Sentences with phrase «known about this asteroid»

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While I no longer believe the earth is just 6,000 years old, I still live in the tension of unanswered questions about the universe, and death, and brains, and Neanderthals, and whatever Neil deGrasse Tyson's got to say on public television about the earth getting burned up by the sun or our species going extinct after an asteroid hits.
The meteorite, dubbed Northwest Africa (NWA) 7034, contains a concentration of water by weight about ten times higher than in any of the other 100 or so known Martian meteorites — those rare rocks that get ejected from the Martian surface into space when an asteroid hits the planet, and eventually find their way to Earth.
This map shows the overlapping orbits (blue) of the 1,400 known Potentially Hazardous Asteroids — objects more than about 400 feet wide that can approach within 4.6 million miles of Earth.
When a known asteroid passed within 28,000 kilometers of Earth on February 15, astronomers hoped it would serve as a wake - up call about the danger of meteorite impacts.
«It's been known for 15 years that about 15 per cent of near - Earth asteroids are binary,» says Katarina Miljkovic at the Institute of Earth Physics in Paris, France.
The fact that 288P is so different from all other known binary asteroids raises some questions about whether it is not just a coincidence that it presents such unique properties.
Almost nothing is known about the dinosaurs that lived in Africa at the end of the Cretaceous period 66 million years ago, just before they were wiped out by the impact of a giant asteroid.
About 1 percent of these ice - infused boulders, known as C - type asteroids, were dropped into the outer regions of the asteroid belt.
NASA announced Tuesday a Grand Challenge focused on finding all asteroid threats to human populations and knowing what to do about them.
The largest known asteroid is about 600 miles across, but many are much smaller.
«There's no longer any question that dinosaurs in the area survived the asteroid impact event, finally becoming extinct about a million years later,» he says.
«We may not even know what we should be looking for in these asteroids, but by looking at what molecules we find, we can ask different and more questions about how they could have helped get life started.»
That feature — in which the crust thickness drops from 30 to about 10 miles (50 to 20 kilometers) over a large area that is the most visible feature on Mars — has been known to astronomers for more than 30 years and was long suspected to be due to an asteroid impact that flung most of the crust out the area.
«It's been known for 15 years that about 15 per cent of near - Earth asteroids are binary,» says Katarina Miljković at the Institute of Earth Physics in Paris, France.
We know it's not a comet, because it has no halo, and we know it's not a normal asteroid, because we've never seen one that is so elongated — about ten times longer than it is wide.
This graphic depicts the passage of asteroid 2004 BL86, which will come no closer than about three times the distance from Earth to the Moon on Jan. 26, 2015.
Michael Kelley, who is leading the TC4 observation campaign, said in a statement: «Scientists have always appreciated knowing when an asteroid will make a close approach to and safely pass the Earth because they can make preparations to collect data to characterize and learn as much as possible about it.
We need to know as much as possible about the composition and physical make - up of asteroids to devise the best ways to defend our planet.
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