Sentences with phrase «known open star clusters»

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It lies within the Milky Way, approximately 4600 light - years away in the constellation of Sagittarius, and consists of many sibling stars loosely bound together in what is known as an open cluster.
This star is located only about 11.8 light - years (ly) from our Sun, Sol, just north of the center (08:29:48 +26:46.7, ICRS 2000.0) of Constellation Cancer, the Crab — northwest of the famous open star cluster M 44 (also known as the Beehive Cluster and Praesepe, Latin for «Manger») and Ascellus Australis (Delta Ccluster M 44 (also known as the Beehive Cluster and Praesepe, Latin for «Manger») and Ascellus Australis (Delta CCluster and Praesepe, Latin for «Manger») and Ascellus Australis (Delta Cancri).
We have validated the BACCHUS code on APOGEE data using several well - known stars, and stars from open and globular clusters.
The Trapezium Cluster is among the very youngest (open) clusters known, with new stars still forming in this region.
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