Sentences with word «lability»

The emotional lability scale of the CPRS - R is an adequate predictor of irritability in youth referred for ADHD.
Permafrost peat provides substrate for aquatic microbes [32], but the preferential use of modern C recently fixed from the atmosphere could be favored because of the greater lability of this pool [17].
Wonderlich, S.A., Rosenfedt, S., Crosby, R.D., Mitchell, J.E., Engel, S.C., Smyth, J. and Miltenberger, R. (2007) The effects of childhood trauma on daily mood lability and comorbid psychopathology in bulimia nervosa, Journal of Traumatic Stress, 20, 77 - 87.
Furthermore, the three - dimensional structure of ODD was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis and the CPRS - R emotional lability scale significantly predicted the ODD irritable dimension.
Genetic Associations Between the Symptoms of Attention - Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder and Emotional Lability in Child and Adolescent Twins.
Other menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, declining libido, and emotional irritability / lability also respond well to progesterone therapy.
A driver must have these new required lability limits (instead of the previously lower limits of $ 10 / $ 20 / $ 10) in place on the offense date of the alcohol - related violation to not owe a reinstatement fee to the state, but will still need to provide the state with an FR - 44..
Extreme affective lability, which is experienced by patients with bipolar disorder, may have contributed to the significant HRV dysregulation in these patients.
One factor that has been proposed as a possible link explaining the development of anxiety in children with ADHD is emotional dysregulation, which is conceptually similar to emotional lability [28] as well as the irritable dimension of oppositional defiant disorder ODD [29].
Two GEEs examining 2 parent gender (mother, father) × 2 group (AD, non-AD) were run on the parent - reported child ER data and emotion lability / negativity data from the ERC.
Editor's Note: To see pre-1990 Broker Lability cases organized by jurisdiction, click here.
The PEC - Direct ™ product candidate delivers the pancreatic progenitor cells in a non-immunoprotective device and is being developed for type 1 diabetes patients who have severe hypoglycemic episodes, extreme glycemic lability, and / or impaired awareness of hypoglycemia.
Postpartum blues is a relatively common emotional disturbance with crying, confusion, mood lability, anxiety and depressed mood.
This explains why they often have crisis - strewn lives and extreme emotional lability (emotions that shift rapidly).
Thus it is being developed to treat patients with type 1 diabetes that are at high risk for acute complications such as severe hypoglycemic episodes, including patients with extreme glycemic lability and / or impaired awareness of hypoglycemia.
«Our data not only provide insight into the factors behind skewed X chromosome inactivation in young female children, but also demonstrate the lability of this pattern in early childhood» said Chloe Wong, a PhD student in the SGDP's Psychiatric Epigenetics group, and one of the authors of the study.
The PEC - Direct product candidate delivers stem cell - derived PEC - 01 pancreatic progenitor cells in a device designed to allow direct vascularization of the cells, and is being developed for type 1 diabetes patients that have severe hypoglycemic episodes, extreme glycemic lability, and / or impaired awareness of hypoglycemia.
As such, PEC - Direct will require immunosuppression therapy, and is being developed for type 1 diabetes patients that are at a higher risk of death due to complications, such as severe hypoglycemic episodes, extreme glycemic lability and hypoglycemia unawareness.
The PEC - Direct product candidate is being developed for type 1 diabetes patients who have hypoglycemia unawareness, extreme glycemic lability, and / or severe hypoglycemic episodes.
The PEC - Direct product candidate delivers the pancreatic progenitor cells in a non-immunoprotective device and is being developed for type 1 diabetes patients that have severe hypoglycemic episodes, extreme glycemic lability, and / or impaired hypoglycemia awareness.
PEC - Direct product candidate delivers the pancreatic progenitor cells in a non-immunoprotective device and is being developed for type 1 diabetes patients that have severe hypoglycemic episodes, extreme glycemic lability, and / or impaired awareness of hypoglycemia.
Symptoms, which include irritability, emotional lability, bloating, breast tenderness, hypoglycemic symptoms, food cravings, weight gain and depression, improve or generally disappear entirely with the onset of the menses.
Estrogen Dominance: many women suffering from symptoms of PMS, which includes emotional lability, irritability, and / or depression in the days leading up to a woman's menses, likely have higher estrogen levels relative to progesterone.
Florian Dombois (b. 1966 in Berlin) is an artist who has focused on models, landforms, labilities, seismic activity, tectonic activity, scientific fictions and technical fictions, as well as on their various representational and media formats, and especially on sound.
* Depressive features of mental impairment, memory lapses, [18] diminished attention span, [18] fluctuating depression [28][30] * Emotional lability and in some patients, the emotional pattern is that of hypomania, [31] or pathologic well - being (euphoria) or the hyperactivity may produce a state of exhaustion, and profound fatigue or asthenia chiefly characterizes the picture.
Genetic and environmental determinants of the lability of trait neuroticism and the symptoms of anxiety and depression
Is emotional lability a marker for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety and aggression symptoms in preschoolers?.
DBT was developed by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D., at the University of Washington in the early 1990's, and focuses on the teaching of skills in group settings (in addition to individual psychotherapy) that have been proven effective in the treatment of acute mental health symptoms, including depression, self - harm, emotional lability, and anxiety.
Appropriate referrals include clients who demonstrate longstanding difficulties with managing emotions, such as intense negative emotions, emotional lability, suicidal and parasuicidal thoughts and behaviors, difficulty tolerating distress, and / or related problems in relationships.
The body responds as if the trauma is still occurring and keeps the person in a state of constant readiness and unnecessary reactivity, leading to a constellation of familiar symptoms, including anxiety, panic, hyper - vigilance, flashbacks, emotional lability, depression, pain, patterns of bracing and collapse, cognitive dysfunction, behavioral problems, addictions, and an ongoing sense of intrusion and overwhelm.
Emotional lability and affect regulation also serve as a common underlying risk factor for comorbid internalizing and SUDs [40, 77 •].
For AD children, there was no significant difference between mothers, M = 30.90, and fathers, M = 30.22, reporting of their child's emotional lability / negativity, Wald χ 2 (1) = 0.64, p =.423.
Child emotional lability / negativity.
There was no difference, however, between mothers» and fathers» reporting of non-AD children's emotional lability / negativity.
This subscale assesses a child's lack of flexibility, mood lability and dysregulated negative affect (e.g., «exhibits wide mood swings»).
This assertion is based on several overlapping symptoms and features, including trait impulsivity, emotional lability, high rates of depression and suicide, and a high likelihood of childhood abuse and / or neglect.
Moreover, they display high scores in emotional regulation and median scores in lability / negativity.
The Cronbach's alpha was 0.72 for the subscale «Emotion Regulation» and 0.82 for the subscale «Lability / Negativity».
Two subscales composed this measure: Emotion Regulation (maximum score = 32) and Lability / Negativity (maximum score = 60).
In the present study, we use the term emotional dysregulation descriptively, and thus similarly to how emotional lability and the irritable dimension of ODD has been used in studies of older children [28, 29, 32].
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