Sentences with phrase «labeling neurons with»

Photo of a living Brainbow zebrafish, taken by Zachary Tobias (a research technician in Weissman - Unni's lab), showing a brightly labeled neuron with its cell body (white) at bottom.
Accurately labelling neurons with markers such as fluorescence, he says, will probably be the key challenge in the eventual goal of creating a «census» of different cell types in the brain.

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Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)- dependent protein kinase, labeled with fluorescein and rhodamine on the catalytic and regulatory subunits, respectively, was injected into Aplysia sensory neurons either in culture or in intact cell clusters.
For this particular study, the research team created a small library consisting of different fly lines; in each line, a different set of specific neurons was genetically labeled and could be artificially activated, with each neuron type secreting a different neuropeptide.
Fluorescently labeled synaptic vesicles inside the axons of cultured neurons were recorded with stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy in a 2.5 - micrometer by 1.8 - micrometer field of view.
It turned out that 80 % of the BrdU - labeled cells were also tagged with the enolase, confirming that the newborn cells were in fact neurons.
The group employed various viral tracing methods — infecting receptor - expressing neurons with a virus strain and watching them spread as they label infected cells with a fluorescent protein — to visualize the neural circuit downstream of the ESP1 receptor, as well as providing an image of nerve fibers belonging to specific neurons in the brain and synapses relaying impulses from neuron to neuron, to map the anatomical foundation that conveys ESP1 signals in the brain.
This image shows fluorescently labeled neurons, overlaid with an illustration of a person scratching.
Such vectors have become critical tools for delivering genes to treat disease or to label neurons and their connective fibers with fluorescent colors to map out their locations.
A thalamocortical, or TC neuron labeled with fluorescent dye, as used in Dr. Augustinaite's study.
Before ending the experiment, the mice were injected with a compound that's selectively incorporated into dividing cells, and hence labels adult - born neurons.
Sandia National Laboratories researchers are drawing inspiration from neurons in the brain, such as these green fluorescent protein - labeled neurons in a mouse neocortex, with the aim of developing neuro - inspired computing systems to reboot computing.
He used an assortment of anatomical tracing techniques to label neurons in their entirety — a cell body with a long axon extending out in one direction and the branched tendrils of dendrites protruding from the other.
Human induced pluripotent stem cell neurons imaged in phase contrast (gray pixels, left)-- currently processed manually with fluorescent labels (color pixels) to make them visible.
A cortical layer 2/3 neuron at 21 days in vitro labeled by ex utero electroporation with fluorescent marker for spine visualization.
Synaptic reconstruction of all excitatory inputs made onto a single cortical pyramidal neuron labeled with sparse in utero electroporation (Unpublished, Dan Iascone)
Synaptic reconstruction of all excitatory and inhibitory inputs made onto a single cortical pyramidal neuron labeled with sparse in utero electroporation.
Both 3DISCO and CLARITY have relied on the use of transgenic mice in which a subpopulation of neurons are brightly labeled with GFP (e.g. Thy1 - YFP - H mice).
3D time - lapse of neuron: Time - lapse image of mouse primary neuron labeled with EGFP after co-culture with astrocyte for 2 weeks.
Tracer applied into Cluster N labeled neuronal somata in the Gld regions of both hemispheres with the vast majority being located on the ipsilateral side relative to Cluster N. On the ipsilateral side, the neurons projecting onto Cluster N (Fig 1C, 2A, shown in green; Fig. 2C, shown in black) were mainly located in lateral and ventral parts of the DLL (Nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis) with few additional connections from the LdOPT (Nucleus lateralis dorsalis nuclei optici principalis thalami) and SpRt (Nucleus suprarotundus).
B: Double - labeling of ZENK and the retrograde tracer BDA in sagittal brain sections at the level of Cluster N proves the correct placement of tracer into Cluster N: arrows point to examples of neurons displaying ZENK - immunoreactivity (shown in magenta) in the nucleus together with BDA (shown in green) in the somata.
Retrogradely labeled neurons projecting upon Cluster N (visualised green) mainly originate within the DLL, with few additional connections from the LdOPT and SpRt.
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