Sentences with phrase «lack of proof»

I could not find it - he gave me the ticket for lack of proof of insurance.
I happen to agree that there is a complete lack of proof that there is a god, but what the hell do I know?
Nothing you can do or say will change the reality of the situation, i.e. lack of proof.
It's really easy: simply weigh your total and overwhelming lack of any proof or suggestion that your god exists against all the knowledge and proof we have that your god is imaginary.
The most common reasons claims are denied are incomplete information, and lack of proof of disability.
Complete lack of proof that something exists is evidence that it does not exist.
Some countries as Austria rejected expelling, motivationg it with lack of proofs in GB charge to Russia.
Lack of proof does mean you can conclusively say no to God's existence.
There is no room to dilute this fact with agnostic thinking, or claims for lack of proof as it is written in God's word, and a sign for everyone.
NASA rejected it, citing lack of proof that the CCD technology would work.
But he says the jury did not seem to be deterred by lack of proof of an actual quid pro quo, through an email, for instance.
Drew's attorneys have stated they will appeal the decision, if a motion for direct acquittal, based on lack of proof that Drew knew the TOS existed and intentionally violated them, is not allowed.
niknak Lack of proof does not make anything false, it just makes a thing mere speculation, that's all.
Lack of proof implies that the default position is AUTOMATICALLY non-existence UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE.
Even so, Medicare still subsidizes its use for prostate cancer, paying more than twice as much for proton treatment than conventional radiation — $ 50,000 vs. $ 20,000 — despite a distinct lack of proof that it's superior.
I use «lack of proof as an excuse» not to believe in leprechauns, why should it be any different for the mythical character you call «god»??
But, he said the jury did not seem to be deterred by lack of proof of an actual quid pro quo, through an email for instance.
Lack of proof DOES NOT imply a 50/50 probability of existence vs non-existence.
If memory serves me correctly, their application was rejected for a lack of proof of acquired distinctiveness (i.e., that when consumers saw the color brown on trucks they would associate it with UPS).
-- No response from customer service — Lack of proof of earnings — Brokers are not licensed — Company website does not provide pertinent information
But again, to beat a dead horse, my lack of proof for the existence of God and your inability to disprove His existence, is irrelevant to His existence or non-existence.
Lack of proof isn't a weakness, either.
The lack of proof is in no way proof.
I have always held that faith involves a lack of proof, not reason.
There are two types of Athiests; Scientist athiests who shed no emotions talking about rational concepts or lack of proof; and Angry Athiests, whio consistently feel the need to mock other faiths, and post incessantly any time someone mentions the word God or Jesus.
The lack of proof for the God of Israel and all the magic in the Bible has always been evident, whether one chooses to ignore it or not.
You may be okay with the lack of proof, but don't expect the more rational - minded to play along.
The lack of proof does not make something not exist.
This lack of proof is not contingent on the theory of evolution.
Hardly, the problem is lack of proof.
YOU are talking about Stephen being wrong due to lack of proof....
I used to be an athiest until my heart attack and near death experience - my advice to everyone is the God of the Bible is real and if you keep using science or lack of proof as an excuse, you will come face to face with demons as you die.
I can understand an atheist citing the lack of proof for God as a reason for disbelief, but I can say this: I have never, ever, ever seen or heard of matter being spontaneously created out of nothing and I don't know anyone who has.
On a certain level, in light of lack of proof, I would agree with this statement.
The lack of proof that God exist is not proof he doesn't.
You said, «The lack of proof that God exist is not proof he doesn't.»
Therefore, there's no believing in satan (for lack of proof or rationale) for the same reason there's no believing in your god.
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