Sentences with phrase «labour costs involved»

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The White Paper shows how speciality products in aseptic carton packs can help foodservice operators reduce product and labour costs, the amount of work involved and product waste.
Unit cost estimation involved a combination of bottom - up and top - down costing methods and followed guidance on costing healthcare services as part of an economic evaluation.15 17 Detailed unit costs, derived from the finance departments of participating trusts and information provided by senior midwives, were estimated for resource inputs into the following components of intrapartum and after birth care for all settings: homebirth delivery packs; NHS reimbursement for midwifery travel; some forms of pain relief; alternative modes of delivery; active management of the third stage of labour; suturing for episiotomy; suturing third and fourth degree perineal tears; manual removal of the placenta; blood transfusions; and care after a stillbirth or neonatal death.
The state, who will have a large role in the decision - making involving the pre-salt given their stake in Petrobras, needs to avoid over-heating its economy by allowing too rapid an expansion of this sector, pushing up the costs of deepwater infrastructure and expertise, or local labour and materials.
Also, in terms of labour and cost, repainting the exterior is a far more involved proposition than doing an interior room.
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