Sentences with phrase «known as the task»

That thought process is what led Flow — mainly known as a task manager — to add Chat as a major feature in the latest release of its product.
Ignoring pain rather than allowing it to interfere with the task at hand, known as task persistence, was the only coping strategy employed by whites more than blacks.
Our clients describe us as superstars, but we prefer to be simply known as task finishers.

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But as you know, keeping it a high level is a task in and of itself.
The experiment itself was simple: a hundred and forty - five undergraduate students were given a standard test of creativity known as an «unusual use» task, in which they had two minutes to list as many uses as possible for mundane objects such as toothpicks, bricks, and clothes hangers.
Management is important for saving time and completing the most mundane tasks, as well as for knowing what steps to take when you need to put out fires.
Excel may still be useful for a handful of simple tasks, but you should no longer treat it as a critical component of your business.
Every Wednesday, Vaden and a guest converse about how to approach big tasks such as finding a purpose in life, repairing broken relationships and saying «no» to achieve productivity.
«We want them to go to companies that will put them in the sorts of applications we know they can succeed at,» says Brooks — tasks such as picking up an object from a conveyor and putting it into a bin.
Economists use gross domestic product to measure growth over time, but as modern economies evolve, it may no longer be up to the task
When Laura Lee Sparks left her job as a law firm manager to launch her own business, she knew from the beginning that there were certain tasks she didn't want to handle.
Also known as «eating the frog,» decide on the one task you must perform that day to be successful and do it first thing when you get to work, says Patrick Mathieson.
If you're not up to the task of fighting the beast known as corporate customer service, there are plenty of jerks willing to get «er done for you.
I move things around as needed, but I know I have set time to focus on a task at hand.
Her company targets prospective suppliers (known as «Taskers») through Facebook and Google advertising focused on the company's core demographic and ZIP codes.
What it is: Known as the Ʃtos, the car comes with self - driving technology, a drone with its own landing pad, and a Siri - like «personal assistant» to help provide entertainment and perform other tasks.
While there is no central bank that issues them, bitcoins can be created online by using a computer to complete difficult tasks, a process known as mining.
The new team's first task will be to examine evidence from the Obama - era Drug Enforcement Administration program known as Project Cassandra.
This concept, often known as time - blocking, can completely revolutionize a business because tasks are given a place of priority among all the calls, meetings, commuting, haircuts, kids» soccer games and other daily events.
Know as the Ʃtos, the car comes with self - driving technology, a drone with its own landing pad, and a Siri - like «personal assistant» to help provide entertainment and perform other tasks.
Some of his tips are common productivity fare, such as outsourcing tasks and learning to say no, but a few of his ideas are both subtle and original.
Known as internal - facing, or enterprise chatbots, their main purpose is to help your employees streamline difficult assignments, complete repetitive tasks, and provide information quickly and efficiently.
Your work no doubt has secondary tasks too, such as dotting your ethical i's, keeping track of communications and project status updates, and giving that report or proposal a final design polish.
Progress and projection updates are useful for the employee to stay on task and on track with his or her role, and critical for the manager to know whether attainment of specific team - based goals will be impacted as a result.
A sub-field of AI known as «machine learning» is particularly promising — this discipline is interested in creating algorithms that improve at tasks over time to come to original conclusions.
Anytime a user wants to execute a smart contract or send ether to another user on the network, there needs to be confirmation and recordation of such event — such task is not executed by a centralized server or company per se, but by thousands (and growing) of computers around the world — known as Proof - of - work (PoW).
I have little tolerance for paperwork, forms, or bookkeeping, and so had been putting off some operational tasks for too long — knowing this, I should have outsourced this as early as possible.
The foundation funded a task force, known as the U.S. Partnership on Mobility from Poverty, to launch the effort.
This deterioration in the brain's ability to focus after performing tasks is known as decision fatigue., formerly known as 21 Inc, is a token - based social network that allows senders to pay users in cryptocurrency to reply to emails and complete tasks.
That might mean outsourcing tasks rather than having to own the expensive real estate for vineyards and tasting rooms — and finding innovative ways to bring the wine to small towns, and big cities, as the son of a well - known California winemaker has done.
They know this as it comes to the people they manage, too, giving them an assortment of non-time-sensitive tasks to maximize morale and productivity.
The task forces are investing the possibility of taxing cryptocurrency investors, as well as implementing Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) policies for institutional investors.
Whatever your task, put yourselves into it, as done for the Lord and not for your masters, since you know that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward; you serve the Lord Christ.
No longer then is the bearing and rearing of children thought of as a task we should take up or as a return we make for the gift of life; instead, it is a project we undertake if it promises to meet our needs and desires.
Many times as well I have known the moments of realizing that the task is impossible and I am too limited to carry it out.
He is «persuaded that everyone who lives in what we know as history participates at bottom in the life of Christ» and «that the task of theology is to unveil and make manifest the universal presence and reality of Christ.»
Its imagistic character means it stands as a corrective to the bias of much constructive theology toward conceptual clarity, often at the price of imagistic richness.11 Although it would be insufficient to rest in new images and to refuse to spell out conceptually their implications in as comprehensive a way as possible, the more critical task is to propose what Dennis Nineham calls a «lively imaginative picture» of the way God and the world as we know it are related (Nineham, 201 - 2).
In thomistic terms, form - as - intellectual - species is a «likeness» of the knowable thing, ordered towards the same, and adequate to the knower's task of knowing.
He humbled himself and took upon him the form of a servant, but he did not come to spend his life as a servant in some private employment, attending to his tasks without in any manner making himself known, either to his master or to his fellow servants — such a measure of wrath we dare not ascribe to the God.
I no longer have to represent my going to God as a departure from time and history.42 In fact, to attain God as the Absolute Future who is also the Fullness of Time, I must perforce be occupied with the present and the tasks of the present, for it is only in and through the present that I can advance into the future.
Karl Barth, one of the greatest theologians of the 20th century, said, «No other task is so urgent as that of spreading the news on earth and making it known
I believe my task as a theologian is to theologize responsibly, not for the marginalized or the «convertible,» but rather for those who, like me, want to know «what time it is» and, in the face of that reality, how we can live most faithfully.
This refuge once known will produce reaction on the happiness even of those who remain there, by warning their task - masters that when the evils of Egyptian oppression became heavier than those of the abandonment of country, another Canaan is open where their subjects will be received as brothers and secured against like oppression by a participation in the right of self - government.
Each one who knows himself... as called to a work which he has not done, each one who has not fulfilled a task which he knows to be his own, each who did not remain faithful to his vocation which he had become certain of — each such person knows what it means to say that «his conscience smites him.»
Oh, the desolation of old age, if to be an old man means this: means that at any given moment a living person could look at life as if he himself did not exist, as if life were merely a past event that held no more present tasks for him as a living person, as if he, as a living person, and life were cut off from each other within life, so that life was past and gone, and he had become a stranger to it.
And speaking as a Catholic parent, I certainly do want to know and be assured that the ones who teach my children in this important area of their spiritual and moral development are those whose personal character, knowledge and teaching skills are adequate for the task.
As you know, a Pontifical Council has recently been established for the New Evangelisation of countries of long - standing Christian tradition, and I would encourage you to avail yourselves of its services in addressing the task before you.
No doubt he would have made a wonderful job of it, but since unfortunately he now has other and more rewarding things to do, we lesser spirits have urgently to undertake the task as best we can.
«U.S. global power, as presently conceived by the overwhelming majority of the U.S. establishment, is unsustainable... The empire can no longer raise enough taxes or soldiers, it is increasingly indebted, and key vassal states are no longer reliable... The result is that the empire can no longer pay for enough of the professional troops it needs to fulfill its self - assumed imperial tasks
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