Sentences with phrase «known means of»

This action severed the only known road between the two worlds, destroying the only known means of travel between them to prevent similar events from happening again.
This is the only known means of prevention at the current time.
There is no evidence to suggest that this disease is hereditary and there is not any known means of preventing the condition.
A reconstruction of events ruled out other known means of catching the virus.
A large part of the electricity gap should be met by energy saving measures: the National Audit Office recently found that efficiency schemes cost 1.8 pence to save a kilowatt hour of electricity, cheaper than all known means of generating electricity.
Sensory stimulation is probably one of the most well - known means of interacting and playing with babies during their first year.
Well, IBM could learn a thing or two from Yellow Media, a company that doesn't know the meaning of «quitting in the face of obsolescence.»
There are very few words I do not know the meaning of.
Only by knowing this, can present - day Canadians know the meaning of our constitutional law.
NORTHERN I think you do not know the meaning of myth as used on some Bible stories.
Do you know the meaning of the word?
You probably don't even know the meaning of a Scientific Theory.
You wanted to know the meaning of using «We» and I said being the King of all Kings uses the Royal word of we..
I thought that maybe I did not know the meaning of bigot so I looked it up.
On top of that, the original languages of the Bible sometimes use words that are rarely, if ever found in other writings of the time, making it difficult to know the meaning of the word.
In their first meeting, Valjean sings that he knows the meaning of «19 years a slave of the law», but by the end we realise that it is actually Javert who is held captive by legalism.
Among people who are predominantly in a disciple phase the emphasis will lie in the satisfactions that come in knowing the meaning of life, in having definite guidelines for the living out of that meaning, and in enjoying God's material support.
They recite Arabic prayers but often don't know the meaning of what they're saying.
I don't normally think that dictionary definitions bring much to any argument, but in the case of creationism vs evolution, its shameful that one side can't even be bothered to know the meaning of the word that they're using in highly semantic arguments.
But Thomas Jefferson did not know the meaning of 911, video cameras, dead bolt locks, home and car security systems, tasers, pepper sprays, silent alarms, and gps, We don't need assault weapons to keep us safe.
Limbaugh doesn't know the meaning of the word, but what could one expect of a man who flunked out of SW Missouri State University in his freshman year.
Much like Rush doesn't know the meaning of Marxism.
I had been yearning to know the meaning of thia verse.
Rush dosen't know the meaning of being a good human being let alone a good Christian / Jew / Muslim person.
If Tesla thinks Rush is comedy, or satire, he doesn't know the meaning of the words.
Even without the known meaning of «pais», we all know what Roman men did with some of their younger male slaves and it's not too hard to figure out a slave master isn't going to be so desperate to save some slave that could easily be replaced unless he was in love.
Do you know the meaning of the word «ethical»?
«50 At the same time he knew the meaning of love and forgiveness.
Being a new creation, they come to know the meaning of agape.
American managers and professionals hardly know the meaning of leisure.
To know the meaning of the incarnation is to participate in its reality day by day.
He doesn't know the meaning of that word!
Now I need to go look up Hamartology, as that was the only one I didn't know the meaning of.
This false claim some people teach is not correct, not because they don't understand scripture but simply because they don't know the meaning of the church.
is an «historical figure» or «verifiable fact» simply proves that she doesn't know the meanings of the words «historical», «verifiable», or «fact».
I don't know the meaning of half those long words, and I don't believe you do either!»
We can not know the meaning of Jesus in the early church except as we know what he actually was within the experience of the men and women who formed the community.
The token of man as a reasoning being is the desire to know the meaning of things — to understand.
To know the meaning of the gospel requires experiencing reconciliation (with oneself, others, and God).
We can not fully know the meaning of love until it has done all its work.
No one may ever know the Meaning of life!
None sense is your you thrive chad — they, the people you mentioned, are those who interpret... do you know the definition of interpret — to explain the meaning of... not that they KNOW the meaning of, they are rather taking the best guess humanly possible using the evidence available.
As for me, I am trying in some small measure to follow in the footsteps of those individuals, however imperfectly, and struggling to know the meaning of birth, death, suffering, success, failure and purpose.
Does any one know the meanings of word HUMAN, it is HU, «HIS» MANN, DESIRE, «HIS DESIRE» us the human, in violation of of «HIS» commandments, THE TRUTH ABSOLUTE, OUR CREATOR, Yahoo, YA, Attentive by heart and mind, base word for English word yes, and Ya in Arabic, Hoo, «HE» translated from Latin to English Bible.
This is why I say you have to learn the Torah only from an Orthodox rabbi, because he has learned the text in the original Hebrew and knows the meanings of all the words, including the names of G - d used therein.
When we know the meaning of the possible answers, we may, if we are lucky, be able to see that one of them Is evi.
I think you don't really know the meaning of arrogant.
In any case, those who heard the songs understood them, though they did not know the meaning of the words.
- people believe the Savior is named «Jesus» and remain unsaved... - that Jesus» name really isn't «Jesus» He was never called «Jesus» in His life... - most people don't know the meaning of the name «Jesus»... - you say a person does not need to know ANYTHING about «Jesus» (e.g., that He is a man, that He is God, that He died for sins and rose again, that He isn't a Mexican somewhere in Tiajuana)-- other than that this guy is the guarantor of eternal life by faith alone... - you discount passages that say the lost are saved by the «preaching of the cross» (1Cor.
How can Adam know the meaning of good and evil?
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