Sentences with phrase «known inhabited planet»

Humanity would then stagnate and most advanced species on the only known inhabited planet in the Universe would fail to fulfill our true destiny which is to go out among the stars and explore the Universe the way we should be doing.

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While the world we inhabit is confined to planet earth, we know that this is only the tiniest speck in a universe so vast that our minds can barely imagine it.
Scientists can no more prove that there is not a planet inhabited by Sesame Street characters than believers can prove that there is.
With over 250 species inhabiting our planet, this book explores the many different types of monkeys from the smallest Pygmy Marmoset to the largest Mandrill, and provides all the facts you wanted to know and more.
Astrobiology Roadmap Goal 1: Habitable planets Astrobiology Roadmap Goal 6: Life's future on Earth Studying the structure of the Solar System is important for astrobiologists because it can help them determine how our system is able to support the only inhabited planet yet known - the Earth.
«[Thanos] is from a planet called Titan that's no longer inhabited because of things that he thought he could help prevent, and he was not allowed to do that,» Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige said in an earlier interview.
Travel can connect you to this planet and to the people who inhabit it in a way you might otherwise have never known was possible.
Predictable, woefully inadequate, jaded, pitiful, unconscionable leadership — whose failure to respond ably to the requirements of practical biophysical reality of the relatively small planet God has blessed us to inhabit and, I suppose, not to overwhelm — could have profound adverse implications for the future of our children, for biodiversity and the environment, for Earth as a fit place for human habitation and life as we know it.
Let us consider that it could become dangerous to life as know it on Earth for the human community much longer to pursue the prized «business as usual» course of the predominant culture: unbridled overproduction, unrestrained overconsumption and unchecked overpopulation because, when these distinctly human activities are taken together, an overpowering force of nature exists that could become unsustainable on the relatively small, evident finite, noticeably frangible planet God blesses us to inhabit and steward, and surely not to overwhelm.
Various Updates You have probably heard that two of President - elect Donald J. Trump's advisors have been pushing for a reboot of the mission of NASA, focusing more on exploration of extraterrestrial space and less on studying the one planet we know is inhabited by 7.35 billion people, with at least a couple of billion more coming along before humanity's puberty - style growth spurt shifts to something new past 2050.
If we keep doing as we do now and getting what we get now, is it possible that the relatively small, evidently finite, noticeably frangible planet we inhabit will soon reach a point when it is no longer possible for Earth's resources and ecosystem services to sustain either life as we know it or the human species?
I know there are innovative and creative ways to incorporate all of us into healing this planet and making it a better place to inhabit for all creatures.
We have known since we saw that image of the Earth photographed by NASA from space back in 1968 that we inhabit a finite planet.
No one knows exactly what the future holds, and kids need to be prepared to live on a planet that could be very different than the one we inhabit.
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