Sentences with phrase «knowledge of world cultures»

World Language Day is an event held by some universities in the U.S. to popularize knowledge of world cultures and languages among general public, particularly high school students (e.g. MSU, UNCO, etc).

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For instance, while Star Wars has very evident religious Buddhist and Taoist overtones, Star Trek shows religion from a cold perspective (e.g., science is supreme and only cultures and worlds without an in - depth knowledge of science need religion).
Today's raw recruits to the knowledge class seldom have a solid base of old world, old WASP, or any other culture to fall back on — and no coherent professional culture to embrace.
The quotation captures the noble project of the book in this way: «The old Catholic religion - culture of Europe is dead... the inheritance of classical culture... has been destroyed, overwhelmed by a vast influx of new knowledge, by the scientific mass civilisation of the modern world.
So much for Gopnik's argument that Chesterton's «national spirit» and «extreme localism» led him to his supposed anti-Semitism: they were, in fact, precisely what gave him his respect for other nations and other cultures, including that of the Jews, to which the world owed its knowledge of God, «as narrow as the universe».
For five hundred consecutive years the flourishing of Muslim culture made Baghdad the lighthouse of knowledge for the whole world.
The new manifesto urges humanity to «leave behind the magical thinking and myth - making that are substitutes for tested knowledge of nature,» notes that religions «have their origins in pre-urban nomadic and agricultural societies of the past» and are irrelevant to the «postindustrial global information culture that is emerging,» and calls for a World Parliament.
In the same way that we are ignorant of our distant future; they had no knowledge, no idea, no vision, no dream, no fantasy that two millennia hence there would be an increasingly global and interconnected culture and economy of 7 billion people, world wars and holocausts encompassing and killing and making refugees of millions, staggering accomplishments in medicine and engineering and transportation and communication, and the development of sciences and mathematics and technologies that did not and could not exist in their time and that they could not have comprehended.
Let them blend new sciences and theories and the understanding of the most recent discoveries with Christian morality and the teaching of Christian doctrine, so that their religious culture and morality may keep pace with scientific knowledge and with the constantly progressing technology... Thus they will be able to interpret and evaluate all things in a truly Christian spirit,... and priests will be able to present to our contemporaries the doctrine of the Church concerning God, man and the world, in a manner more adapted to them so that they may receive it more willingly.»
This world of ours is a new world, in which the unity of knowledge, the nature of human communities, the order of society, the order of ideas, the very notions of society and culture have changed and will not return to what they have been in the past.
De Bary also points out how John Erskine, one of the pioneers of the new program at Columbia, though he had little knowledge of Asian cultures, felt that a core curriculum based only on Western classics was inadequate for the global world in which we live.
«This world of ours is a new world,» wrote Robert Oppenheimer in 1963, «in which the unity of knowledge, the nature of human communities, the order of society, the order of ideas, the very notions of society and culture have changed and will not return to what they have been in the past» (Saturday Review of Literature, June 29, 1963, p. 11).
Furthermore, the pre-modern science concept of «the nature» has been slipping out of our culture's world - view for centuries, given the force of new knowledge about formality.
Chef Ben will use his vast knowledge of diverse cuisines and cultures from around the world to bring new flair to the resort's restaurants.
After graduating, Lorena traveled the world, absorbing influences from countries and cultures around the world, creating her dynamic culinary point of view and expanding her knowledge of technique and flavors.
Born and raised in Venezuela, Lorena grew up with a great passion for cooking and through years of travel, she has absorbed influences from many countries around the world expanding her knowledge of flavors and cultures.
Mr Coulson is accused of presiding over a culture of phone tapping and regular law - breaking at News of the World, but he has denied any knowledge of the practise.
I was interested in learning about the forest people now living here, who had preserved their dynamic culture and plant knowledge — in a secret, underground way — despite several centuries of contact with the modern world.
Uppsala University — quality, knowledge, and creativity since 1477 World - class research and outstanding education of global benefit to society, business, and culture.
«In this very small volume of messed - up corroded metal you have packed in there enough knowledge to fill several books telling us about ancient technology, ancient science and the way these interacted with the broader culture of the time,» said Alexander Jones, a historian of ancient science at New York University's Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.
Her constant thirst for knowledge in the pursuit of finding answers to her patient's problems has taken her around the world, learning from traditional healers and native cultures from such diverse places as Australia, India, Mexico, Peru, Africa, and Sri Lanka; as well as from the best of the innovative thinkers and scientists our country has to offer.
She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations and cultures, all while portraying her love for the world around her through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts.
And you can join the forum which is full of energy, and gain some knowledge about motorcycle culture from other members who come from all over the world.
Russian women admit that American men are very hard working and are often highly skilled professionals; however they lack general knowledge about the world history, culture, literature and have naive perception of Russia, imposed by the media.
However, when the creator of that world dies, a generation competes to solve the mysteries he left behind that are worth billions — mysteries only solved by an encyclopedic knowledge of «80s pop culture... including Spielberg's own movies.
Dialogue is painful to listen to as most of it reads like someone interpreting samurai culture for the first time without any knowledge of the world whatsoever.
If you're looking for additional «every day» ideas, don't miss Education World's other two LESSON PLANNING stories this week: «Every Day» Activities: Today in History (including activities and resources to develop students» knowledge of current events, history, and culture) and «Every Day» Activities: Potpourri.
Central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity and culture is the sharing of knowledge and world views through oral communication.
Cool Burning provides opportunities for teachers to enrich their curriculum and for students to deepen their knowledge of Australia by engaging with the world's oldest continuously living cultures.
In an attempt to close the gap that exists between the increasingly important role that foreign countries, cultures, and languages play in world affairs and Americans» lack of international knowledge, the Goldman Sachs Foundation and the Asia Society have established an award for excellence in international education.
Cosmopolitanism has intellectual benefits on its own, and America's expanding role in the world and the steady globalization of both trade and popular culture make knowledge of other nations a necessity.
In a 2006 article, Citizenship, Identity and Education: Examining the public purposes of schools in an age of globalization, Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor Fernando Reimers stressed the importance of teaching tolerance and global values, as well as developing foreign language skills and knowledge of world history, cultures, and geography.
The YLI Foundation Believes that to help Unleash Indonesia's potential will require a growing cadre of world - class leaders with strong leadership skills, a global mindset, and knowledge of local culture and traditions.
As individuals acquire knowledge about other cultures» histories, values, communication styles, beliefs and practices, they begin to recognise that their perspectives and behaviours are shaped by many influences, that they are not always fully aware of these influences, and that others have views of the world that are profoundly different from their own.
In addition to rounding out kids» knowledge base to include a nuanced understanding of world geography and cultures, schools must teach them the skills to use this knowledge as active and engaged citizens.
In this lesson − aligned to ACTFL standards − students will demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary related to culture and immigration, apply knowledge of direct object pronouns in the third person, and examine the culture of the 20th century Spanish - speaking world.
Now, more than ever, students need to learn about the various cultures of the world in order to promote a peaceful future, filled with knowledge and understanding.
If we were better at listening and learning from other cultures just think how much richer our knowledge of the world would be, added to the greater economic benefits this could bring to societies.
Category: Asia, Central America, Child Health, Combat HIV / AIDS, End Poverty and Hunger, English, Environmental Sustainability, Gender Equality, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Interviews, Maternal Health, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, NGO, North America, Refugee and displaced, South America, Transversal Studies, Universal Education, Voluntary Association, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: bioliteracy, Buddha, Cooperation, Costa Rica, Culture of Peace, Curriculum Planning, Director - General of UNESCO, Dr. Katherine Müller - Marin, Education for Sustainable Development, ESD, evolution, future, global citizens, global citizenship education, Interamerican Development Bank, International Day of Peace, Irina Bokova, knowledge, life, Pan American Health Organization, peace, Peacebuilding, Representative of UNESCO to Viet Nam, Spanish Government Día Internacional de la Paz, sustainable development, the Organization of American States, the World Bank, UN, UNDP, UNESCO
Category: Africa, Asia, Central America, Child Health, Combat HIV / AIDS, End Poverty and Hunger, English, English, Environmental Sustainability, Europe, Gender Equality, global citizenship education, Global Partnership, Maternal Health, Middle East, Millennium Development Goals, North America, Oceania, South America, Transversal Studies, Universal Education, Voluntary Association, Welcome from Director, Your experiences, Your ideas · Tags: 21st century, Acnur, astrobiologically, autopoietic, Big - Bang, bioliteracy, consciousness, cosmic matrix, cosmodern consciousness, cosmodern paradigm, Culture of Peace, ecology, Ethics, evolution, future, global citizenship education, Human Consciousness, Human Development, Human Rights, Human Rights and Peace Studies, interconnectedness, International Day of Peace, knowledge, levels of Reality, love, multidimensional, nature, ontological, peace, peace education, planetary, post-2015 Development Agenda, quantum revolution, reality, Revolution, spirituality, sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals, transcultural, transdisciplinary, transnational, transpolitical, transreligious, UNESCO, UNHCR, war, world - society
Students will gain knowledge of flags of the world, important in our ever closer global cultures, and be provided with an activity of general interest for geography.
VS provides students with a variety of opportunities such as taking courses that are interesting to them, as well as broadening their insights and knowledge of different cultures and people since the students in the class are located all over the world sometimes.
Through world languages, Maine's students have opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge and skills related to communication and cultures that will aid them as members of both local and global communities.
Fernando Reimers — Professor of Education and Director of HGSE's International Education Policy program — stresses the importance of teaching tolerance and global values, as well as developing foreign language skills and knowledge of world history, cultures and geography.
To transfer knowledge from theory to practice in your online training course, consider focusing on the development of skills that your millennial employees can implement right away; tie the subject matter into real life challenges by integrating scenarios that offer real world benefits and include examples that are relevant to Millennials» culture and values.Millennials need to know that there is a purpose to what they are doing, otherwise they probably won't be motivated to learn.
As 5th grade students» reading skills mature, they can use literature to expand their knowledge of the world, explore different cultures and topics, and begin to understand relationships in more sophisticated ways.
In this multimedia, multicultural world, teacher educators must prepare future teachers of literacy, language, culture, and citizenship to expand the forms of representation typical in the school classroom and to reframe the purpose of school on the critique and production of diverse representations of experience and knowledge (Gallego & Hollingsworth, 2000).
More characters take center stage, ones of different ages, cultures, talents / knowledge, and agendas which helps add depth and variety to this harsh, winter - locked fantasy world.
From the dawn of civilization to the present day, accounts of highly enlightened masters possessed of supreme knowledge and power have appeared in the histories, literature and traditions of cultures throughout the world.
She has been able to fully embrace herself with the knowledge of nature, the power of exploring other locations and cultures, all while portraying her love for the world around her through her visually pleasing, culturally embracing and inspiring posts.
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