Sentences with phrase «lack of magnesium»

Lack of magnesium in the diet can lead to calcium deficiency.
Without a proper balance of these two minerals, magnesium becomes depleted, which can result in the negative effects associated with lack of magnesium and a buildup of unassimilated calcium.
Potassium in the form of chemical fertilizers, or liming the soil, unless done with a magnesium limestone or dolomite, both cause such a severe lack of magnesium in food plants that magnesium deficiencies in humans have become widespread.
Without a proper balance of these two minerals, magnesium gets depleted, which will result in the negative effects associated with lack of magnesium and a buildup of unassimilated calcium (see symptoms at right).
I think it might be due to a lack of magnesium since it's been a few days since I took my supplements.
Diabetes and Hypertension: Many who suffer from hypertension, or high blood pressure, have found that part of their suffering is cause from a lack of magnesium.
Extreme dizziness, often called vertigo can be caused by a lack of magnesium.
A lack of magnesium — which helps regulate the activity of more than 300 enzymes in the body — can contribute to high blood pressure, hyperactivity, heart problems and other health issues, doctors warn.
Lack of Magnesium can cause a myriad of ailments from damage to your liver and kidneys, osteoporosis, mood swings, insomnia and what people notice most, muscle cramps and spasms.
A lack of magnesium seems to reduce levels of serotonin, and magnesium has been proven to be effective in treating depression.
Lack of magnesium can cause changes in heart and muscles.
On the other hand, you'll quite likely end up a little constipated because of dehydration, salt loss and a lack of magnesium.
I have not been to the doctor because in my mind I thought that this has something to do with a lack of Magnesium.
The above is just a summary of some of the problems created by a lack of magnesium the list could go on and on and is the reason that magnesium has become known as the master mineral.
This lack of magnesium can lead to a list of common health disorders.
Muscle tension due to lack of magnesium will also prevent good sleep.
A lack of magnesium in the diet may cause nausea, vomiting, and fatigue in mild cases, and muscle spasms and seizures in more severe cases.
The hidden cause of calcium deficiency is the fact that available calcium is not being assimilated by the body due to a lack of magnesium.
Both the struggles of being a cancer patient as well as a lack of magnesium in the body are associated with symptoms of depression.
Headaches, insomnia, irregularity, moodiness, fatigue, general sadness or a lack of motivation, and even cramps or joint pain are said to be caused by a lack of magnesium.
Stress can be a cause of magnesium deficiency, and a lack of magnesium tends to magnify the stress reaction, worsening the problem.
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