Sentences with phrase «lack of sex life»

Romi and Kelsey's lack of a sex life leads to another drunken confrontation; Whitney wakes up in Sara's bed once more, unable to deny her attraction; Claire and Francine try to regroup; Kacy and Cori have dinner with more male friends who could be potential sperm donors but encounter more reluctance than they expected; Sajdah is thrilled to tell her friend Marissa about her new romance with Chanel but Marissa warns her to proceed with caution.

Not exact matches

The loneliness and lack of male confidence from the adolescent stage of life that lead to same - sex attractions to teen - age males can be resolved with no further homosexual acting - out behaviours in highly motivated persons.»
This lack of attention to women having sex with each other is understandable because in that ancient time it was thought that only men initiated new life, only men carried the seed for new life.
This left him with three options, as he saw it: the first was to hide his same - sex attraction and marry a woman in spite of his lack of attraction to her, which he felt would be unfair to both himself and the woman in such a relationship; the second was to pursue a relationship with another guy, which he had trouble reconciling with what he'd been taught regarding the Bible's teachings on homosexuality; and the third option was to remain celibate, which left Justin with the prospect of being alone for the rest of his life.
It's not to do with human nature per se; it's to do with sin: envy, jealousy, possessiveness, quarrelling, a lack of willingness to forgive and forget, infidelity, manipulation, the desire to control and dominate, lack of consideration in matters to do with running a home as well as in the bedroom (sex can be one of the highest expressions of love between a man and a woman; it can also be incredibly selfish); hearts that are consistently closed to new life.
Your education or lack of it, your tastes and prejudices and fears and status or ambitions, your age or sex or color or height or marital status or income bracket are all things which may be offered to God, after you have presented your bodies as a living sacrifice.
That is probably because if you ask most parents whether they want the sex lives, or lack thereof, of their fourteen - year - olds probed by government officials, they are likely to say no.
The poll goes on to detail the most - mentioned problems, the top five being lack of spontaneity, lack of romance, terrible sex life, no time to give each other attention and lack of time to talk.
Thus, lacking body mass, women made a virtue out of delicacy (often a rather steely delicacy); stuck with not just bearing but also raising the children, women promoted the sanctity of motherhood; deprived of upper - body strength, women made men carry things; afflicted by capricious hormonal fluctuations, women used crying as a form of interpersonal leverage; restricted from the public sphere, women commandeered domestic life; shut out of decent employment, gals adopted a «pay - to - play» strategy - men had to pay for sex, with dinners, rings, and homes.
To me, those kind of comments just reflect on how American's sex lives might be lacking imagination.
Lack of libido combined with the physical and hormonal changes that having a baby brings, can bring even the most active pre-baby sex lives to a screeching halt.
Yet the «lack of reliable information about how sexual activity and function might change with age and illness, combined with taboos around discussing sex in later life, contributes to worry or even shame for many older adults,» she added.
Many of the short - lived symptoms are caused by too much oestrogen (the female sex hormone) and lack of progesterone (another hormone secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands).
Because everyone wants to have a pleasant sex life, and many people are lacking a sex drive, there are many testosterone boosting supplements offered by different manufacturers in the market, claiming that it will help in boosting the level of testosterone.
Internet Adult dating could potentially ruin your physical sex life due to the lack of anonymity in the physical space.?
Just look at all the dating sites, hookup sites and apps that are out there, and one of the major factors leading to breakups with partners is lack of sex or dissatisfaction with our intimate lives.
Don't let sex or the lack of control your life!
· Internet adult dating could potentially ruin your physical sex life due to the lack of anonymity in the physical space.
The movie has been assembled with a cynical eye toward the Sex and the City crowd: female friendship, weddings, fashion, and a blatant lack of concern about real - life issues like bankrolling this sort of ceremony.
This drama about the man behind Wonder Woman lacks the kink and complexity of the real - life story, with the most tasteful three - way sex scene in history
In a more ambitious (and decidedly less commercial) effort like The Hours and Times, the lack of sex can be defended as a central part of the film's seriousness and modesty, justified both by history (the real - life relationship between Brian Epstein and John Lennon) and by the film's status as an «open» narrative leaving a great deal to the viewer's imagination.
Having no need to work and no reason to think that labor might be the solution to their boredom, they drug themselves, they drink, they have sex — though the film lacks enough of that last item to give it some life.
In the same way, nobody ever actually talks about DRM but use it as a proxy for «piracy» or «sharing» (if they did actually discuss DRM, they'd be agin» it, because its lack of ROI is empirically measurable in and of itself, for better or for worse, we live in a capitalist society that only does things that don't have a provable ROI when overridden by ideology, religion, or sex, so any supporter of DRM is a bad, bad, capitalist).
In their view, even striking down the bawdy - house provision and amending the one on living off the avails wouldn't fully protect all sex - trade workers since many of them «will stay on the streets because of coercion, insufficient resources or lack of support networks.
For instance, some disabled young people miss out on early experiences of sex and relationships (like kissing and flirting) due to a lack of privacy in their daily life.
Many marriages become strained due to a lack of intimacy and a decreased sex life.
Others mention how drinking has caused; their sex life to dwindle, a lack of interest in family activities and depression.
And when dads do talk to their sons about sex, these «talks» usually involve jokes, awkward silence, and a tendency to keep the more serious issues at a distance.2 This is a shame because by a wide margin teenage boys report that their parents are the most influential figures in their lives when it comes to making decisions about sex.3 And a lack of open and honest sexual communication has negative consequences.
Your sex life can suffer if there's a lack of emotional intimacy too.
The term «sex addiction» (or «sexual addiction») implies a lack of behavioral control that has led to significant negative consequences (such as marriage / relationship, job, health, emotional wellbeing, social and recreational life).
Whether you're dealing with low self - esteem, personal stress, life after infidelity, or a lack of sexual desire, you can benefit from working with a professional sex therapist.
Previous research indicated that lack of emotional well - being and negative emotional feelings during sexual interaction with one's partner are more important determinants of sexual distress (i.e., distress or worry with respect to one's own sex life) than impairment of the more physiological aspects of female sexual response (Bancroft, Loftus, & Long, 2003).
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