Sentences with phrase «laboring mom»

A "laboring mom" refers to a woman who is going through the process of giving birth to a baby. Full definition
It's done it again and again and again for laboring Moms out there.
Without being able to move around, as laboring moms often find themselves after having an induction, the pain of labor can become unbearable.
I've had the privilege of serving as a doula dozens of times, for many different types of births, and each time I am still in awe of the strength of laboring moms and the beauty of birth.
Most doctors and their hospitals want laboring moms in L&D within 24 hours of their waters breaking.
When laboring moms are stressed out, their body takes on a flight or fight response, and basically holds the baby in.
Laboring moms feel relaxed and reassured by the safe space Joy creates with her calm, confident nature.
One of the things many laboring moms like is a couple of tennis balls put in a sock and then used to massage her lower back.
This goes hand in hand with confining laboring moms to hospital beds.
This doesn't make a lot of sense to laboring moms since it's excruciating to be stuck supine, especially with a baby who's not in an optimal position.
The hospital environment doesn't always treat laboring moms and their newborns kindly.
But just when she sat down to take a rest and wait out her other laboring mom patients, the husband of the woman she'd been tending to called out for help.
Many hospitals enforce strict timelines on laboring moms whose water has broken, whether it happened naturally or not.
Although asking laboring mom's to refrain from eating is still standard practice, most midwives believe the risk of aspiration is low and the benefits of eating outweigh this danger.
After being a doula for several years, labor has become an interesting internal conversation between my rational doula side and my not - so - logical laboring mom side.
Not too terribly long ago, it was routine practice for laboring moms to arrive at the hospital and «be prepped» for delivery.
Water has amazing calming effects to the laboring mom.
We're keenly aware that a laboring mom won't progress well if she is still in the role of caretaker during her labor.
We chatted quietly and took care of the laboring mom, who wanted her hips squeezed and her back rubbed during contractions.
The midwife did everything right as far as I could tell: she listened to heart tones regularly, she spoke soothingly and patiently to the laboring mom, and she checked her only once every few hours.
If the staff is cold, insensitive, unsupportive and uncaring, or downright condescending and hostile, it only enhances the traumatic emotional pain felt by the laboring mom.
No one wants to be tripping over the birth photographer when they are trying to provide emotional, physical or medical support to a laboring mom or baby!
We just established that pain is a major fear of many pregnant and laboring moms.
You could end up trying to cater to your own empty stomach as the laboring mom is finally ready to start pushing.
Traditionally, a laboring mom is moved from the labor room to the delivery room and then, after the baby is delivered by a doctor who manages the delivery, mom is moved to a hospital room and baby is carted off to the nursery.
Or if you have, you may have not paid attention to the equipment or protocols because you may have been supporting or visiting a laboring mom.
It's not often that a laboring mom has a doctor who is patient and willing to wait while baby makes its way out.
This is popular position because the laboring mom can get the weight of the baby off her back and has her arms to support her as she leans over.
It's not necessary to break a laboring mom's water to get the baby out.
Sure, emergencies happen, but prohibiting all laboring moms from eating because of that rare possibility is not only foolish, it's cruel!
For instance, a dose of pictocin to kickstart labor could cause a stall in labor a make a laboring mom lose heart, opt for anesthesia in desperation, and then require that her baby be helped along either by removing with forceps or rushing her to surgery.
In case of emergency, have a plan to transfer the laboring mom to a hospital.
The physical sacrifices midwives make for their laboring moms amazes me to this day.
It rings of the old days when all of the women in the family came together to guide the laboring mom with their combined experience and understanding.
She is a phenomenal physical and emotional support to laboring moms (and their families too) ~ I really can not imagine having a child without having her there!
The Lamaze technique is famous for using breathing techniques to help a laboring mom focus and gain control over her pain.
If a laboring mom is experiencing this type of pain, other pain management methods may help.
If the anesthesiologist isn't very skilled, the laboring mom will continue to feel sensation and pain.
An epi may fail if a laboring mom has L&D staff that doesn't try to ease the discomfort of childbirth, or if the anesthesiologist doesn't try to place the needle and catheter in the right spot.
If a laboring mom believes her epidural will fail, then she'll feel the pain of each contraction.
And sometimes, supporting a laboring mom simply requires two people.
One laboring mom, high on pain anesthesia, was jonesing for barbecue ribs in between her contractions.
The main reason is the energy that food gives a laboring mom, allowing them to be better prepared managing contractions and pushing for delivery.
Most hospitals take that ability away from laboring moms, which may leave you struggling earlier in labor, and possibly more apt to require interventions.
A laboring mom had a bit of situation when she was laboring at home and realized she needed a steak, but didn't have any in her fridge.
Refusing to acknowledge that Julia was talking to him, the doctor only addressed the laboring mom, who confessed she was still hoping for a vaginal birth.
The birth professionals (the vast majority of whom are nurse midwives) at Landspítali do not scold the laboring mom for wanting a homebirth.
The birth team can negotiate and advocate for the laboring mom, so she can concentrate on the rhythm and surrender of birth.
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