Sentences with phrase «lack of comprehension»

An even more striking evidence of the prevalence of this trend is the increasing lack of comprehension between British and American Protestant students.
Now Matthew repeats this as the conclusion of what Jesus says to the Pharisees; in Mark it is his answer to the disciples, who (with their usual lack of comprehension) ask him about the matter when they are alone with him in the house (Mt 19:9; Mk 10:10).
Collections are already undervalued by funding agencies and university and museum administrators because of the shocking lack of comprehension of their contribution to science.
It is important not to confuse a student's nonstandard grammar or accented speech with lack of comprehension.
There is an irony in pete's bleating about McKitrick's alleged lack of comprehension of the central limit theorem that no one has picked up on yet.
This was exacerbated by the complete lack of comprehension of my actions by the people I worked with.
This alone shows your lack of comprehension of evolution.
Another example of Bob's lack of comprehension of the bible.
Bookmarked by elementary school aged hearing impaired children playing what could be a game of charades, the first sequence in which a group of peers are unable to identify what is ostensibly the emotion of being terrorized, an exercise which foreshadows what we can expect for the rest of the film: misunderstanding and / or lack of comprehension.
Overwhelming their mental pathways and structures will only lead to errors and a lack of comprehension, which is a successful Instructional designers» worst nightmare in every respect.
These misleading headlines all show either a lack of comprehension or an anti-eBook agenda.
I have enclosed a video from Nassim Taleb who vocally expresses the lack of comprehension and professionalism of risk management utilizes Value at risk.
If you've ever taken a look at an item tooltip in EverQuest II and had the distinct impression that you were being prepared for a calculus exam, it might not have been just your lack of comprehension.
The bumpy road for Larry Rivers» reputation has included early fame, adulation, scandal, scorn, neglect, and above all, lack of comprehension.
A whole lot of your false assumptions are based on a lack of comprehension of scale, plus an ample ignorance of real data.
You may choose to blame me for your lack of comprehension, but it won't change the facts.
... I hate chalking up «differences in understanding» to semantics, when the more likely culprit is simply a lack of comprehension.
There would be scope for the person to feign a lack of comprehension.
Youngsters are new to the experience of emotion, and their lack of comprehension of their feelings may lead to the misconception that their emotions are unnatural.
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