Sentences with phrase «lack of sex drive»

Lack of sex drive in women may lead to family problems, including broken marriages, because she might not satisfy her husband sexual desires.
Men naturally experience reduced levels of testosterone as they age, and an abnormal drop in this vital hormone is often what is behind unusual feelings of fatigue, loss of strength, and the onset of a noticeable lack of the sex drive they've had in years past.
In line with the film's specifically male - centric point - of - view, gags abound about her weird sleeping habits, sudden lack of sex drive, messy bathroom routine and reluctance to cook.
I think it's very common for a lot of women to have a lack of sex drive during the postpartum period and especially while breastfeeding.
Originally intended for men who have difficulty producing sex hormones because of damage or disease in their testes or other parts of the endocrine system, testosterone replacement therapy has become increasingly popular with middle - aged and older men who do not have clear deficits but who nonetheless hope to lessen some of the symptoms of aging, including fatigue, muscle wasting and lack of sex drive.
Unfortunately, more often than not, people do not address their stress - related loss of libido because they're either too ashamed to acknowledge it to themselves and their partners or they assume that something else is the reason for their lack of sex drive.
Some of the more usual issues resulting from low testosterone levels are: lack of sex drive, weak bones, erectile dysfunctions, and obesity.
- Problems with sleep - Slow growth (in children)- Hair loss - Eczema and other skin conditions - Allergies - Lack of sex drive - Loss of appetite - Reduced fertility - Dry skin - Loss of smell and loss of taste - White spots on your fingernails
Facetiousness aside: libido — lack of sex drive — is also a strong sign that you should bump back to maintenance.
By this age, I should be that paunchy middle - aged guy, looking haggard, falling apart, displaying signs of fatigue, and complaining of a lack of sex drive.
Probably one of the more complained about problems is the lack of sex drive.
So, some of the symptoms of adrenaline fatigue are going to be simple fatigue, general overall feelings of malaise, sleep problems, lack of sex drive, and a lack or drive and motivation altogether.
During this final stage of Adrenal Fatigue, an individual can suffer from extreme tiredness, lack of sex drive, irritability, depression, anxiety, weight loss, apathy and disinterest in the world around him.
Some of the symptoms of adrenal fatigue include feeling tired all the time (including after a workout or after a good night's sleep), low blood sugar, poor sleep, getting sick easily, lack of a sex drive, startling easily, cravings for salt, low stress tolerance, anxiety and dark circles under the eyes.
Do you worry that your extreme moodiness, lack of sex drive, constant hunger and cravings, and general blah feeling will become your new normal?
You're tired of your significant other bringing up your lack of sex drive lately, you're well aware of the issue.
I've been tearful & joyful all day finally in the know that my symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression, weight gain, lack of sex drive (I read up since our call) and hair loss are not the crazy musings of a premenopausal woman.
For women approaching menopause, hormone imbalances can cause hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, estrogen dominance, weight gain, foggy thinking, moodiness, lack of sex drive, vaginal dryness, hair loss, night sweats, osteoporosis and more.
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