Sentences with phrase «lack of precipitation»

Places that have had an unprecedented lack of precipitation for so long will rejoice as drops begin falling from the sky.
The record - breaking drought in California — brought about by a severe lack of precipitation, especially mountain snows — has exacted a $ 2.7 billion toll on the state's economy because of agricultural losses, researchers said Tuesday.
Around 1.2 billion people live in areas of physical scarcity, and 500 million people are approaching this situation mainly due to lack of precipitation combined with high variability and frequent drought events, lack of infrastructure, increased pollution and unsustainable water management.
What we didn't expect was the unseasonably mild winter we've experienced this year, along with a distinct lack of precipitation.
Although a lack of rain in the cold season doesn't necessarily spell doom for most crops, the lack of precipitation has already dried up 50 per cent of the hard - red winter wheat growing in Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma.
Melbourne holds lessons for the U.S. Southwest and other places struggling with a lack of precipitation
The researchers attribute the snowpack decline to warmer temperatures, not a lack of precipitation.
Unlike the studies that linked the heat to climate change, researchers did not find that the lack of precipitation was related to climate change.
All three point to the same atmospheric mechanism behind the lack of precipitation last winter.
Using climatic models, the researchers did not find a strong link between a steadily warming ocean and the atmospheric conditions leading to the lack of precipitation.
Looking at historical records of drought in California, he and his colleagues found that a lack of precipitation in itself wasn't sufficient to set up a drought; that dryness had to overlap with unusually warm temperatures.
Once a drought begins, it can self - perpetuate, making the lack of precipitation more prolonged.
Unlike the intense drought that has plagued California, which is a factor of both heat and lack of precipitation, the drought across the Pacific Northwest is what has been called a «wet drought.»
There are a few niggling criticisms, like the lack of precipitation when it's raining or snowing (the only affect weather has is to slightly alter the color of the field) and the fact that Franchise and Superstar modes are identical to last year, but the game is otherwise solid with a noticeable absence of bugs and glitches.
Declines in Colorado River reservoirs can only partly be blamed by a lack of precipitation.
It really matters if the lack of precipitation happens during a warm or a cool year,» said Dr Diffenbaugh.
A lack of precipitation in the region has radically altered the way the woodland grows back following a wildfire.
It's the kind of pattern that has exacerbated the ongoing California drought — nicknamed the «ridiculously resilient ridge» — by both lack of precipitation as well as warmth, which amplifies the drying effect.
It really matters if the lack of precipitation happens during a warm or cool year,» Diffenbaugh said.
What characterizes or defines a desert is the lack of precipitation - less than 10 in / 25.4 cm per year.
The snowpack decline is due to warming rather than a lack of precipitation, the researchers believe.
A lack of precipitation across the southern and western United States has led to growing drought this winter.
The problem isn't the lack of precipitation.
The loss was significantly influenced by record - setting temperatures, unlike a similar 15 - year drought in the 1950s which was driven by a lack of precipitation.
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