Sentences with phrase «known psychological behavior»

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Wikipedia defines social proof, also known as informational social influence, as «a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.»
An educated congregation these days knows more sociological and psychological explanations for its collective behavior than it dares, in its embarrassment, to apply.
Factors other than practice believed to influence athletic performance include genetic attributes, such as fast - twitch muscles and maximum blood oxygenation level; cognitive and psychological traits and behaviors — including confidence, performance anxiety, intelligence and working memory capacity — play roles as well, though researchers don't yet know the significance of each.
Although existing eating disorder risk models comprehensively address psychological factors, we know of very few biologically - based factors that help us predict who may be more likely to develop eating disorder behaviors,» said lead author Laura Berner, PhD, who completed the research while pursuing a doctoral degree at Drexel.
The modern world no longer confers such an evolutionary advantage to men who have several sexual partners — but it is only intelligent men are able to shed the psychological baggage of their species and adopt new modes of behavior
• Track record of efficiently recording important signs that incorporate respiration, blood pressure and pulse • Skilled in laying out infection control procedures, aimed at ensuring patient safety and wellbeing • Committed to providing exceptional patient care through well - placed comprehension of patients» needs and ways of helping them handle them • Focused on quality bedside care by assisting with grooming, bathing and toileting needs • Known for diffusing patient anger / frustration by providing psychological counseling through distressing times • Excellent skills in identifying patients» specific medical and emotional needs and helping them come to terms with their situations • Qualified to monitor patients» physical and emotional behavior changes and logging and reporting them in a timely and efficient manner • Hands - on experience in following dedicated plan of care set by nursing managers and physicians • Demonstrated expertise in handling victims of emergencies such as acute sicknesses and accidents
Whereas we'd once believed that the symptoms and behavior exhibited by our clients primarily reflected their psychological defenses — a view that attributed a degree of intentionality, no matter how unconscious — now, we better understood the symptoms as manifestations of instinctive brain and bodily survival responses.
Psychological assessment — also known as psychological testing — is done to help a psychologist better understand an individual and provide valuable insights into the individual's behavior, skills, thoughts Psychological assessment — also known as psychological testing — is done to help a psychologist better understand an individual and provide valuable insights into the individual's behavior, skills, thoughts psychological testing — is done to help a psychologist better understand an individual and provide valuable insights into the individual's behavior, skills, thoughts and -LSB-...]
Hostile Aggressive Parenting is the pattern of behavior that leads to a psychological or social condition known as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS).
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire SDQ: [14 — 16] is a well - known, frequently used instrument in research [17, 18], that can be completed in five minutes by parents or teachers for assessing psychological problems and prosocial behaviors among children aged 3 — 16 years.
These longitudinal studies highlight that it is no longer acceptable to adopt a «wait and see» attitude coupled with the prevailing attitude that «it is just behavior» and ignore the evidence that preschoolers can experience intense psychological distress with potential long - term sequelae.
In contrast, there has been relatively little attention paid in universal family skills training preventive intervention programs to the known, proximal determinants of parenting behavior such as parent emotions, social cognitions, and other aspects of parent psychological functioning (see Dix 1991; Dix et al. 1986).
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