more knowledge of self, and the world around you.
Cyberbullying and other forms of online abuse can drive young people to self - harm, whilst pro-self-harm websites or communities that spread knowledge of self - harming techniques can encourage experimentation.
In the west, Richard of St. Victor would say something similar when he claimed that the journey up the mountain was the arduous ascent to knowledge of the self.
Part of maturing as a follower of Christ is maturing in our knowledge of self.
Which will be a long winding road to the knowledge of the self.
Like Socrates, who always had claimed that he had nothing to teach anyone, the teacher of virtue can at most serve as a midwife for someone else coming to that knowledge of self which is at the same time knowledge of the divine, that is, knowledge of the Good.
The group leader's knowledge of self - other awareness exercises can enhance interaction within the group.
5In response to this point it might be objected that awareness or knowledge of self is not necessarily something added to the drop of experience, but is, on the contrary, constitutive of it throughout its duration.
Knowledge in this case pertains not only to the knowledge of the object but also to knowledge of the self.
This is extremely important in understanding Bergson's position, because the knowledge of the self by the self, is, he insists, the «privileged case» (CM 236) of his philosophy.
He argues that the knowledge of the self arises only in and by means of social interaction; specifically, as an hypothesis to account for ignorance and error.
The human power that is rebellious against God's Sovereign Rule, finds itself naked (self - knowledge of self - contradiction) and defends itself through its own rationalization before the Sovereignty of God.
I think you'd agree that the reformers were quite clear, and I think Luther would've agreed, that the knowledge of God and the knowledge of self were inseparable.
Knowledge of self, by itself, is a dead - end road down a dark hole.
The knowledge of self that Luther would affirm is that we are in bondage to sin and can not free ourselves.
«We organise external activities such as seminars so we can develop our skills and gain more knowledge of self - defence techniques such as ground floor fighting.»
Preschoolers should also have some knowledge of self - care: putting on her shoes and her coat, knowing how to zipper up her pants and washing her hands.
Gain a deeper awareness and appreciation for the nurturing tone of our classrooms, and their ability to positively impact your child's knowledge of self and others.
The term «self - realization» is a translation of the Sanskrit expression atman jnana (knowledge of the self or atman).
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