Sentences with phrase «labyrinthine hallways»

Arguably, no other studio has dedicated so much energy to the exploration of labyrinthine hallways, resulting in a succession of engrossing titles like Demon Gaze and Stranger of Sword City.
A dizzying carnival of rooms, sculptures and labyrinthine hallways.
The students stopped in the labyrinthine hallway to consult a schedule and map of the building, then crammed into the office of state Rep. Barrington Russell, a Democrat who supports gun control.

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It met in a windowless room, unmarked for its purpose, buried in a back hallway of the labyrinthine bowels of the Empire State Plaza.
Labyrinthine hospital hallways are navigated via Steadicam as everyone speaks with a clinical manner, whether they're talking about breakfast or more intimate matters.
In an installation that literally transforms Ballroom's gallery spaces into a labyrinthine assemblage of rooms, hallways, closets and observation platforms, Hello Meth Lab in the Sun is a rumination on the theme of alchemy, uncovering of some of the sites of alchemical transformation in the modern world.
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