Sentences with phrase «lack of bra»

Although her school's handbook does not specify that students must wear bras, someone in the school building complained that Kaitlyn's lack of bra made them «uncomfortable.»
She also said that she didn't even notice my lack of bra.
No one seemed to notice my lack of bra, and soon I forgot about it too.
This is the first time I've been told that my lack of a bra at a young age isn't what doomed these things.

Not exact matches

The main issue the simplicity bra is durability due to the lack of material.
Normal - sized breasts that are lacking glandular tissue may be made up of fatty tissue that will sufficiently fill a bra cup.
A poorly - cut sports bra can result in chafing and lack of support.
This lack of dopamine in the bra...
I did get over the nursing bra ugliness after the little man was born — I must have been distracted by, OH I DO N'T KNOW, the pain meds, constipation meds, hormonal skin, dark circles, the hospital's granny panties, ginormous maxi pads, a still - huge but now jelly - like belly, the total lack of sleep, and oh yeah — the BABY.
Most nursing bras double as maternity bras due to their elasticity and lack of underwire.
with brightly - colored bandeau bras because despite the lack of visible garment, wearers are concerned that their bra straps will show.
The pleasant but uninteresting Claire gets a lot of screen time as the straight person to Michelle, which only emphasizes the lack of comic chemistry between Bell and McCarthy, except for an amusing bra - fitting scene.
You would think a movie starring a super hottie playing an even more super fictional super hottie would divert you from the lack of story in the film, but not even all the tissue packed down Angelina Jolie's bra could pad this flick out into a decent effort.
I agree with Rita in her reasons for why consumers would not want to consider signing a BAA (thanks Rita for not calling it a BRA which was the most insulting acronym ever used by a professional body and one I am shocked the female realtors in TREB have not demanded be rescinded) but would like to add the real # 1 is lack of education of the consumer on Buyer Agency (but that is soon to change.)
You're correct that the BRA is being used for the wrong and unethical reasons, that's the discussion we are having — the failure of a registrant to properly explain same or their lack of desire or ability to explain same.
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