Sentences with phrase «lack courage»

Since I lack courage, I'd be most happy with sweet and subtle.
The government wants to stomp out all impediments to economic growth whatever the social and environmental costs but lack the courage to issue the necessary policy.
Your determination to obliterate any humanity from your judicial position, your essentially non-existent listening skills, and your propensity to use your court — where you lack the courage to hear opinions contrary to your own — to launch ugly, vulgar, and mean personal attacks not only confirms that you are as loathsome as suspected, but also casts shame on you as a judge, that most extraordinarily important function that was entrusted to you.
«The reality of climate change is undeniable, and can not be simply wished away by politicians who lack the courage to confront the scientific evidence,» he said, adding that the lives and livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people were at risk.
They rarely lack courage and don't take to abuse, even accidental abuse.
All actuaries are bright, but many lack courage.
I lack the courage to put my new Kindle DX through any drop - testing research, but I will say this.
Very unimpressed that they've washed their hands of such an expensive piece of kit such a short time after selling it — and even less impressed that they lack the courage to admit it in public!
But to cower in elegant homes behind golden garden gates, fearful lest the breath of warm humankind touch you, unable to indulge in extravagances for fear they might be glimpsed by the embittered oppressed, to oppress and yet lack the courage to show yourself as an oppressor, even to fear the ones you are oppressing, feeling ill at ease in your own wealth and begrudging others their ease, to resort to disagreeable weapons that require neither true audacity nor manly courage, to have money, but only money, without splendor: That's what things look like in our cities at present
I'd say I lack the courage to go it alone, but it takes courage to go the traditional route as well.
You sit there on your fat ass in front of your computer, degrading anyone who actually has the balls to get out there and do what you obviously lack the courage to do.
It is also very obvious that you lack the courage to speak to another man in this manner in person and to his face.
Some of those affected lack the courage to approach the opposite sex for friendship.
It says they lack the courage to face the less pleasant things in life, that they avoid perceived confrontation, and that they care more about their own feelings than the way they make other people feel.
I know how odd photos can turn out; my bloopers are hidden in a locked vault; I lack your courage.
When it's blocked, you lack courage, have low self - esteem, and feel stagnant and inert.
The importance of such measures was highlighted by the independent Marmot Review on health inequalities in 2010, but Pickett believes all political parties lack the courage to tackle such issues head on, despite the known costs of inequality.
«Tackling health inequality means tackling wealth inequality but politicians lack the courage to do this»
We know they lack the courage to take Trump on.
Yeah I definitely get what you're saying, I think looking back on it, it's not so much that I'm not smart I think it's that I lack the courage to potentially fail at something, which I believe rolls back to the social anxiety aspect of things.
So many of us long for love but lack the courage to take risks.
He sure doesn't lack courage does Borja, trying to fill those shoes.
Arsenal fans in London vent their anger on social media but lack the courage to do in the stadium saying it kills the confidence of the players.
Here is Nadig, apple - cheeked and broad - shouldered, who says shyly, «Sometimes I lack courage and sometimes I ski too much with my head instead of my heart.»
And these numbers act as a safety guard for decision - makers who lack courage.
On top of that lack the courage to give either bellerin / hayden a start.
As for you, your progress in life seems to have effectively hit a standstill because you lack the courage to wonder and to dig for the truth.
They see them at best as stool pigeons for furthering their own agenda, at worst as woolly minded hypocrites who lack the courage to follow the rigorous path of «reason».
he does not lack courage to make trial of everything and to venture everything.
For my part I do not lack the courage to think a thought whole.
Frank, in other words, you lack the courage to follow up on your «arguments» and have cut and run.
You lack the courage and humility to admit your error and to give back what you have taken.
I'm afraid that we may lack the courage and patience for that task.
The truth is, we think that a great many people in this country are basically pro-life, but lack the courage of their convictions either because they can't articulate their thoughts on the subject as they would like, or because they don't think they have the right to state their opinions in public.
Their Ignorance keeps them in FEAR, they lack Courage so they just start shooting.
A people who lack courage in the face of death, whether on neighborhood streets or in the hospital bed, will be hard pressed to resist the temptation to abandon the neighbor or to discard the just war discipline, say, by engaging in preventative strikes against an uncertain threat.
Agnostics are just atheists who lack the courage to take a stand.
Cowards must blame others because they lack the courage to face their own shortcomings.
Regardless of whether your venture succeeds or fails, you have achieved far more than the countless souls who dream of starting a new business but lack the courage to do so.
The are plenty of businesses that have a desire to create remarkable experiences, but they lack the courage to do it in a meaningful way.
Media organizations that choose not to call Trump's false statements «lies» run the risk of being seen as either trying to curry favor with the administration or just lacking the courage to call a spade a spade.
Some entrepreneurs divulged that in the past even when the known wasn't working they had lacked courage to change, adapt or address what needed to be done.
Only days before his ouster, Bannon reaffirmed, in an interview with a left - leaning political journal, his long - held conviction that the U.S. is locked in an «economic war» with China, and boasted of plotting behind the scenes to take down White House rivals who lacked the courage to join his call to arms.
In Immelt's early years he lacked the courage to make bold moves, and the discipline to achieve consistent execution.
What does it matter if your risk manager is deeply knowledgeable and highly skilled if she is also willing to fudge the truth, lacks the courage to take action when needed, or makes unfair demands on her staff?
But the federal government lacks the courage to use the effective means the provinces have put in place to diminish their greenhouse gas emissions, like carbon taxes or carbon markets,» said Alain Brunel, Director of Energy and Climate for l'Association Québécoise de Lutte contre la Pollution Atmosphérique (AQLPA).
The Democrats lacked courage, and failed to defend the accomplishments of 6 years of White House control and 8 years of Senate control (since 2006).
Young Roiphe, a girl for whom she has «no pity,» is the sad villain because she lacked the courage to not care about fame, a boldness Roiphe would only uncover after her life was in shambles.
Some hold that numerous bishops have failed because of their complicity in corrupt ecclesial structures, while others believe that these leaders lacked the courage to teach unpopular truths and to govern their own dioceses.
Others again, many more of them, would fall in with the authorities of their day, lacking the courage or the tenacity to hold out for the restoration of David's kingdom.
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