Sentences with phrase «lack of care led»

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Valerie Cooper, also known as the «Denture Queen», will lead a 1.5 hours hands - on session to teach attendees on how to create dentures with a new digital workflow that can potentially solve the current crisis where there is a lack of affordable denture providers and care.
High health care costs, a lack of interest in repetitive manual labour and rising worker wages has led to an explosion of automated machinery, according to Intelligrated.
Kante is box to box, nobody cares about his lack of fine passing leading to assists, or his lacking goal count.
Perplexed by the lack of appropriate advice from pediatric sources, her extensive literature research led to her first IPPY Award - winning book, Baby Matters: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for Your Baby.
In most cases the reason people don't breastfeed is not for lack of trying, it is for lack of information to self advocate to get care which will lead to success.
The lack of midwifery led units and midwifery led care options is however stark and in direct contrast to options available to mothers in the UK where 99 % of women have access to both an obstetric - led unit and a midwife - led unit within a 60 minute drive of their home.
Perplexed by the lack of appropriate advice from pediatric sources, her extensive literature research led to her first book, Baby Matters, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Caring for Your Baby.
Lack of breast feeding is significantly associated with higher use and cost of health care.28 Improved short and long term health of breastfed children, improved wellbeing of mothers who have breast fed, and the cost of goods consumed are major factors leading to economic benefits from the promotion of breast feeding.6 29 30 31 Future research should compare the specific cost effectiveness of such strategies for improvement of breastfeeding practice.
In response to feedback, we have clarified what is meant by midwife - led care and have stressed the multi-disciplinary network of care providers; have added information to the Abstract about the lack of effect on caesarean section; and revised the Abstract's conclusions from «All women» to «Most women should be offered midwife - led models of care and women should be encouraged to ask for this option.»
However, there is a lack of consistency in estimating maternity care cost among the available studies, and there seems to be a trend towards a cost - saving effect of midwife - led continuity of care in comparison with medical - led care.
The lack of broadband, she said, leads to a competitive disadvantage for residents, health care providers and businesses, and is just as important as roads and electricity.
Moreover, patients in many communities, either knowing that there are a lack of beds or transport to get them to a care facility or due to distrust of the medical system, have been reluctant to leave their homes — leading to further spread of infection among their families and friends who care for them without proper protective equipment.
But the lack of available, trained medical professionals, coupled with patients» resistance to coming in for care — especially near where Ebola patients were being treated — led to a precipitous drop in their maternal patient count.
Twenty - five readmitted patients (14.5 percent) were found to have lack of adequate social support leading to issues surrounding the discharge and follow - up process (e.g., lack of home for postdischarge telephone calls, follow - up appointments not scheduled or not attended, postdischarge care needs underestimated).
A lack of adequate sanitation and health care has led to recurring epidemics of cholera, malaria, typhoid fever, hepatitis, yellow fever, and aids.
The lack of an optimal management strategy has led to substantial variation in the care for this vulnerable population, unnecessarily exposing many infants to potential harm.
For women, caring for children and families throughout their life often leads to lower pensions, high levels of poverty and lack of health resources in later life.
However, lack of regulation has led to corruption across the sector, with consequent poor quality of care and impoverishment of patients.
A systematic review of 49 studies, involving more than 1,600 patients and their caregivers, showed that this lack of knowledge leads to confusion, delays in seeking help, and uncertainty about the long - term outlook and how to manage their own care.
Viruses Bacteria Parasites Mold and fungus Nutritional deficiencies and excesses Amino acid imbalances Hormone imbalances Poor diet Lack of exercise Poor sleep Stress / anxiety / depression Allergies EMFs Too much sun Not enough sun Not enough germs Damaged immune system Depleted adrenals High blood pressure High cholesterol Poor digestion Genetic glitches Radiation Prescription drugs Bad dental care Bad surgery Misaligned skeleton, muscles etc Past trauma — physical, mental, emotional Past lives Misaligned stars Bad numbers Karma Poverty Bad water Depleted soil Environmental toxins Pesticides Fake fragrances Cleaning products Fiberboard Carpets Drywall Bad indoor air Smog Car exhaust Cigarette smoke Cosmetics Body care products Plastics Lead Mercury Industrial runoff Fracking
Radiocarbon dating (also referred to as carbon dating or carbon - 14 dating) is a method for determining the age of an object containing organic material by Mom charged after lack of medical care leads to Garner child's death.
Mom charged after lack of medical care leads to Garner child's death.
Also, the fact that Elliot only seems to like Allison for her looks leads one to not really care whether or not he ultimately ends up with the woman he so desires, and the ending of the film only confirms this lack of emotional depth.
But when she is forced to become the nanny of her employer's son, Edwin, it sparks something inside her that had lain dormant for many years.Memories of her own childhood and the pain of being orphaned and abandoned herself, lead her to find the courage to confront them about their lack of care for their son, regardless of the consequences.Cody Jenkins is a man who has always taken his chances, never shying away from the hard decisions in life.
They accuse mills of over-breeding, inbreeding, lax veterinary care, poor food and shelter, crowded cages and lack of socialization, all of which can lead to health and behavioral problems.
As we have seen earlier a slight lack in care of them can lead to risk of their lives.
Lack of familiarity with the Kuvasz breed led to some of the dogs being improperly assessed and thereby receiving improper care.
Unsanitary conditions and lack of veterinary care can lead to rampant disease.
Lack of care for Newfoundland dog hair can lead to the development of cobweb matting that can form close to the skin.
Lack of oral care can lead to gingivitis, abscesses and even heart disease - that's one way we are very like our furry friends.
If preventive care is not the focus, the lack of attention to people when they are well can lead to a crowd of patients who, later in life, overburden a system with clogged arteries, diabetes and other debilitating, costly ailments.
Two leading experts believe a recent Court ruling that a disabled man's package of care amounted to a deprivation of liberty, could have a major impact on anyone tasked to care for those who lack the capacity to make their own decisions.
Even when wearing a helmet and other protective gear, the lack of a physical barrier can lead to catastrophic injuries that require more recovery and medical care than in your average automobile accident.
Care homes — we act for private care homes in connections with claims arising out of alleged lack of care, often leading to a rapid decline in health and deCare homes — we act for private care homes in connections with claims arising out of alleged lack of care, often leading to a rapid decline in health and decare homes in connections with claims arising out of alleged lack of care, often leading to a rapid decline in health and decare, often leading to a rapid decline in health and death.
This can lead to the understaffing of facilities which results in a lack of adequate care being provided, or can lead to the hiring of inadequately trained staff, which can lead to dangerous and life - threatening errors being made in the care of patients or residents.
There is no such thing as a «minor» brain injury because a lack of proper care could always lead to negative, long - term effects on your health.
Lack of mobility and proper care in moving these patients on a regular basis are leading causes.
Lack of funding can also lead to cases of sub-standard care.
Any lack of care in their handling or any defect during the manufacture or design process could lead to very serious injuries or death.
But if poor hygiene or a lack of proper cleaning led to an infection, it may be a sign of medical malpractice or negligent medical care.
As an example, lack of proper care for an elderly person confined to a wheelchair or a bed can lead to bed sores or pressure ulcers.
The inability of hospitals to provide appropriate services, and the lack of respite care («places for quiet retreat») led to some particularly poignant reports.
The lack of communication between parents and children as well as parental care was the leading cause of nutrition and learning problems in children [14].
Much of the trauma and harm caused by adverse social determinants are mediated to children through lack of responsive care and stimulation from parents in early childhood and this in turn leads to children who grow up more prone to both physical and mental health problems.
Lack of sleep, never - ending housework and new fiscal concerns can lead to profound stress and a decline in marital satisfaction — all of which affect baby's care.
If lack of affection led to the affair, work on being more caring toward one another.
However, whilst this process has begun in many countries, the implementation has been complex and several studies have revealed important difficulties with the placement of children in foster care, such as lack of motivation to foster due to cultural reasons, difficulties in supervision and support for foster parents leading to breakdowns and instability in placements and the overwhelmed foster care systems (Maluccio et al. 2006; Mapp 2011; UNICEF 2010).
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