Sentences with word «labial»

The word "labial" refers to something related to the lips. It can describe sounds or actions involving the lips, such as when speaking certain letters like 'p' or 'b' that require lip movement. Full definition
Lip ties are unusually short or tight labial frenulums and are discussed with increasing frequency.
Dotson allows us a glimpse at The Beast's rapacious grimace, cast in the shadow from the glow of the lush labial folds of the rose as it hovers just beyond the fragile glass he clutches, it's juicy segments begging to be touched.
Labial frenums can also have a negative impact of breastfeeding because they may not allow for the flaring of the upper lip that is needed to create a good seal around the breast.
Dr. Lane is available for private lactation consultations within either the Carmel or Lafayette office, and when appropriate, Dr. Lane can offer a frenectomy (releasing the tongue - tie) or clipping of a tight labial frenulum (upper lip).
Breastfeeding difficulties as the result of tight lingual and labial frena.
«The narrow face and long labial palps of Euhesma aulaca n. sp. allows the bee to obtain nectar from the flowers from emu - bushes (Eremophila), that have a constriction at the base.»
For labial herpes, the mean healing time was 43 percent better, and for genital herpes, 59 percent better than acyclovir.
Two cases of labial herpes and one case of genital herpes remitted completely with the honey treatment, whereas none remitted while using acyclovir.12
The artist scrawls «teeth» and «brain» with broad, energized lines, creating a visual vibration that turns the letters into evocative phallic and labial forms.
Had my baby had the laser upper labial frenulectomy done for a second time, we would have both likely both been able to go back to breastfeeding comfortably again.
Water births show a higher rate of births «without injuries», first and second - degree perineal lacerations, vaginal and labial tears.
The Other Baby Book Blog, Living Peacefully with Children and Queso Suizo will be sharing some of their own natural baby care posts at their blogs on topics ranging from cloth diapers to labial adhesions in baby girls so be checking their spaces for that information.
The list is long; for example, tight lingual or labial frenulae (tongue and lip - tie), facial asymmetry (unequal facial abilities or movements), short tongue, long tongue, misaligned cervical vertebrae (needing a good chiropractor), low milk supply, over supply of milk, bacterial or fungal infection of the nipple, prematurity, neurological challenges, or dozens of other possibilities.
Her baby had received not one, but four lingual frenectomies and one labial frenectomy!
The researchers made the discovery after analyzing small cut marks, or labial striations, which are the lip side of the anterior teeth in an intact upper jaw fossil, known as OH - 65, found in a stream channel of the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania.
The antennae extend upward (black compound eyes behind them), the longer maxillary palps and shorter labial palps extend downward, and the paired paraglossae are on either side of the mouth.
In one study, 16 adult subjects with a history of recurrent labial and genital herpes attacks used honey to treat one attack, and a commonly prescribed antiviral drug, Acyclovir cream, during another.
bought my dating someone with herpes fter my herpes is the word that pops up for us pathetic losers that enjoy herpes prescription drugs dating app exclusive roubaix 20 Sep 2013 Although many people infected with HSV develop labial or genital lesions.
Likewise, labial buccal reconstruction will be discussed.
This course starts with a 2 - hour lecture discussing radiology equipment, safety, terminology, normal and abnormal anatomy, basic pathology, and labial mounting of films.
It is also known as «labial curl».
Joshua Holowinski - «Lungworms (Crenosoma vulpis) in an 11 Year Old Male Castrated Beagle» Julian Rivera - «Babesia odocoilei in a Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus) Bull Calf» Emily Tomak - SGU - «Nasal and Labial Avulsion in a 10 - year - old Staffordshire Bull Terrier» Diana Rydzewski - «Thrombocytopenia and Splenic Leiomyosarcoma in a 12 - year - old English Springer Spaniel» Anita Yau - Moderator
Its head is usually jet black with startlingly white labial scales.
The curator, Maura Reilly, describes its spaces as labial.
Taking such materials as clay, bubble gum and Play - Doh, Wilke fashioned serial forms that folded inward or opened out with overtly labial sensuousness.
The centrepiece and unifying theme of the exhibition is Elective Affinities (1978), a work comprising 86 white glazed porcelain sculptures, each one evocative of vaginal and labial imagery, set in grids across four painted boards.
The pastels and slithery forms of «Mountain and Sea» could be read as descending from Georgia O'Keeffe's flowery colors and labial shapes.
Naturally, there's a finger masturbating Courbet's labial painting The Origin of the World and a woman wearing a gorilla mask à la The Guerrilla Girls.
Bruce Nauman, Lip Sync (Sincronización labial), 1969, black and white video with sound, 30 min (shortened version).
Labial frenums are responsible for most of the diastemas or gaps people have between their front teeth.
After enduring worsening breast discomfort while breastfeeding for about a week or so, I finally decided to go to a lactation consultant and also back to my mid-wife and learned from both that my daughter had an upper lip - tie (labial frenulum) as well as a lower tongue - tie, causing her to have latching issues.
Breastfeeding difficulties as a result of tight lingual and labial frena: a case report.
The many regional differences in transcription factor expression that we uncovered may help explain this regional specificity, as has been documented already for labial and the Cu region.
Our perennial and underappreciated wizard of the artistic id will exhibit her wily ways with phallic and labial forms, her penchant for intense color, and her knack for turning any material into something talismanic and weird.
When such a condition occurs in a male, the easiest form of plastic surgery by far, with a view to correcting the abnormality and gaining a cosmetically satisfactory appearance, is to remove all the male parts, including the testes, and to construct from the tissues available a labial and vaginal configuration.
96 - This is an example of a labial frenum that probably interfered with breastfeeding because it did not allow the upper lip to raise and seal around the breast.
My baby's lip tie grew back 4 months after it was lasered and she should have had a laser frenulectomy on her labial frenulum (lip - tie) done a second time to resolve the repeated latching problems.
I hope this blog helps any breastfeeding mother seeking out information and others» experiences with tongue - tie, labial frenulum (lip - ties), laser frenulectomies, and all the positives, hiccups, and challenges that go along with them.
I hope this blog helps any breastfeeding mother seeking out information and others» experiences with tongue - tie, labial frenulum (lip - ties), laser frenulectomies, and all the challenges and hiccups that come along with them.
The tongue or lip tie may also be called a tight lingual or labial frenulum, or in diagnostic terms, ankyloglossia.
In some ultrasounds, you may also be able to identify the uterus of the girl fetus and the labial lines.
The frenulum is a small bit of tissue that secures the tongue to the muscle at floor of the mouth (lingual frenulum) or the lips to the gums (labial frenulum).
Labial (upper lip) ties are associated with painful latch, sucking calluses and a gap of the front teeth.
Frenotomy is a simple office procedure in which the frenulum in the tongue (lingual) or upper or lower lip (labial) is clipped to release a tongue tie (ankyloglossia) or lip tie.

Phrases with «labial»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z