Sentences with phrase «lack of physical exercise»

Sleeplessness has many causes, including lack of physical exercise, caffeine / alcohol intake and stress.
Too much time sitting promotes poor eating habits and lack of physical exercise.
While a healthy diet is important, of course, new research by Dr. Asheley Cockerel Skinner of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) finds that «it is becoming increasingly obvious that the lack of physical exercise in children is the main culprit in the startling rise of childhood obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and all other types of preventable medical conditions.»
There are 1,400 known cases of Type 2 diabetes in children, all of them directly attributable to poor diet and lack of physical exercise.
The causes of insulin resistance include obesity and lack of physical exercise.
In addition, poor estrogen metabolism is also caused by a poor diet and a lack of physical exercise.
Although the most common reasons for excess belly fat are overeating and lack of physical exercise, even men who train regularly and try to eat a healthy diet can face this problem.
On the other hand, accumulating evidence points to a bigger correlation between a lack of physical exercise and high body fat, measured by the body - mass - index, and high blood pressure.
Before she found Betty Rocker, Bev used to blame her age for her increasing weight and lack of physical exercise.
Our modern acidic diet and lifestyle (with a lack of physical exercise and a too stressful life) may cause acidosis, the leading cause of premature aging.
The reason is due to our lack of physical exercise.
Most are aware that eating fatty foods, high levels of stress, and sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exercise are all contributing factors to becoming fat and having excess tummy fat.
Still others argue that it is a lack of physical exercise.
Such atrophy can result from a lack of physical exercise (for example, when someone is bedridden due to illness).
Likewise, a poor diet and lack of physical exercise can increase * the chances of cellulite.
Other factors include alcoholism, obesity, lack of physical exercise, ionizing radiation, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, early onset of menstruation and conceiving babies late or not at all.
Her lack of physical exercise led to an enormous amount of pent up energy.
Lack of physical exercise and mental stimulation can lead to boredom and anxiety, both of which can cause your pooch to behave inappropriately.
For dogs who pee indoors, this behavior is often related to a lack of physical exercise or anxiety, both of which humans can help attenuate with the help of a vet or trainer.
Overweight Frenchies can suffer from some very severe health problems, including heart disease (just like humans), labored breathing, and lack of physical exercise.
The main cause that makes dogs chase cars is boredom and lack of physical exercise.
It is a shocking fact that in recent times, age has nothing to do with serious ailments, particularly due to sedentary lifestyles and lack of physical exercise.
Lifestyle - related diseases because of poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, lack of physical exercise, lots of stress etc. are increasing at a rapid speed.
These daytime behaviours may include the use of alcohol and or drugs; lack of age appropriate intellectual stimulation (such as attendance at school), and lack of physical exercise or activity.
These include poor diet, lack of physical exercise, parental drug or alcohol misuse, being in care, living in a poor physical environment and family poverty.
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