Sentences with phrase «lack of consensus»

Yet, the measurement and use of socioeconomic status in the published literature suggests that there is a distinct lack of consensus on how to measure this important construct.
However, the hard fork was indefinitely suspended due to a «lack of consensus within the community,» as the topic has been quite divisive.
Given our historical lack of consensus over curricula, it thus falls to assessments to influence the depth and quality of instruction.
For months, the only consensus about this year's awards race has been that there is an overall lack of consensus.
The reasons behind this include general lack of consensus, supporters backing out, and bugs in the code.
Even so, evident lack of consensus in the church can not be swept aside by the majority vote of one general assembly meeting.
The World Economic Forum, for example, as previously noted in an April blog post, has concluded that though there is a growing consensus for placing a greater priority on social and emotional learning, the chief obstacle is the «lack of consensus about valid and reliable SEL measurements,» which is described as «a key concern among stakeholders.»
There was not even agreement on the number ten or on which commandments constituted the ten, to say nothing of lack of consensus on the content itself.
Despite the overall lack of consensus regarding treatment strategies and potential severity, some specialists now believe that positional cephalic disorders can negatively affect the emotional health of young children, who may appear very different than their normal peers.
I find, by lack of consensus, commonly used mitigation algorithms do not address hypothesis 1 in any verifiable manner, which is why # 1 was chosen to take primacy.
Statements about God have the same verification problems as statements about Millard Fillmore, only more so, They can not be confirmed by direct observation and there is a pronounced lack of consensus as to what observable phenomena count as evidence for which claims about God.
However, bitcoin's market share has dropped over the past two months because of two main trends: the rise of initial coin offerings (ICOs) and a continuing lack of consensus amongst the Bitcoin community regarding scalability and growth.
Part of the discontent is continued lack of consensus on the federal level.
In front of a large group of finance professionals, «blockchain experts» and audience alike agreed that blockchains were the wave of the future - despite a complete lack of consensus on what a blockchain is.
Several executives such as Bitso's Daniel Vogel expressed his concerns over such lack of consensus in the SegWit2x hard fork, as he stated:
The reason the Ethical Considerations were dropped, apparently, is the growing lack of consensus within the profession on what is ethical.
The Senate has a threadbare majority and an utter lack of consensus brought about by the voters of this state deciding to vote for who they wanted where without regard to party or who needs enough votes to pass bills.
A full 84 percent of refugees are living in low - and middle - income countries, UNHCR said, blaming this «huge imbalance» on «the continuing lack of consensus internationally when it comes to refugee hosting and the proximity of many poor countries to regions of conflict.»
Even more revealing were comments posted by Dr. Eric Steig at Michael Mann's RealClimate website, comments that reveal a total lack of consensus and suggest greater support for natural climate change.
, but the complete lack of consensus seems likely to derail negotiations.
In doing a little research on this I found, perhaps, ironically that the issue of an irony punctuation point is one that has been batted around for a long time, prior to the online age and since Al Gore graced us with the inter webs ¡ And again, ironically, or not, it seems there is a distinct lack of consensus on a conventional irony mark or even the need for such a thing.
The report's obstacles include insufficient awareness, low levels of funding, and poor prioritization, but most challenging of all, it is explained, is the «lack of consensus about valid and reliable SEL measurements,» which is described as «a key concern among stakeholders.»
In a fortuitous turn of events, leading Bitcoin entrepreneurs and influencers have reached an agreement to hold off the highly controversial Segwit2X hard fork software update due to lack of consensus within the cryptocurrency community.
The hard fork was slated for implementation on November 16, 2017, but was cancelled because of lack of consensus.
Several executives such as Bitso's Daniel Vogel expressed his concerns over such lack of consensus in the SegWit2x hard fork, as he
These include weak capital markets; immature EE markets and supply chains; low energy prices; lack of information and awareness; high transaction costs; inadequate governance capacity; lack of consensus on best practices; sovereign risk; and institutional fragility.
This fork which was originally scheduled to take place on 16 November, 2017 was suspended due to lack of consensus from the Bitcoin mining community at the very last moment.
To be fair, the final, comprehensive list beyond the top six «reveals an astonishing lack of consensus.
«I am, frankly, beside myself over the lack of consensus on how important this problem is.»
Grier found that his sales cycle was interrupted most often by a lack of consensus within large corporate prospects.
How would you characterize this lack of consensus?
China may try to pounce on the lack of consensus within the U.S. administration, but is also managing any concessions with the desire of Beijing to project an image of strength to the world to send the message that China can not be bullied into making policy changes.
«The Chinese are trying to take advantage of this lack of consensus and get the United States to take a quick deal that leaves China's industrial policy machine intact.»
Given the lack of consensus among stakeholders and the lack of replay and wipeout protection, there are three possible outcomes - both forks could coexist on an ongoing basis, SegWit (the current version of Bitcoin) prevails, or SegWit2X prevails.
An inability to ensure quality urban environments, the continuing plagues of racism and sexism, a lack of consensus on a role for the U.S. in a post Cold War world, the increased violence in the streets and the media, and the disintegration of institutions from families to school districts are only symptoms of a society that does not have a clear vision of its past, present or future.
Unlike the idea of culture as a consensus - forming social phenomenon that resists change, the postmodern spirit is more impressed by the lack of consensus in cultures and by the dynamics for social change that already exist in cultures.
But on the other, the lack of consensus regarding the content of this «good news» we're supposed to be sharing with the world makes me wonder if we're missing something important about the original meaning and purpose of the word «gospel.»
In any case, a comparison of the presidential and congressional votes starkly reveals the lack of consensus on values that characterized the election.
And when we move from such general characterizations to matters of detail, it is again the lack of consensus that is most likely to strike the believer as bad news.
During the 1890s, Parham had heard much talk about the baptism with the Holy Spirit, but he observed a lack of consensus on the evidence for this baptism.
Moreover, there is a lack of consensus on what defines «food loss and waste,» as well as challenges in how to measure it.
While there was consensus among respondents in identifying food fraud as a food safety issue with 86 % supporting that categorization, the research suggests that there is a lack of consensus within industry on the proper terminology to use for describing food fraud.
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