Sentences with phrase «known as psychologists»

These are typically the individuals known as psychologists or psychiatrists.
Scientists and mental - health professionals who work in this field are known as psychologists.
A mental health professional with a PhD or Psy.D in psychology is basically known as a psychologist.

Not exact matches

What the public doesn't know is there are individuals who are independent contractors, such as psychologists, therapists, independent nurses, etc..
«As they struggled to figure out what made a team successful, Rozovsky and her colleagues kept coming across research by psychologists and sociologists that focused on what are known as «group norms» - the traditions, behavioral standards, and unwritten rules that govern how teams function when they gather... Norms can be unspoken or openly acknowledged, but their influence is often profound.&raquAs they struggled to figure out what made a team successful, Rozovsky and her colleagues kept coming across research by psychologists and sociologists that focused on what are known as «group norms» - the traditions, behavioral standards, and unwritten rules that govern how teams function when they gather... Norms can be unspoken or openly acknowledged, but their influence is often profound.&raquas «group norms» - the traditions, behavioral standards, and unwritten rules that govern how teams function when they gather... Norms can be unspoken or openly acknowledged, but their influence is often profound.»
Psychologists have known for a while about a phenomenon called «reciprocity of liking»: When we think someone likes us, we tend to like them as well.
Windsor, a New York resident and former IBM consultant known as «Edie,» and Spyer, a psychologist, met in the 1960s in a New York restaurant and spent four decades engaged to be married before they finally tied the knot in Canada in 2007.
As the interview progressed, Gurney experienced what she knew, as a psychologist, was a panic attacAs the interview progressed, Gurney experienced what she knew, as a psychologist, was a panic attacas a psychologist, was a panic attack.
In the 1980s, two teams of psychologists developed a model that sought to assess human beings based on five personality traits, known as the «Big Five.»
Thirty - two years ago, three psychologists published a paper «On the Misperception of Random Sequences» — also known as the «hot - hand fallacy.»
and throwing the 3 Bs at people is known by psychologists as «labelling».
as a psychologist... one would have to know the cultural aspect of the client as well... that's why I brought in the BIble... she was delusional... also she would have showed other signs of delusions (if I remembered correctly she showed several - this case was quite a while back)
I don't know about you, but I would believe the people who study the human mind, thoughts, and behavior (i.e. psychologists and sociologists), over someone who says there's some spooky external agent that no one can possibly verify the existence of, and which has no consistent pattern of action with which to use as evidence for verification.
By the way, I don't know where it came from but in several posts he is mentioned as being a psychologist.
Psychologists have known for years (as has the Catholic Church) that when someone represses their $ exuality for years, especially the teen and young adult years, their attractions usually don't age progress at all.
In recent years we have learned from the depth psychologists how important it is that we shall both recognize and say what we know about ourselves; and that we be helped, by analysis if that is necessary, to penetrate as deeply as possible into our own past, so that we can both see and say these things.
But the psychologist knows that he will not arrive at the understanding of an individual situation, and consequently can not help his patient recover, except insofar as he can succeed in disclosing a structure behind the particular set of symptoms, that is, to the extent where he will recognize the main outlines of the history of the psyche in the peculiarities of an individual history.
Madeline Levine, PhD is a nationally known psychologist with over 25 years of experience as a clinician, consultant, and educator.
As a developmental psychologist I knew that marital quarreling was inevitable but I also knew that there had to be a better way to handle it.
As a developmental psychologist I knew that babies love to look at black and white images, but now as the mom of a 2 month old I've really seen this in actioAs a developmental psychologist I knew that babies love to look at black and white images, but now as the mom of a 2 month old I've really seen this in actioas the mom of a 2 month old I've really seen this in action.
In particular, such stressors compromise the higher order thinking skills that allow students to sort out complex and seemingly contradictory information such as when the letter C is pronounced like K (what psychologists call «executive functioning»), and their ability to keep a lot of information in their heads at once, a skill known as «working memory» that's crucial to success in school, college, and work.
However, pediatric experts, child psychologists and some mothers are divided over the practice of «infant potty training» — also known as elimination communication, or EC.
Howard Gardner is a psychologist and professor known for developing of the theory of multiple intelligences, which points out that a person has multiple intelligences distributed in various skills, such as logical reasoning, language, music, spatial sense, kinesthetic ability, and interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
Michael Lamb is a well - known and highly - regarded psychologist who has researched, written and published extensively (he is not as you suggest a marginal self - published writer with links to fathers» rights).
The concept was first introduced by B.F. Skinner, a behavioral psychologist who developed a theory of learning known as «operant conditioning.»
One of the few exceptions to the old saying «everybody is afraid of something» is a 44 - year - old woman known to psychologists as patient SM.
And, you know, psychologists can actually turn that into a pretty solid statistical measure and, you know, IQ scores are turned out to be very predictive in the sense that you can take someone's IQ score as a chi - square in predicting about their lives.
Edie Greene, a psychologist at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, instead suggests that the case should be split into separate liability and damages trials, so that the jury only receives the relevant facts — a process known as bifurcation.
But whether those associations are inborn, something known as the nativist position, or learned is still up for grabs, says Clarissa Thompson, a cognitive developmental psychologist at Kent State University in Ohio who wasn't involved in the study.
In a recent set of experiments, psychologist Nilli Lavie of University College London found that this bit of gray matter holds the key to the phenomenon known as change blindness, in which people overlook the obvious when their attention is challenged.
In a similar vein, linguistic psychologist Steven Pinker recently teamed up with neurosurgeons and neurologists at Harvard University and U.C. San Diego to investigate the language functions of a small brain region known as Broca's area.
Psychologists at Emory University have now documented that age seven is when these earliest memories tend to fade into oblivion, a phenomenon known as «childhood amnesia.»
But the idea of single - subject research didn't really make the leap to medicine of the body until the early 1980s when Gordon Guyatt, a Canadian physician now known as a founder of evidence - based medicine, began working in an interdisciplinary department at McMaster University in Ontario, with psychologists, biostatisticians, ethicists and clinical epidemiologists all working together.
Now psychologists at the University of Kent have found that the condition — known as trypophobia — may be an exaggerated response linked to deep - seated anxiety about parasites and infectious disease.
One of the most famous such illusions is known as the McGurk Effect, named for its discoverer, Harry McGurk, a developmental psychologist at the University of Surrey in England.
It was not until 1943 that an American child psychologist, Leo Kanner, reclaimed the word for the range of traits we know today as autism.
Psychologists know that in human families the role of siblings can be just as important as that of parents.
The first 10 volunteers of the Personal Genome Project, known as the PGP - 10, included Church himself, technology oracle Esther Dyson, and Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker.
It's a concept known as compliance in medical research, but psychologist Richard M. Ryan doesn't like the passive sound of that term.
As psychologist Thomas Gilovich of Cornell University observed in his 1991 book, How We Know What Isn't So, reporters almost always sharpen the central point of an article and leave out peripheral details.
The memories can be easily induced and are just as strong as real memories, physiological proof of something psychologists and lawyers have known for years.
In a project known as the Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth, Vanderbilt psychologists David Lubinski, Camilla Benbow, and their colleagues found that, even among a sample of intellectually gifted people, a higher level of cognitive ability in childhood forecasted great accomplishment later in life, both in school and beyond.
A few years later, Peabody developmental psychologist Susan Gray launched a preschool intervention program for low - income children that inspired the national initiative known as Head Start.
As a clinical psychologist who has spent a lot of time working with cancer patients and survivors, I know that even though genetics may increase your chances, you do have control over the lifestyle you choose.
Be sure to check in on daily, as we have some great pieces lined up to help you on your journey, including the no - sugar smoothie celebrities are obsessed with, no - sugar desserts that will make you drool, a psychologist's best advice for going through sugar withdrawal, an exploration of alternative sugars (maple, stevia, erythritol — we get into the good, the bad, and the ugly), and so much more.
In the 1940s and 50s, the great psychologist Erik Erikson suggested that, in old age, we enter a stage known as «Integrity vs. Despair» in which we glance back, examining our lives and what we've accomplished.
As an educational psychologist, I know that the ability to empathize affects our kids» future health, wealth, and happiness.
While you know that there's no such thing as perfection, you aren't looking to play psychologist to the tragically flawed.
This may explain why partial advertising bans are ineffective and comprehensive bans on all forms of tobacco marketing are effective.As early as 1911 psychology of marketing theorist Walter D Scott said, «[t] he man with the proper imagination is able to conceive of any commodity in such a way that it becomes an object of emotion to him and to those to whom he imparts his picture... should be a practical psychologist and know the human emotions and sentiments...».
You now have a psychologist's stamp of approval to go on as many dates as you can handle (provided the algorithm between your ears knows what it's doing).
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