Sentences with phrase «lack of privacy in»

Careful planning and some relatively easy changes can make a huge difference between tolerating the noise and lack of privacy in an open plan home, and being able to truly enjoy the lifestyle these spaces can provide.
For instance, some disabled young people miss out on early experiences of sex and relationships (like kissing and flirting) due to a lack of privacy in their daily life.
Some have made the point that the lack of privacy in Bitcoin could be more problematic than the scaling issues it is facing today, although there is also a symbiotic relationship between these two key attributes of cryptocurrency networks.
The problem is that a lack of privacy in transactions is more dangerous than the possible rise in criminal activity.
A lack of privacy in business transactions can lead to everything from revealing sensitive business relationships to leaking information related to salaries, profit margins and revenues.
In an exclusive interview with Binary District, Michael Perklin, an expert in digital forensic examination and head of information security architecture at ShapeShift, discussed the lack of privacy in bitcoin, security issues in storing sensitive user information, and the rapid growth...
Americans» concern about the privacy of their health information is part of a broader anxiety about their lack of privacy in an array of areas.
Carrey projects a warmth we haven't seen in his slapstick comedies, and Weir makes us question the voyeurism, surveillance and lack of privacy in our lives.
And not just some cheesy knockoff, but one that ties in themes that speak to modern - day issues like the lack of privacy in today's digital age, the overreaching hand of national security, and the mass information culled about us all from an overreaching government entity that tracks our every move.
«The Circle takes a valid concern about lack of privacy in the Internet age and turns it into a hyperbolic and finally laughable melodrama.»

Not exact matches

Sullivan said Uber was committed to privacy but had previously suffered «a lack of expertise» in the area.
In particular, the Cambridge Analytica debacle has highlighted the lack of — and need for — basic online and data privacy protections in the UIn particular, the Cambridge Analytica debacle has highlighted the lack of — and need for — basic online and data privacy protections in the Uin the US.
Because «Menlonians» share the same purpose and passion in the work they do, the noise, clutter, and lack of privacy comes with the territory and is ingrained into their DNA.
In a new report, researchers from the University of Sydney examine the «privacy - communication trade - off in open - plan offices» and find that the benefits of easy communication that supposedly go along with open - plan offices don't outweigh the the disadvantages, such as a major lack of privacIn a new report, researchers from the University of Sydney examine the «privacy - communication trade - off in open - plan offices» and find that the benefits of easy communication that supposedly go along with open - plan offices don't outweigh the the disadvantages, such as a major lack of privacin open - plan offices» and find that the benefits of easy communication that supposedly go along with open - plan offices don't outweigh the the disadvantages, such as a major lack of privacy.
«Internet users in the U.S. are left incredibly vulnerable to this sort of abuse because of the lack of comprehensive data protection and privacy laws, which leaves this data unprotected.»
In a Thanksgiving message posted yesterday on — not, official Web site of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Inc. — she told fans that she is «safe, fit and healthy,» though she acknowledged that «the loss of freedom and the lack of privacy are extremely difficult.»
«Internet users in United States are left incredibly vulnerable to this sort of abuse because of the lack of comprehensive data protection and privacy laws, which leaves this data unprotected.
The sentiment seemed widespread on tech and media Twitter: there was a lack of specificity in terms of questions about privacy (this allowed Zuckerberg to turn nearly every question about the ownership of data to a discussion about user interface controls that limit where data is shown to other Facebook users), plenty of dodged questions (every time there was a question about the data Facebook generates about users beyond what they themselves enter into the system Zuckerberg needed to «check with his team»), and bad questions that presumed Facebook sells data, letting Zuckerberg run out the clock at least three times by explaining the basics of Facebook's business model (this is precisely why I have been so outspoken about the problem of perpetrating this falsehood: it lets Facebook off the hook).
I don't subscribe to the ultra-Orthodox way of life at all, but at least many or their practices are grounded in a sense of modesty and privacy that I find lacking in this country today.
It is often difficult to decide what constitutes malicious gossip in a society that handles its lack of cohesive bonds by exaggerating its notions of individual privacy.
Not only was loneliness not a major issue in the Maces» study, but they found lack of privacy to be a major concern — the third-most important.
Lack of privacy: An athlete may be reluctant to discuss intimate personal health concerns in such an open setting
And an evidently stunning lack of understanding of how the internet works in terms of privacy, and lingering evidence.
If you can handle the lack of privacy, let your little kids see that Mummy and Daddy can get it in the toilet!
Brenda Starr is in a hospital and makes the comment that the only thing worse in a hospital than the food is the lack of privacy.
PS — I totally get what Madge is saying but I would worry that any kind of consequential language in this realm could backfire — it really feels like a lack of control / power thing to me (which is I guess sometimes the root of bullying behavior) but consequences could make him feel both more powerful (he gets more attention from his request) AND more ashamed (about peeing etc.) I would re-inforce two things: 1) his own control / power over his own body (that means being totally ok with having an accident) AND 2) another person's right to privacy (he has no right to talk to another person about their own bathroom behavior)
Unfortunately, breastfeeding in public can be inconvenient, and a lack of privacy often makes some mothers feel uncomfortable.
A lot of our care and talking is done in the hallway, so lack of privacy,» said Mason.
Civil libertarians, privacy advocates, and many internet users are up in arms at the bill, which they see as an infringement of online freedom betraying a fundamental lack of understanding of how the internet works.
In prepared testimony released Monday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which he is expected to deliver Wednesday, Zuckerberg apologizes for fake news, hate speech, a lack of data privacy and Russian social media interference in the 2016 electionIn prepared testimony released Monday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which he is expected to deliver Wednesday, Zuckerberg apologizes for fake news, hate speech, a lack of data privacy and Russian social media interference in the 2016 electionin the 2016 elections.
I like your idea of acknowledgement of all participants and the lack of need to maintain privacy - an inhibitor in the collaborative process.
But many people who don't work in such open environments are loathe to do so, fearing a lack of privacy and an inability to concentrate.
The authors assess 65 published studies undertaken in 34 countries and they identify 7 areas of mistreatment and abuse: physical (such as slapping); sexual; verbal; stigma and discrimination; a failure to meet professional standards of care; poor rapport between women and providers and health system constraints (such as a lack of resources to provide women with privacy).
«Although NIH played an essential role in the discussions with the Lacks family about the use of HeLa cells, we all need to think about how we approach issues that arise as science moves forward, balancing privacy concerns with advances in research, and the ways policy can be updated to reflect these complexities,» added Dr. Fagen.
In June, Bedoya and eight other consumer advocates walked out of discussions on privacy guidelines led by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, part of the Department of Commerce, citing lack of incentive for businesses to give people the right to consent to having their faces recognized.
But despite the cold, the lack of privacy, the lice, and the fleabites that were initially difficult to cope with, the sociologist says that living and working in India changed her forever.
The House of Representatives passed a precursor to CISA — the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)-- in 2013, but the bill's progress stopped when Pres. Barack Obama threatened a veto due to a lack of privacy protections.
World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners - Lee has warned that a lack of faith in privacy could make people interact less freely with one another online.
Why this should be so is not entirely clear, but environmental stresses (including being exposed to «irrelevant sound», the lack of «visual privacy» and a reduced ability to control one's own personal space), as well as the risk of infection, the types of jobs done in open - plan offices and group dynamics might all play a part.
If you are interested in or curious about bisexual relationships or want to make friends with people of the same orientation and do not mind the lack of privacy, this site can turn out to be a somewhat good experience.
but there are lack of privacy protection settings, it means your profile might exposure in public at include photo and healthy condition.
«People are getting a bit burnt out» by the lack of privacy and abundance of misinformation found on dating sites, said Lisa Clampitt, the executive director of the Matchmaking Institute, a school in Manhattan.
Disturbia is an old - school thriller for a modern generation, perfectly capturing the lack of privacy inherent in the technological advancements of this era's teenagers.
Rather, it's a bleaker look at the consequences of American policy (or the lack thereof), from the way in which the U.S. flaunts Germany's privacy laws to the way in which doles out «justice»: Do those who adapt the tactics of their enemies in order to defeat them not run the risk of becoming the very thing they fought against?
(When she spoke with boys about dropping out, they mentioned work or obligations at home, never privacy and the lack of a bathroom, except in veiled ways about a male «cousin» or «friend.»)
So when Google unveiled its new social network Google Plus, it wasn't surprising to see the search engine position Google Plus as an antidote to the «sloppy,» «scary,» and «insensitive» sharing options — in other words, the lack of privacy — it pointed to on other social networks.
«Any potential inBloom has to improve and personalize learning is being overshadowed by a growing lack of public trust in its early communications and operations, and genuine concerns about the security, privacy, sharing and exploitation of data.
With this report in hand, parents can discuss their concerns with online learning confidently with school leadership — whether it's the lack of evidence showing that it actually works, the political and moneyed interests advancing it, or how it places student privacy at risk.»
The base model has a disappointing lack of features that should be standard - blue tooth, privacy glass, and rear air conditioning are the ones that really have been noticeable in the year that we have owned this vehicle.
Just in the last few weeks we've had Lance Armstrong (a textbook example of how not to do it, by the way), Manti Te'o (whose phenomenal lack of guile might just redeem him in the end)... I remember I was particularly interested in the Tiger Woods scandal, because at one point early on he made a sort of plea for privacy — this is about my marriage, I have two small children, please let us resolve this out of the spotlight — which was perfectly reasonable but had absolutely no chance of being granted.
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