Sentences with phrase «lack of cash???»

Numerous studies contend a growing number of middle - income workers will not be able to replace the benchmark 60 % to 70 % of their pre-retirement income once they leave the labour force, in large part because of the lack of pension coverage.
Not only does this place a large burden on growth companies to convince a bureaucrat about the lack of Canadians for the position, it is also completely counterproductive for communities where there is a desperate need for young talent.
Entrepreneurs of color are still fighting a lack of family wealth and personal connections — two things that can make all the difference when you're just starting up.
However, as property owners try to cut costs, technicians report a dangerous lack of maintenance, and as multi-national elevator companies try to compete, some technicians rush through hundreds of maintenance jobs per month, reportedly with time limits as quick as seven minutes per visit.
While she has tendered the odd offer to a tech business, Minhas has largely steered clear of the sector due to her lack of expertise.
But others point to an overreliance on movie tie - ins and a lack of novelty: Star Wars toys didn't sell as well as expected, perhaps because kids see them as a tired formula.
Given the lack of preparation, it's not surprising that only one - quarter of family businesses succeed in transferring ownership and control to the second generation, and only 11 % make it to the third, says Michelle Osry, Canadian leader of Deloitte's family enterprise consulting group.
He cites reliability issues and a lack of scientific credibility as key reasons he doesn't trust the psychometric test.
Don't blame employees for a lack of innovation.
«So this will give all of us worried about a lack of trading liquidity more ammunition that this cycle is behaving quite differently in this respect,» Reid said.
Instead of lamenting a lack of discipline you need to design your world so that it's optimized for reaching your goals.
A lack of senior talent isn't Canada's only problem.
Loki is the, for lack of a better word, emo adopted son of Odin and Thor's brother.
After YouTube TV's debut last year, Fortune noted that the service was incomplete compared to most cable offerings because of its lack of cable channels from the likes of Turner and Viacom.
There's been a lack of willingness to invest and a lack of courage about saying we'll try stuff even in a corner of city government.
The ease - of - use factor, lack of big needles, and tiny amounts of blood involved mean the company definitely has something in common with Theranos — Tasso uses microfluidics to work with minimal quantities of blood.
Like Nelson says, lack of confidence is a memory killer, and if you bite off too much too soon, your confidence will disappear — and so will your skill.
Among them: «a lack of data standards in treating cancer, lack of data sharing in the research and development enterprise, lack of patient input and participation in clinical trials,» and more.
I believe that the lack of official federal government economic statistics might actually enhance the Fed's management of monetary policy.
Darrisaw showed a few slides highlighting the lack of diversity among corporate leadership in America today.
There's no definitive answer as to why female founders raise less venture capital than male founders, but one of the main theories is the lack of female VCs.
The influence of such titans has created the expectation that to be successful in business, one must be able to be, for lack of a better term, mean.
A key factor of all tribes is the lack of united management or administration of the tribe.
Jim Cramer pointed to the drug player for its lack of volatility, and said none of its redeeming qualities really matter to investors anymore.
Meanwhile at Zappos, an employee whose team recently adopted Holacracy said that the lack of team managers has caused them to drift helplessly, and that they find support with the transition to be lacking.
The increasing prevalence of these rachets, says Kramer, reflects the changing timeline for startups more than it does any particular lack of investor confidence.
However, although the BCC believes the country will manage to avoid recession, it does anticipate slowing economic momentum over the next two years given higher inflation trends and a continued lack of clarity about the process by which the U.K. leaves the EU.
As a content writer, you are also paid for quality, which usually means the lack of clichés.
Lack of financial resources isn't a barrier if you can qualify for the pro bono program.
Lack of money isn't the main problem.
There's a lack of entrepreneurial spirit in education.
The lack of transparency is problematic because cabinet ultimately decides when regulatory changes are needed.
They may lead to more cash, but your lack of passion for the gig, regardless of your education, will come through and hinder your success.
Don't assume the investors rejected the project due to stinginess, stupidity or a lack of vision.
Krim said that sharing long - term hiring plans with all employees significantly reduces the risk of these necessary changes feeling like demotions or lack of recognition.
You may see inflation remain below target, you may see a lack of wage pressures, and you could be in a relatively steady state like that for some time possibly.
They're moving here in preparation for lack of water,» said Brian Ramsay, a real estate agent with Hasson Company Realtors.
Time is precious and slips by quickly but there is also no lack of things that have to get done in an entrepreneur's life.
Lena L. West was initially discouraged by the lack of black women in the tech field when she started XynoMedia Technology, a Yonkers, New York - based tech consulting firm for SMBs, in 1997.
Those worried about the lack of networking opportunities provided by an online curriculum can attend dinners held across Canada, and engage in online student - run groups.
«Like choosing a doctor, the customer's lack of specified knowledge in the field makes trust an essential issue,» the Forrester report notes.
Speaking of a lack of clarity, it's not at all clear what's going on with a purported security flaw in chips made by Advanced Micro Devices.
The lack of such assurances has been a major complaint from the insurance industry and from state regulators.
Firstly, allowing an employee to work from home can make them more productive on that day because they are relaxed and better rested for the lack of commute.
It's ridiculous how often our unhappiness comes back to something as basic as lack of sleep.
Lack of service NO response from 5 different Emails 11 days ago requiring support for an unreliable service which continually drops out!
For instance, one major factor that could influence the coverage loss (and cost hike) projections is the lack of an insurance mandate.
Vietnam Airlines will struggle to be profitable on non-stop flights between Vietnam and the United States due to a lack of demand from business travelers, but it may launch them anyway as early as next year, the carrier's CEO said on Monday.
Obama gave The Atlantic several reasons for not enforcing the red line — uneasiness about a strike against Syria not being sanctioned by Congress, a lack of support from the international community and the American people, the possibility that the intelligence on the chemical - weapons attack wasn't 100 % solid — but did not mention the Iran deal among them.
I love that people are promoting healthy activity, but I notice something I consider counterproductive: they treat lack of exercise as the default.
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