Sentences with phrase «knowledge proofs much»

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With faith in your heart, you do not need to pursue proof or empirical evidence through human means which you will never find because God Is Spirit, thus, so much greater than mortal men which He created who have limited knowledge.
For now, the public and press await proof that Mayor de Blasio will meet a higher standard than many elected officials, most notably Governor Andrew Cuomo, who go to great lengths to limit knowledge of their whereabouts and squelch press coverage of much of their public activity.
You have to have proof of your knowledge that most often comes by way of a measuring stick (annual return) otherwise your voice isn't worth much.
There needs to be some level of knowledge, though not much, to see through that inductive logic as proof.
«In a permissioned environment, the ledger can be engineered along a much wider array of consensus mechanisms, including multi-signature, Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerant, Proof of Stake, Zero Knowledge Proof, etc..»
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