Sentences with phrase «lack of context»

Lack of understanding + lack of context + lack of defenses.
Not sure how we would know what your teacher meant — especially given the complete lack of context.
The style of the announcement and lack of context prompted more questions about the scale of the shipment.
Lack of context limits most exchanges to a set of simple questions and answers.
The problem I have with this article, and ones like it, is the complete lack of context and understanding of the gaming industry business.
And although the pervasive lack of context ensures that the movie is, at least initially, not terribly emotionally resonant, there does reach a point at which Leto's character becomes a tremendously engaging figure.
Steven Spielberg's earnest Lincoln, with which it has been compared, makes the same mistake: lack of context meant you needed a degree in the period (I have one) to understand all that was going on.
A similar lack of context plagues the AFT's discussion of the makeup of student bodies in charter schools.
He explains: «The uncomfortable lack of context and the body which reveals folds, stains, textures that we generally try to hide and erase, may these be what we really feel attracted to after all?
Often, these types of factoids are used to convince (as in propaganda)-- their trick to to be so brief that they misrepresent the truth through lack of context, explanation, being so narrow in viewpoint, etc..
Most of the lawyers interviewed expressed a preference for the context that print resources provided and expressed frustration with the literalness and lack of context of keyword searching.
Lack of context causes all but the most naïve readers to feel skeptical about what you have written.
I have no idea what comment you're replying to, but the lack of context just makes your reply even funnier.
Aside from difficulties communicating the technicalities and results of studies, there is also often a lack of context in presenting scientific studies — think for example of chocolate and red wine which may or may not protect from heart attacks.
The lack of context around women he meets online doesn't trouble him.
This lack of context and explanation was absolutely hilarious.
In 2001, Metal Gear Solid 2 delivered a stark warning about the internet's lack of context and echo chamber of opinion.
Vogt - Roberts took exception to a number of points made by the video, pointing out their lapse in logic and lack of context:
Now, I am not sure if it is the way that it is worded, or the lack of context, but it could read like I am saying «only change your oil every 30,000 miles.
Unfortunately all of that makes the lack of context even more frustrating.
Tetris never had a plot, we don't argue with Mario Kart «s lack of context, so it doesn't detract from the overall experience of the game — it just would have been nice.
If we look at my previous post on the implications of dialects in Dragon Quest IV, we see how that lack of context can cause confusion.
The issue the story has is simply a lack of context — for the first 30 hours of the game I genuinely had no idea what was going on.
The lack of context or details provides a neutral, yet psychologically charged atmosphere.
While the lack of context in Cave's exhibition detracts from the pieces, Ramsey's suits are enlivened in the stark museum setting where they are without the distractions of the street, allowing for more individualized attention.
Discouraged by the lack of context and appreciation for abstract painting in England, he moved to New York in 1975 on a two - year Harkness Fellowship, after having spent the 1972 - 73 academic year at Harvard on an exchange fellowship.
With clear references to folk painting, the lack of context and disjoint between the deadpan emotion and activity also evoke Surrealist work.
But even if the paintings deceptively represent a vacuum (lack of context, setting, explanation), they are not made in one.
While an interpretation of Mayer's works may suffer due to the lack of context, other works stand out despite this absence.
I explain the basics of the work to another viewer confused by the lack of context.
Much of the exhibition must be read formally due to a lack of context and didactic materials.
«Some of the decisions we make are not entirely rational, and they are due to a lack of context,» he said, «and by providing that context you can encourage individuals to adjust their usage in ways that can benefit both the customer and the utility as well.»
The lack of context, coupled with the public's general ignorance about science, provides a ready made tempest in a teapot.
This has nothing to do with the need for better scientific review, but everything to do with the need for headline writers to simplify things and the lack of context that is often found in news stories.
The author also suggests it could be useful for a chat program, but that strikes me as pretty abitious, considering that it is the lack of context that can... [more]
Constant fixation on your professional responsibilities will make them appear outsized just by the lack of context.
The Secret Barrister took issue with the BBC for the lack of context provided to the sensational headline, and Jon Robins for The Independent defended the principles of our publicly - funded legal system from the media outrage.
The author also suggests it could be useful for a chat program, but that strikes me as pretty abitious, considering that it is the lack of context that can make email and chat communications ambiguous.
What's worse than lack of context for Report's factual findings, is the preliminary conclusion that the reason for solos» low billable hours is that they simply are inefficient.
The root cause of these problems is lack of context about the action being approved: the user believes that providing a 2FA code or pressing a button will lead to one outcome while the adversary has carefully altered the setup to trigger something else entirely.
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