Sentences with phrase «laboring woman»

The phrase "laboring woman" refers to a woman who is going through the process of giving birth to a baby. Full definition
There may be little or no voice over or text on screen explaining which stage of labor the woman is in.
You feel confident in your skills supporting normal physiologic birth and regularly utilize non-pharmacologic comfort measures when caring for laboring women when it is appropriate to do so.
Ampicillin and amoxicillin have been rendered virtually useless for treating GBS by their prior overuse in laboring women in an effort to prevent GBS infection in newborns.
Cord Clamping 50 years ago dads weren't with laboring women in the delivery room.
This was largely because of the increase use of anesthesia on laboring women and the «pathology - orientated medical model» that existed at the time.
Of course laboring women want to mitigate pain, but short of using pharmacological interventions, how do you really reduce pain in labor and birth?
It's about basic respect for laboring women as people and patients, not inanimate objects who should submit cheerfully to any pain (such as the chronic pain associated with my C - section scar) and any indignity at the hands of doctors who threaten and abuse their patients.
Hospitals are the right place to be for many laboring women!
Yes, having a baby is part of womanhood, however, even in ancient times there were women who served in the capacity of midwives to assist laboring women in their deliveries.
Proponents of birthing as a non-medical event sometimes show natural birth pictures and natural birth videos where laboring women are strapped onto a special labor table or undergo procedures they don't really want like an unnecessary c - section or induction.
At the same time, there are no medical interventions available for laboring women at home.
A new study reports laboring women given control over their epidural anesthesia resulted in a 30 percent reduction of the amount of anesthesia used and were «basically as comfortable» as women on a continuous dose.
The Labor Progress Handbook By Penny Simkin The focus of this book is to understand how laboring women, their partners, doulas and care providers can help avoid the cascade of intervention due to dystocia (difficult or abnormal labor) which often leads to a cesarean birth.
Keep in mind that during labor women's hormones are sky high and many of them are the same ones as when women experience orgasm while making love.
The concept of squatting made a lot of sense to me, especially after seeing with myself and other laboring women how relaxation and proper positioning of the sphincter muscles can make a night and day difference in labor (and babies are much bigger!).
A very common desire among laboring women, I thought it'd be a great idea to look into this.
Nurses are the primary care provider in hospital births and unfortunately are frequently under - staffed and managing several laboring women who commonly have high risk interventions such as pitocin augmentation and epidural anesthesia.
This restful position can give an exhausted laboring woman a much - needed break, while avoiding the compression of major blood vessels that may occur when lying on your back.
Procedures like enemas, mandatory intravenous drips and the strapping down laboring women became common.
It isn't like they are telling laboring women to come back next week when they are open.
It hadn't been erased from the previous laboring woman.
So it really isn't as dramatic 33 % / 5 % — it's closer to 10 - 15 % / 5 % hospital c - section rate vs home birth (for low risk laboring women)
For the most part, woman midwives were responsible for taking care of laboring women throughout childbirth history.
But active management of labor, as practiced at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin, has seen a 12-fold increase in epidural analgesia (O'Herlihy 1993), which is now used in over 50 percent of primiparous laboring women.
Experts debate why so many laboring women end up in the operating room.
Laboring women rank as privates in this scheme of «military efficiency» with a «human face».
For the latest study, Olufemi Oladapo, a medical officer in the department of reproductive health and research at the World Health Organization, and colleagues gathered data on more than 5,500 laboring women admitted to 13 hospitals in Nigeria and Uganda.
Yet some doctors advise laboring women to avoid solid food as a precaution should a cesarean delivery be needed.
Even laboring women, according to Mrs. Putnam, had found not only an escape from the nursery but a kind of psychological salvation in the broadened outlook of the world of work.
To avoid or remedy shoulder dystocia, medical staff can assist laboring women into different positions which may help the baby to move through the pelvis.
I was a nurse, and I didn't mind sticking laboring women for a half - gallon of blood, but I CAN NOT WATCH when mine gets drawn.
After she had her daughter, she founded Labor of Love, a jewelry and crafting company focused on supporting laboring women, and reminding them of their strength during childbirth.
Yet epidurals are not without potential risks for both mother and baby, which is part of the reason the findings from a new study on laboring women are so promising.
[For example, «I am a NICU nurse and I do not work directly with laboring women, but I discuss the MFCI and how women can achieve the healthy and joyous births they deserve when I talk and work with women that I do come into contact with.»]
Obstetric nursing is the profession of nursing with a specialty in taking care of pregnant and laboring women as well as newborns.
As opposed to women who have an episiotomy, laboring women who tear spontaneously during delivery:
Keep in mind that during labor women's hormones are sky high and many of them are the same ones as when women experience orgasm while making love.
You'd rather we place our trust in people who know is so little that we're lucky if our names are remembered without a look at a chart on the way in the door to a room that might be shared with a few other laboring women.
The vast majority of laboring women get individual support from a midwife, are free to move about and birth in whatever position feels best, and are rarely induced, anesthetized, or cut.
For the home care, some women rent larger and deeper portable tubs still made for laboring women.
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