Sentences with phrase «labor this time around»

And yes, I sure hope to avoid back labor this time around (sorry you had to endure it as well)-- though I know it will help if I do have it just to be able to move around and not be stuck in bed on my left side for the entire labor.
In the days following her breech water birth, I've wondered what made the drastic difference in the length of my labor this time around (over 12 hours shorter than my previous shortest and over 20 hours shorter than most of my labors).
So naturally when I went into labor this time around we blew every light on Michigan Avenue to get to Northwestern in time.

Not exact matches

Technically, the first day of fall isn't until September 21st — but once Labor Day rolls around, it feels like time for a farewell party to summer and a welcome party for fall.
While I'm usually the type of cook to spend hours puttering around the kitchen making homemade croissants, pasta, and anything else slow and labor intensive, these past few weeks I've barely had time to cook a proper meal.
i had a doula the first time around, and i wish every laboring woman would — they are the best!
I'm a mother of 2 an I've tried natural birthing with a DOULA - although I ended both times cesarean - one girl turned and got stuck and the other never went unto labor - my pregnancies were 23 mos apart and I was scared the second time around, even though I had chosen once again to try natural, my body had given me signs and the second girl had the cord wrapped 3 times around her neck, which could have caused some trouble during delivery or maybe not.
It is likely for labor to move more quickly the second time around.
Maybe it was just luck of the draw or because second labors are famously easier, but I felt so much more relaxed this time due to the lovely environment and being allowed to move around, without being monitored.
I could make a laundry list of what I would like the second time around with a singleton rather than twins (breastfeeding, not premature, no bed rest, no pre-term labor scares, regular number of doctor's appts, no develo [pmental delays, cheaper, EVERYTHING), but my problem with having my victory baby is there is no way I want a newborn again while also caring for my twins (currently 2.5).
Prodromal labor is known for starting and stopping at around the same time every day.
You can read every pregnancy book and blog out there to prepare yourself, but there is an air of mystery around the due date and beginning of labor, especially for first - time moms.
During our visits we had discussed my stopping at the birth center to labor there before heading to the hospital, but she also knew that with having a long painful back labor the first time around (thanks to my daughter's posterior positioning), I might not have a good sense of how far along my labor was due to the difference in pain.
But already at around 36 weeks of pregnancy, first time moms may experience lightning; one of the first signs of labor.
Somewhere along the way, I went from the idea of getting an epidural and having a classic hospital birth when I imagined having a baby, to becoming a total hippie who never dreamed of using pain meds during labor, knew I would have a doula and by the second time around, would be having my baby at home.
Since this wasn't my first rodeo and my pregnancy was more healthy this time around, I was sure I would go into labor a little early.
It's not a sure thing, but labor is likely to be shorter this time around.
A pleasant pregnancy experience the first time around doesn't mean you'll have a difficult labor the second time around.
Fortunately, most babies make their way to the proper position by the time labor day rolls around.
The night i was holding my baby after 12 hours of labor I remember thinking wow it is going to be so easy next time around and even thought I might try a home birth.
It was around 12 am by the time I had checked in, dressed in the the comfy clothes I had brought with me, and gotten settled in the labor and delivery room.
The bottom line is, any time before you go into labor is a good time to take a childbirth education class, but enrolling around month 6 or 7 of your pregnancy is when most experts recommend.
Therefore, even if you are not having your first child, you could still miss certain signs that labor is beginning because this time around it could be drastically different than your previous experience.
Most midwives have a usual procedure here; for example, she might usually come around the time that you're transitioning into active labor.
Second - time labor is generally faster because, well, things don't have to stretch quite as much this time around.
I hoped it wasn't a sign of early labor, but the doctor reassured me that it was just another pregnancy symptom that can appear around this time.
Besides the mother's regular, daily use of the Pelvic Tilt for her own comfort, whenever she wishes, there is a time to use it to help baby rotate to an anterior starting position for easier labor: Any time after 32 weeks or as the 8th month begins: stop what you are doing and get into position for the Pelvic Tilt when baby is actively kicking and moving around.
Either they start suddenly and are really forceful and short (6 - 8 hours from start to finish doesn't seem uncommon) so it's like having your first labor condensed into half or less of the time, or else you have on - off labor for days that annoys you and makes you think the baby is never actually going to come out but then all of a sudden things turn around and the baby's out in 1 - 3 hours.
I still feel like every single incidental glance that we exchanged during Monica's labors, and every single time we held hands or laughed out loud or rubbed feet (OK, I never got my feet rubbed) or just lay there beside each other on the same bed, breathing quietly, knowing that we were in for something so magical and powerful that it was impossible to even get our heads around the child we were about to meet, I still feel like those were some of the greatest moments in my life, hands down.
I guess it was latent, or prodromal labor, but things can be really unpredictable the second time around, so when my contractions were consistently about five minutes apart, I called the midwives.
And the second time around, seven hour labor, I pushed three times.
According to an analysis prepared on positioning and movement during early labor project that walking around or staying upright for some time will shorten the labor time by about an hour.
I had a really intense time during my first labor because my little man was turned around.
Don't let the movies scare you, though: most of early labor consists of milder contractions with plenty of time between them for breathing, relaxing, wandering around the room, or arguing over baby names with your partner.
Hawkins says this time around, his candidacy is being taken seriously by the press and key labor officials.
Powerful labor forces who backed Mr. Rangel last time around may also be more inclined to stay neutral this year after seeing lefty allies like Ms. Mark - Viverito defect from the incumbent.
Until recently, the parties and most candidates did not air major television advertisement campaigns until around Labor Day — when television networks returned to prime - time programs.
Around the time pregnancy became a choice rather than an inevitability and the business of having children became about more than generating labor for the farm, we began seeking ways to bond with our babies before birth.
Astronomers around the world volunteered labor and telescope time to monitor the star across the electromagnetic spectrum, giving us access to spectral information we lacked during the dips observed by the Kepler mission.
In addition, the umbilical cord was wrapped around her several times, and she had begun to show signs of distress as the labor progressed.
This time around, I'm trying for VBAC and have the eduction of a TCM doctor, so I am hoping by being more physically, spiritually and emotionally prepared, I can have a labor experience like yours with my 2nd babe.
With plenty of sunny weathered - weekends left and Labor Day just around the corner, it's time to fire up the barbeque!
There wasn't anything that really sped labor up for me, but with my first, I ate dates and that seemed to help with recovery after, my bleeding stopped 6 days after delivery, while with my second and no dates this time, my bleeding had tapered off around 3.5 weeks!
I have had a hard time wrapping my head around the fact we only have one week left of August and two weeks until Labor Day.
If you are around my age, or older, you know that for a long time there was a rule of «no white after Labor Day» or you could say «no white before Memorial Day».
The phrase «fruit of my labor» keeps rolling around in my mind; both because this is the time of year when farmer's get to reap the harvest of their hard work, and because I get to enjoy the reward of a freshly cleaned and decorated porch.
I spent some time in Montauk over Labor Day and it was so crowded (but very fun)-- I'd love to go back around this time of year and relax!
Labor Day is right around the corner, and the bullseye has discounted thousands of home items, and to save you time, we've picked some of our favorite finds and rounded them up below.
To help you all benefit from the fruits of my labor, I also spent some time collating the various Black Friday sales that are swirling around the interwebs — I'll try to update new ones as I find them, but here are the most current deals to my favorite shops:
With Labor Day just around the corner, I thought it would be the perfect time to share a fancy BBQ with the perfect adult beverage and a menu with recipes!!
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