Sentences with phrase «known effects of insulin»

One of the well known effects of insulin is to stimulate retention of salt and water.
If so, this phenomenon exceeded the known effect of insulin to suppress triacylglycerol hydrolysis in fat cells and to stimulate triacylglycerol synthesis and storage in the same cells (35).

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Researchers already knew that insulin helps regulate dopamine, but previous research suggested that the effect might go the other way, with insulin reducing the amount of available dopamine in some brain areas.
«We know that amlexanox works to reverse obesity and insulin resistance in part by resolving chronic inflammation and increasing energy expenditure, but that's not the whole story of the drug's effects,» said Shannon Reilly, first author of the study.
Yet, the effects are not fully rewarding as beta cells of the implant often lose their identity: they are still alive, but can no longer produce insulin.
For example, the beneficial effects of weight reduction and bariatric surgery on improving insulin resistance are known, but their role in decreasing PDAC incidence is still essentially unknown.
Polymorphisms in five of 15 genes (33 %) encoding molecules known to primarily influence pancreatic beta - cell function - ABCC8 (sulphonylurea receptor), KCNJ11 (KIR6.2), SLC2A2 (GLUT2), HNF4A (HNF4alpha), and INS (insulin)- significantly altered disease risk, and in three genes, the risk allele, haplotype, or both had a biologically consistent effect on a relevant physiological trait in the QT study.
We know consistent movement helps manage high insulin levels and other side effects of PCOS.
The research offers important evidence that longer amounts of time seated has a negative effect on chronic low - grade inflammation and insulin resistance in women yet not men and that this effect is found no matter the amount of exercise.
I'm personally interested from a general health perspective but I'm interested in the effect of nuts and seeds on insulin sensitivity for the benefit of people I know.
Basically, your body becomes so used to excess sugar, that the normal levels of insulin required to counteract the effects of the sugar are no longer enough.
We know about the beneficial effect of a vegetarian diet on controlling weight, blood sugars, cholesterol, insulin sensitivity, and oxidative stress compared to conventional diabetic diets, but what about quality of life, mood.
Even then, this formula only accounts for about 50 % of the known insulin effect, so there is still much more we need to learn.
The effects of exercise on the body's insulin sensitivity and ability to utilize blood sugar are well - known.
It is important to recognize that this is not just dependent on baseline levels of glucose, but more on the effects of the repeated glucose spikes that are known to occur from eating starches, «safe» or otherwise, on critical hormones, particularly insulin and leptin, that «sense» the amount of glucose and powerfully adjust the genetic expression of repair and the longevity phenotype depending on perceived nutritional circumstance.
I will emphasize again; only measuring blood glucose without knowing what insulin and leptin are doing gives very incomplete and often misleading information when it comes to effects of any intervention such as diet.
The effects of xylitol on insulin and blood glucose in cats is not known.
While xylitol has no known toxicity to humans, it can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and liver failure in dogs as a result of its effects on insulin regulation.
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