Sentences with phrase «lab members»

Some of the most useful sections contain exercises to help readers to understand their own motivation and that of other lab members.
This strategy has placed lab members in faculty positions around the world.
I take great pains to make sure that during any recruiting of new lab members, they are informed (or shall I say «warned») of our lab philosophy.
If your advisor does not routinely give lab members papers to review, ask whether s / he would be willing to mentor you in learning how to review a paper.
A weekly lab meeting where lab members present their work provides an opportunity for this type of discourse.
Hopefully, you have been very explicit about your intolerance for sexual or cultural harassment, and hopefully you are around the lab enough to notice lab member's interactions.
So spend as much time at the bench as you can during your lab's early years: Your involved presence is the best way to keep lab members motivated to do good science.
A video camera recorded the whole thing so other lab members could classify each behavior, judging whether the dolphins were self - conscious or not.
Develop a consistent schedule for interacting with lab members While PIs tend to be extremely busy, a 30 - minute to 1 - hour meeting per week with each member of the lab may in fact save time since a scheduled opportunity for asking questions can decrease random interruptions during the week.
All of these systems are available to Bet Labs members in the Think Tank.
It was also fun to catch up with former lab member Steven Ahrendt who now works at JGI on early diverging fungi genome projects.
It was impossible for lab members to paste all those pictures into their notebooks, and there was no way to link their image files, stored on flash drives and computers, to the corresponding lab notebook entries.
Current lab members involved in the study from the Yin lab (from top: Hongqing Guo, Jiani Chen, Zhouli Xie, Nicole Huser, Yanhai Yin, Trevor Nolan and Hao Jiang).
Other Discher lab members who contributed to the work were Kyle Spinler, Jerome Irianto, Charlotte Pfeifer, Brandon Hayes, Yuntao Xia, Sangkyun Cho, Dave Dingal, Jake Hsu, Lucas Smith and Manu Tewari.
Most beginning PIs don't envision themselves dealing with the personal side of lab member interactions.
The favorite cake of a previous lab member while I was in graduate school was coconut and while I did not look forward to making such a creation, it was for her birthday so I sucked it up and made a coconut cake complete with coconut syrup brushed on the layers, coconut frosting, and lots of shredded coconut on the top and sides.
Establish a clear system for ordering supplies and using equipment Systems for ordering and equipment use will cut down on conflicts among lab members.
Whenever lab members got their hands on hookworms, they plopped them in a petri dish.
Lab members from a foreign country label their reagents and samples in a language Student B doesn't understand (despite Student B's need to share said reagents and samples).
Lundblad also supports lab members who make choices different from her own.
As of last spring, he says, his group, led by lab member Junying Yu, had pared an initial list of 100 - plus genes to 14.
The GAO's new report draws heavily from two national - scale studies: one from the EPA and the other is the American Climate Prospectus, authored by Climate Impact Lab members.
This title will be the sequel to STEINS; GATE and will follow the Future Gadget Lab members as they team up with the creator of a new AI project codenamed Amadeus.
Most PIs can recognize the difficulty of this decision: How much you help lab members who are not as independent, or as gifted, as others?
Many of our Bet Labs members create «fade» systems to bet against.
Willerslev extracted 13 samples of DNA from the arm bone, and his graduate student Andaine Seguin - Orlando and other lab members sequenced the ancient genome to a final coverage of 2.42 x, which is relatively low and means that on average each nucleotide site was read 2.4 times.
On GradPI, former and current lab members rate PIs on five metrics: reputation, mentorship quality, degree of independence offered, funding, and interpersonal skills.
Former lab members say that Lundblad is tough and sets high standards.
Research at the University of Alberta's Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Lab is diverse in nature, providing lab members with the ability to conceive, design, and execute research projects that are at the cutting edge of bioengineering.
When Church celebrated his 60th birthday in 2014, one lab member hacked his calendar to see how much time each student had scheduled with him.
My suggestion — which I recommend to all of my undergraduate lab members — is simple: Apply for a scholarship, fellowship, or award of some type that requires a recommendation letter and has a deadline in the fall or spring after your summer research.
The report cites e-mail exchanges between Das and lab members documenting data manipulation, and in one e-mail to Das, a student in the lab wrote: «I have changed the figures as you told me.»
To motivate his postdocs to be productive, Martinez holds monthly seminars where lab members give 20 - minute presentations of their research.
Thanks to crucial contributions from three young lab members, he said, his team succeeded in converting mature skin cells into pluripotent stem cells.
When setting the tone for a lab, a common approach used by principal investigators (PIs) is to clearly state the expectations to lab members when they first start.
Others echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the role funding will play as a motivating force for PIs who might at first be hesitant to encourage lab members to pursue career development opportunities.
Heather Maughan, a postdoctoral fellow who is now in a laboratory at the University of Toronto, in Canada, observes that when «PIs spend almost no time in the lab, lab members tend to be sloppier and not perform all of their duties, such as lab cleanup and sharing of reagents,» she says.
In a lab of average size, hiring an extra lab member, irrespective of position, increased the likelihood that the lab would produce an SNC publication by 8 %.
Before inviting lab members to the clinic, Kaplan asks a family's permission — and has always gotten a «yes.»
These technologies can streamline the processes of gathering, keeping, and using facts and of alerting lab members about matters needing attention.
Jeffrey Bode, an organic chemist at the University of Pennsylvania, strives for an environment in which lab members feel that they can discuss all experiments — those that worked and those that didn't.
A dysfunctional lab can be caused by a long string of experiments that don't work, by one disgruntled lab member, or by your own burnout and anger.
For example, in labs with a majority of single and childless members, productive lab members with children might be viewed with disdain, as they may spend fewer hours in the lab (even if they are just as productive).
Many PIs find that papers and honors and promotions eventually pale beside the satisfaction of mentoring lab members and building an extended network of scientists and friends.
One indication of trouble is the marginalization of one or more lab members.
University of Queensland Visual Ecology Lab member Dr Karen Cheney, of the School of Biological Sciences, said researchers examined sea slugs, or nudibranchs, which had bright colour patterns to warn predators they contained toxic defences.
He calls up a map on his computer from a recent paper a former lab member published on fringe - toed lizards.
Tabin lab members Brian Martineau, Megan Peavey and Julius Tabin are co-authors on the paper.

Phrases with «lab members»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z