Sentences with phrase «lack of familiarity»

This combination of lack of familiarity with their surroundings and control over their surroundings tends to make travel an overall stressful experience.
Easily the most unusual and outstanding characteristic of public views on the stem cell and embryo research issues is a self - reported lack of familiarity with the facts.
The email showed a distinct lack of familiarity with the nuances of my climate position, so my guess is this may be a form letter.
However the consultation paper also reveals a considerable lack of familiarity with the way employment law works in practice.
A common problem among younger men is lack of familiarity with personal sexual limits.
Driving in another state also increases the risk of accidents across both genders because of lack of familiarity with state driving laws and differences between traffic conditions.
In Western society many women never hold a newborn until they give birth to their own, yet this frequent skin - to - skin contact and interaction soon make up for even a complete lack of familiarity with babies.
It shows me either a willful disregard for the flow of the biblical narrative or simply lack of familiarity.
The second is that many immigrant parents accept this role for the teachers, freely acknowledging their own lack of familiarity of U.S. schools.
There was an unfortunate big correction to a recent AP story about political spending on education issues, apparently caused by database confusion between Bill Gates Sr. (the father) vs. Jr. (the Microsoft founder) and lack of familiarity on the part of the journalists working the story.
One can see a number of basic flaws here; the complete lack of appreciation of the importance of natural variability on short time scales, the common but erroneous belief that any attribution of past climate change to solar or other forcing means that CO2 has no radiative effect, and a hopeless lack of familiarity of the basic science of detection and attribution.
As an aside, I don't think growth investors are as accustomed to using sum - of - the - parts models as value investors are, so that lack of familiarity creates an opportunity for us.
Strategic Beta ETFs Underutilized in Managing Current Investor Anxieties, Hartford Funds Survey Finds Lack of Familiarity Stifling Advisor, Investor Use
This notice illustrates Luke's desire to set the gospel narrative in the context of world history; it also reflects a certain lack of familiarity with Jewish affairs, for only Caiaphas was high priest at the time (though his father - in - law Annas doubtless retained the title honorarily).
The PAC backs Gonzalez, and has spent more than $ 191,000 in independent expenditures in support of her candidacy, as well as $ 52,126 attacking Menchaca for the Texas native's perceived lack of familiarity with the area's needs.
Sometimes, if anything, the shift paddles and transmission sport mode were providing a gear that was too low, in hindsight — but that was down to the driver's initial lack of familiarity with the car more so than any problem with the car itself.
The results are hypnotic and seductive tunes that are as reminiscent of the original songs as Deadly Premonition is of Twin Peaks — and also able to claim the same lack of familiarity.
The study addresses an industry - wide lack of familiarity with Passivhaus and dispels misperceptions about its applicability.
sharparoo To make those claims against Behe evidences a thorough lack of familiarity with the mathematics and probabilities involved with stochastic chemical processes and random mutations forming new functional folded proteins.
Yet, if they polled their clients, many lawyer bloggers would undoubtedly find that a large percentage of their clients are not subscribed to their blogs for various reasons, including lack of familiarity with RSS (the primary mechanism for receiving blog updates), lack of time to read all the new posts (especially if they are subscribed to other blogs already), or lack of awareness of a blog's existence or the blog's value to their business decisions.
Avalon Park Chicago renters insurance is a realm in which misunderstandings and simple lack of familiarity with the basics can lead to needless hassles.
A non-personalized URL communicates lack of familiarity with the LinkedIn network.
To make sure only top talent gets through, the company has started pre-interviewing candidates by phone to spot deal breakers, such as a complete lack of familiarity with the brand.
That atheists attempt to make this case is clear evidence of their utter lack of familiarity with the bible, and their complete willingness to suspend objective critical thought when it comes to criticizing Christians.
As an expat dating a local you will also need to be prepared for the occasional imbalance in the relationship that will arise from your own lack of familiarity with the culture and local environment as compared with your partners own familiarity and comfort within it.
Malachi Salcido, a longtime local businessman in Chelan County and owner of bitcoin mining company Salcido Connection, believes that the rate increase is based, at least in part, on the PUD's lack of familiarity with Bitcoin:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency added that «Enbridge experienced significant difficulties locating necessary resources, due primarily to its lack of familiarity with contractors located anywhere in Region 5 other than Minnesota.
This lack of familiarity can set the stage for annuities to be presented as solutions that address concerns many women have about retirement.
Lack of familiarity with local shopping habits, language barriers, complex shipping and fulfillment needs, tax laws, foreign currencies, and confusion over payment methods are all deterrents that hold many merchants back.
«The problem with Gentile Christians,» notes church historian Samuele Bacchiocchi, «was not only their lack of familiarity with Scripture, but also their excessive fascination with their Greek philosophical speculations, which conditioned their understanding of Biblical truths.
But when I first started, I faced a pretty steep uphill climb because of my lack of familiarity with the special needs culture.
Stereotypical images of Pharisees as harsh, hypocritical and holier than thou ignore the polemical nature of the Gospels and reflect a lack of familiarity with Jewish sources.
The authors then list a number of theories which seem to indicate a lack of familiarity with current research in the etiology of sexual orientation.
The paucity of instructions and my lack of familiarity with cakes like this led to the first go around being underdone so I had to chuck it.
«As consumers appear largely unwilling to experiment with protein alternatives, likely due to lack of familiarity, alternative brands have significant room to grow in terms of establishing themselves as a «go - to» meat alternative option.
It was an unfair estimate: it did not take into consideration the difficulties of pacing on little indoor tracks and Santee's lack of familiarity with them; it disregarded the effects of altitude at Mexico City and Santee's resolve to treat the winter season primarily as a time of preparation.
Maybe it was the dark, or the fog, or his lack of familiarity with the area.
Also knowing that the lack of familiarity between teams playing in non-conference games typically leads to a low - scoring «feeling out» period, we were able to improve our system record to 665 - 531 (55.6 %) with +91.61 units won and a 7.7 % ROI.
Not only do hot non-conference games lend themselves to higher scoring (the heat wears down the defenses and the lack of familiarity increases the potential for big plays) but this game is a great OVER bet because of New Mexico State.
Charter schools serve many low - income children who rely on school breakfast and school lunch, and yet charter schools face unique barriers when operating federal school meal programs — facilities challenges, a lack of familiarity with programming, and limited administrative capacity, for example.
While Locke was right to eschew particular innate ideas, his lack of familiarity with evolutionary theory and neurosciences prevented him from grasping aspects of human nature that are inherited and universal and grounded in our shared neurochemistry.
Camara says that no outreach was made to him and his lack of familiarity with the political procedures placed him at a disadvantage.
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