Sentences with phrase «known biblical stories»

And viewers who know the biblical story will enjoy seeing it re-enacted in such an expansive way, especially as it plays up the conflict between pagans and true believers.

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Obviously both Jesus and Satan and the biblical authors who made up this story did not know that the earth was round.
If you think these stories were invented to make us «feel better» you know very little of biblical literature.
We've got a variety of well - known theologians, biblical scholars, musicians and church leaders scheduled, as well as interesting people eager to share about their faith, lifestyle, interests, stories, and areas of expertise.
We know that there is also wisdom to be found, much of it similar to Biblical wisdom, in the sacred texts and stories of other faiths and traditions and we are glad to have those, also, to help us discern the direction of our lives and paths.
In considering the Easter story, for instance, Cox describes the biblical accounts of Jesus» bodily resurrection as the confused ramblings of disciples who knew no other way to express their feeling that their rabbi remained somehow present in their lives.
He describes his work simply as that of making pictures for Christians, and he gives the impression that he works in the spirit of those early medieval artisans who carved biblical characters on capitals and reredos to remind worshipers of well - known stories.
The biblical fall story, he insisted, can no longer be regarded as an explanation of evil, but only as an exemplification of its structures.
Our lives and our nation's lives transcend the present moment, to make genuine stories plotted between future, past, and present, because there is the biblical God - which Augustine of all people should have known.
We know that the Big Bang occurred and that in itself is the beginning of our universe - no god required; we know that evolution forms our beginnings - none of which coincides with the biblical story.
McKnight describes it as «the ongoing reworking of the biblical Story by new authors so they can speak the old story in new ways for their day... The Bible contains an ongoing series of midrashes, or interpretive telling, of the one Story God wants us to know and hear... None of the wiki - stories is final; none of them is comprehensive; none of them is absolute; none of them is exhaustive.&rStory by new authors so they can speak the old story in new ways for their day... The Bible contains an ongoing series of midrashes, or interpretive telling, of the one Story God wants us to know and hear... None of the wiki - stories is final; none of them is comprehensive; none of them is absolute; none of them is exhaustive.&rstory in new ways for their day... The Bible contains an ongoing series of midrashes, or interpretive telling, of the one Story God wants us to know and hear... None of the wiki - stories is final; none of them is comprehensive; none of them is absolute; none of them is exhaustive.&rStory God wants us to know and hear... None of the wiki - stories is final; none of them is comprehensive; none of them is absolute; none of them is exhaustive.»
the universe (s) did have a beginning... it's better known as the Big - one knows what caused it but unlike the biblical story, there is sufficient evidence to support it.
A lot of what we «know» about the Christmas story and Jesus» childhood comes from inference and tradition and may not be too Biblical.
Goliath is known as being the giant who was slain by David in the Biblical story.
These included Araya Rasdjarmrearnsook's «Two Planets series,» in which members of Thai villages discuss several well - known European paintings; Barry X Ball's seductive computer - and hand - modeled heads; and Eija - Liisa Ahtila's stunning three - screen video projection, The Annunciation, which retells the biblical story using professional actors and amateurs from a center for social services.
You may recall that the biblical story teaches that when King Solomon told the women that he would solve the problem by cutting the child in half and awarding each of them half, the fake mother stood silent while the real mother relented and said «no, let her have the child», thereby demonstrating to the King who the true mother was.
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