Sentences with phrase «label as adolescents»

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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration originally approved the drug in 1999, but subsequent case reports of abnormal behavior in adolescents who used the medication led the agency in 2006 to require that all packaging of the drug include a warning label about potential neuropsychiatric side effects, such as hallucinations, delirium, self - harm and even suicide.
Bratteby LE, Sandhagen B, Fan H, Enghardt H, Samuelson G. Total energy expenditure and physical activity as assessed by the doubly labeled water method in Swedish adolescents in whom energy intake was underestimated by 7 - d diet records.
A disciplinary strategy labeled as «power - assertive,» characterized by corporal and psychological aggression, in combination with high levels of supervision and punishment was positively related to adolescent - to - parent violence (Ibabe and Bentler 2016).
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